"This is about this guy and this woman. Don't let outsiders talk."

One of the men stared at me and said so. The men are in their late twenties or so from what I've seen. The older people stared at me, and I breathed. But I look at the titty-headed girl surrounded by the men, and I take a step forward if I can't go back.

"Hey... isn't this the Red Flash (Fierce Thread) guy? of the Event Winners."

Looks like another guy noticed me. The men were a little frightened. I didn't miss that gap and took it a step further.

"... maybe there's something going on, but you don't like that girl, do you?

"That's why I'm telling you it's none of your business if there's something going on."

"This is all tangled up in a girl that people don't like where they go. Soon we heard the story. Some guild player is coming. Shouldn't we leave now?

I marinate them even though they showed weakness for a moment, and go thoughtfully and vigorously.

"I hear bad rumors about the Coalition in various places. I don't think we should do much of a problem."

"What? While you kids are playing with items like Events and money, we're desperately on the move, aren't we? Now the PK Alliance is destroying our troops, so we're not ready to attack, but we're working hard to free everyone."

"We're working hard on the offense. The Immortal Dragon, the Light that Illuminates, we're with the rest of the offensive team, right? You can do your best, but then why don't you go back to your guild home without being a girl in this place?"

"This guy......!

I don't mind the other guy stationary, the guy came right in front of me. The height is higher over there, in the form I look up to. He stares at me with a sharp gaze from between Mayle. Stand back, but stir yourself up, and I'll stare back.

"What about you like that? Listen to your busy mouth, what the hell are you doing?

"At least I don't stir up girls like you guys"

"I see. If that's what you're going to say, I get it. Duel with me. You can't beat a bastard with two names on his face."

"Huh? Ah, oh. Fine."

I can tell you that it was absolutely no mistake to break in to help the girl. But I can't help but resent a little fate for always getting into this kind of trouble. Could it be the punishment that was pulling him off? Or it's not my fault they gave me two names.

When they hear we're going to start a duel, the players around them are going to squirm. Oh, my God, the other guy's got his face under control from above the mails. I'm trying to tell you what the hell I am, you son of a bitch. If you're a big girl, you don't seem to know exactly what's going on with "eh, eh," and you're panicking at the gaze of the players around you.

The duel sent by the man is the same setting as when he fought the void: win if he hits his opponent three times first. Accept it and stand back and distance each other. The players around me are irresponsibly cheering when they see it. People are getting together more than just now. If you have so many players, it would be frustrating if you could help the girl, but now let's focus on fighting the man in front of us.

The man pulls out the great sword he was carrying on his back. The man's sword is shaped like a large mushroom, with monster fangs attached to the blade to make it shiny. I have a blue light too.

A countdown of the start of the duel is displayed in front of you.

The moment the count went to 0, a man came in screaming. Seems to have activated his propulsion system skills, accelerating the man's movements. He tried to drag it and lifted the blade he was holding with one hand, swinging it down on me as he ran. No matter how fast you move, it's easy to avoid the blade if it's easy to understand its trajectory. Lower your posture and avoid attack by diving through the blade. Then he slashes his flank with a blade as he passes beside the man.

The blade hits the barrier wrapping the man's body, and a man sounds like a broken glass. Let's start with one.

The man realizes that he has been attacked for a while and then brings up an angry look. When you devour your teeth with a giraffe, you raise your frustrating voice and wave the great sword. Continue forward as you reciprocate the blade coming from the left diagonal with a machete, slapping it straight into the man's neck as if doing a lariat. The sound of the glass breaking and the groaning voice leaking from the man.

The man lowers back loosely and touches his neck to make sure.

"You fucking kid!!!

The man, who distorted his expression and roughened his breath, once again activated his skills and went into it. They're totally bleeding up on their heads. The next skill was a continuous system.

Skills can be assisted by the system at the same time as activation. By adding your own power to it, you will be able to launch a stronger attack. From what I've seen, the man in front of me is just using his skills. So the attack becomes monotonous and easily discerned.

Intercept a man's continuous skill with Seven Heavens Knife Battering. Hit the blade of the machete against the blade of the machete, which only comes from two directions: the right and left diagonal. Originally from a machete to a machete, the attack power is increased. It won't mean you're stronger than the Great Sword, but you'll have enough offense to line up. It's a monotonous attack on this man there. There's no reason to lose with force.

