Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 1344: Two hundred and eighty-two. Lost

  The trip to the back of the World Ridgeback Mountains did not go as expected.

   In other words, the harvest of the mountain camp is beyond common sense: because Lu Li got the truth of this world.

  If what Lu Li saw and knew was true.

   Let the merchant Anthony gather the corpses of the expedition team in the camp, and Lu Li returned to the original way to find the other two corpses alone.

   They will be taken away by the merchant Anthony, over the World Ridge Mountains, and buried in the land of their homeland.

   "This is what they deserve... What about you? Lu Li, move on, or come back." The Swamp Mother's letter unfolded before her eyes.

  Because of the difficulty of communication, Lu Li didn't tell him the truth of what he saw - but Anthony, a businessman who knew only a few words, might tell the Swamp Mother.

   "I have a bad feeling."


   "I have experienced the Emerald Dream. Unless it is released, there is no possibility of escaping from its dream, just like a trainee exorcist will not realize that he is among the dreamer."

   "You suspect..."

   "My encounters with the World's Ridgeback are false."

   Lead Lu Li to the corpse in the camp.

  The vellum hidden in the stove.

  The truth of the world seen.

  The puzzlement of Elder Sinan of the wise race.

  Crisis in the known land is all over the place, and the unknown geography on the back of the world's Backbone Mountains should be the same.

   This kind of "intuition" forged by reason and sensibility is like going through many obstacles. Those who arrive at the dream shelter may be ecstatic, but doubts will also arise spontaneously.

  Lu Li has no proof that these are true—but neither can they be false.

   "I'm going to go back first to confirm the truth and the authenticity of the body."

  Lu Li decided to temporarily put aside the source of primitive darkness guided by the wise race Elder Sinan.

   "...Okay, I'll let Andrea pick you up across the strait."

   Anthony, the businessman who received the corpse, was about to leave. In the real line of sight, its figure is like a small shadow, and it disappears in an instant.

   Lu Li took a last look at the empty camp.

  If all of this is false...then it also includes Merchant Anthony and the Swamp Mother, as well as the next return - Lu Li's return to the known place over the top of the mountain may just be some kind of illusion arranged by existence.

   But it may just be that Lu Li is too cautious: what power will affect the ghost world? Will blindly curse the title dreamer and beacon?

  Traveling through the invisible snowstorm, Lu Li thought about everything he would see when he climbed to the top of the mountain: the whole picture of this sand table, the whole picture of this house, and the whole picture of the existence of turning on and off the chandelier.

   A sudden chill interrupted Lu Li's thinking. This is not a sense of being targeted maliciously, but a real, long-lost somatosensory. The cold gradually became clear, Lu Li frowned and grasped the snow, the crystal snow showing traces of being touched.

   The oil lamp in his hand seems to have weight.

  Lu Li looked up at the deep space, the chandelier lingering with flying insects was gradually shrouded in smoke.

The    blizzard made a comeback, blowing over Lu Li's emerging body, with a slight tingling.

  He is recovering—a gift from vellum, or a curse?

   The sloping wind and snow slapped Lu Li's face and neck, quickly melting away, plundering the heat of Lu Li's newly born body.

   The strong wind made Lu Li unable to move an inch, his windbreaker trembled, and when he grabbed the corner of his clothes to wrap himself, he found that the vellum was missing, the merchant's eyeball was missing, and the apocalypse and the apostles.

  Luri tried to follow the original path of the footprints to find them, but only walked about 100 meters, and the previously left footprints were covered by a blizzard, making it impossible to trace the way back.

   The bone-piercing cold wind was blowing, and Lu Li's body was gradually losing consciousness.

   The dreamer briefly brings warmth and relieves the frozen body. Lu Li continued to search in unfamiliar areas until he lost his way in the blizzard.

  I couldn't find the lost thing, couldn't draw the magic circle that summoned Sinan, the wise race, and it was too late to return to the camp where there was no fire before freezing, and the only way to confirm the direction was the steep mountain road.

  Lu Li gave up the search and decided to temporarily retreat to the top of the mountain and return to the known place to seek the help of the worm.

   But it is difficult for flesh and blood to survive the blizzard - Lu Li resists the cold as a dreamer, and jumps over steep and difficult to climb mountain roads. And as his humanity gradually diminished, he had to keep releasing his dreams and awakenings intermittently.

  The oil lamp swayed in the strong wind, the pale and blue knuckles were holding the handle, the thin white shirt was shaking, the black windbreaker flew like wings, and the tie seemed to be pulled from behind by an invisible hand.

   Lu Li dragged his tired body and leaned upwards, because he didn't want to give up his hard-earned body, because he was worried that he wouldn't have the chance to become a ghost if he died again.

  Following exhaustion, cold and hunger entwined the newly born Lu Li.

  Finally, there is not much human nature left, and Lu Li, who is about to freeze to death in the world of ice and snow, climbed a steep mountain more than ten meters high and boarded an open space.

  This may be the summit of the World Ridgeback Mountains, or it may just be an open space at the foot of the mountain.

  The trekking Lu Li raised his head at this moment, holding up the oil lamp with little kerosene left.

  In the distance of the gloomy sky, deep in the sloping lines, a dilapidated manor stood quietly in the blizzard.

   His body temperature was dropping every second, and he had no time to think about the origin of the manor. Lu Li stepped into this strange and abandoned manor.


   His ankles sank into the snow, leaving footprints covered in a blink of an eye, and fell into the dilapidated mansion through Lu Li of the manor.

  Blizzard was shut out, whimpering and footsteps echoed in the empty auditorium.

  Everything in the old days became mottled, the red carpet was as turbid and dark as a creep, the long table was overturned, and the dinner plates and candlesticks were scattered all over the place.

   The fading wind and snow made Lu Li feel that the surroundings were getting warmer, but it was only an illusion - just the snow that robbed the temperature had stopped.

The    crisis was not over, the melting snow wet the clothes and clinging to the body. Lu Li wanted to find something that could start a fire in this strange manor, but the sudden exhaustion made his eyes dark, and an overwhelming drowsiness flooded in.

  Before falling into a long sleep called a coma, Lu Li could only drag the echo to the corner, curled up in the whistling outside and lost consciousness.

  I don’t know how long it has passed.

   Because time no longer has meaning.

   may be just a moment, or it may be eternity.

   Lu Li heard the noisy voice ringing in his ears, saw the light penetrate into his eyelids, smelled the mixture of food and perfume, and felt the warmth and softness of the blanket.

  The dazzling light was reflected in the bloodshot black eyes, and a resplendent auditorium appeared in front of him. .

   People in fancy clothes gathered in the auditorium,

  Lu Li raised his stiff arms and let himself climb up from the soft, warm carpet.

   A calf with white socks under a long pleated silk skirt suddenly appeared in front of him, Lu Li raised his head and saw a beautiful cheek with a coquettish look.

   "You're so dirty, so hurry up and change your clothes, the dance is about to begin!"

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