The fourth bullet forcefully hits the machete to the flank of the machete. Blades and blades collide, metal sounds and sparks scatter. So, the skill of the Great Sword, beaten by the Great Machete, was interrupted and the man's posture collapsed dramatically. Slash there with a machete. At this point, my battle is confirmed, but Seven Heavens Knife Battering is a seventh straight skill. There are two shots left. The girl who was tangled up with me and the minute she got tangled up with me, I gave her an extra two shots. The duel isn't completely over yet, so there's nothing systematically wrong with two strikes in. The man, slashed three times in a row by a machete, fell momentum behind him in shock. And it was labeled 'YOU WIN!' and the duel ended.

The players who watched us duel around cheer. Another man gave the fallen man a hand to get him up.

"... this... fucking kid... ugh"

The man was dyeing his face with hatred and staring at me, but when the other man could forgive him, he left so that the two of us could escape. The remaining Okapa girl is horny.

"That was a disaster. Are you okay?"

I would have been frightened of being tangled up by a man, so I rang out in as refreshing a brotherly way as I could. But refreshing brother mode didn't seem to bother you, and when you look at my face you say, "Huh!?," he exclaimed. I'm not going to look scared like that... and I'm pretty depressed.

"No, I'm not gonna do anything, you don't have to be scared."

"Oh, uh, yes"

That said, the girl remains a dick. There are still a lot of players around, and I don't like talking to girls in this gaze, so I decided not to dare move the place. He lowered his head to the players around him and took the girl's hand and left the scene.

We were talking across the street at a small coffee shop that had an NPC open outside the city. At first, the girl was confused and the conversation didn't go on, but she was starting to be able to talk within talking for a while. I mean, he talked so fast that he didn't have a gap to talk to me.

Her name seems to be Handaxe. I thought it might be a slightly noisy name for a little girl.

Apparently, the hand axe recruited a party on a bulletin board to go to an area. So I got to work with one and the players, and when I went to the rendezvous place, there were two guys. Well, I don't care about bulletin boards. I can tell them I'm waiting alone, and we can both ambush them. Apparently, those guys were using bulletin boards for numb purposes. I'm scared of old people -. So I want to go to the area, and when I say no, the guy got in a bad mood and got involved. That's where I come in, and they say it's going to happen now. These incidents have been seen as problematic in the real world for quite some time, but do they still happen in games like this? I don't know how old the axe is, but it's so young that it's not strange to say elementary school on the outside. Adult males and elementary school girls get to know each other online and watch something like that on the news a few times, but it shocks me to learn that it is happening close to me. It's vivid and unpleasant. Let me tell Lynn a lot too.

"So, you know! Mr. Akatsuki! Thank you for your help!

"No, I don't mind.... but I don't think I have a name yet."

"Huh!? Okay, no, that, right, no, haha..."

I laughed and was deluded.

Well, it's in The Event, and it wouldn't be strange to be known. Is that...? I think "Event" did take part under the name "Silver Blade"...... Well, okay.

"So, what area was Axe trying to go to?

"Oh, yes...... Um, Uncle Kukuri...... yes, no! Um, my uncle wants to drink 'pearl milk'... to get it... '

"'Pearl milk'?

"Yes. Um, it's one of those quests you can take on the Safetytown bulletin board... there's a little cave behind Wild Forest. That cave may be because it's small, but we can only get up to two people in at the same time. Because the cave is in the first area and the monster level is high there... you know, I'd like to go with someone with a higher level..."

"Is that why you recruited someone to go with you on the bulletin board"

"Yes...... Oh, um, if you don't mind, Mr. Akatsuki, would you join me in the cave? Thank you very much..."

"Me? Hmmm...... Can't you go with someone named that uncle?

"I can't... because my uncles and my brother are busy... I need to work hard on my hand axe..."


The reason I'm not happy with her favors is because of the warrior needle thing. It's been a little while since then, but I still haven't grabbed the whereabouts of the warrior needle. But the arrangement came into play, and there was no movement at all for "The Corpse Eater". The reason I'm acting solo in the area is because I don't have company to go with me, but the other is because I'm also wondering if I can bring them out. Though their information is vastly spread, it wouldn't taste good for them to keep me alive if I met them in person. So if I'm acting solo, they might eat me up. I'm not going to let them live, even if it's me. Naturally, there would be considerable danger. You can't use metastatic items either, so you can't escape if you're surrounded. But Mimic Maize is basically not that wide, so the number of people who can strike at once is limited. Plus, I'm finding a way to get in touch faster than I can send out a message, so help will be here in just a few minutes.

When I listen to her, it means an area reserved for the two of us, but she could get attacked at times of need. From what I've seen, it doesn't look that strong.

"How many levels of hand axe do you have?

"Uh, it's 61."

It was pretty level.

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