Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 1343: Two hundred and eighty-one. Exchange

   Mountain Back Camp on Top of the World.

  Lu Li floated over the camp, waiting for the dawn to rise when the night fell.

   Elder Sinan, a wise race in a pale cloak, was also beside him, and the merchant hid in the depths of the invisible blizzard.

  The tungsten filament in the bulb is like a dark moon, the room is dark and dull, and the furnishings are dormant in the darkness.

   Before the "sun" was lit, Lu Li could only recall the arm, the door, and the chandelier he had seen earlier.

  Common things are transformed into macroscopic behemoths, which brings an indescribable sense of fear.

   "Is what I see the real world?"

   "Yes, but occasionally it becomes a scene you can understand."

   What Lu Li saw was a sand table, and what Sinan, a wise race, might have seen was an ant box.

  Luri's line of sight briefly fell back to the stretches of alpine tundra.

The   ant is obviously just a metaphor. With the proportion of sand table, it is impossible for human beings to be as large and strong as ants... "Ant Kingdom" should be the flora of the microscopic world.

   "Oh, your civilization has discovered fungi? If time is enough, you will also become a new wise race."

   Elder Sinan of the wise race admired Lu Li's idea.

   "You know my mind?"

   Lu Li wonders why Elder Sinan, a wise and wise race, knows what he thinks.

   "The information of the ants will spill out all the time, you can't find it, but we can."

   This isn't even voyeurism, just an incomprehensible, higher-dimensional observation.

  An ant communicates by swinging its tentacles, and observing the existence of the ant knows what the ant wants to express.

   "What are the dimensions?"

   Elder Sinan of the wise race found a word he did not understand, but guessed that it represented a certain meaning.

"A theory. Ants live in a two-dimensional world of length and width, and cannot understand the existence of height, and food falls like a sudden appearance. Humans know length, width and height, one more dimension than ants, but still can't understand you suddenly appeared."

   The narrated Lu Li suddenly thought - when he summoned the wise race Sinan, he saw it fall from the sand table. In the past, Sinan, the wise race of summoning, appeared directly in the summoning formation.

   "Meticulous thoughts, you are becoming a high-dimensional creature when you see the ant box."

   More importantly, Lu Li didn't go crazy because he saw Gao Wei.


   At this moment, a light burst into the dark room outside the world.

  The dark shadow entered the room through the gap outside the door, and as the door closed, the room returned to darkness, only the flames of the burning cigars circled to the other side of the mountain, and "Katha" turned on the chandelier.

Its daybreak.

  Lu Li squinted his eyes slightly because of the suddenly bright world, and then soon, the lingering cigar smoke turned into clouds and snowstorms.

   woo woo —

   The sound of the table and chairs scraping the floor gradually turned into a whistling storm of snow.

  Lu Li lost the characteristics of "four-dimensional creature".

   Elder Sinan, a wise race, found Lu Li’s changes and felt puzzled. Lu Li took out the vellum paper obtained by the expedition.

   Elder Sinan, a wise race who seems to know everything, said: "The previous generation ant colonies are more intelligent. They not only realize that they live in the ant box, but also have a way to see the ant box..."

   might even try to jump out of the ant box.

  Lu Li took out the dark paper of the recording stone again, and the real smoke that enveloped Lu Li again reminded Lu Li that there was still a crisis approaching: "The expedition said that the curse is haunted, what is that?"

   "Some kind of pollution from cognition, but when you see it, they fade away and can no longer affect you."

The words of    the wise race Sinan are credible enough. Lu Li put away the vellum and stopped trying to observe the real world for the time being.

   "What is their end?"

  Lu Li asked about the story of the previous generation - they obviously reproduced civilizations more brilliant than humans, but now only the remains buried deep in the ground prove that they once existed.

"Nature is real and cruel, and the ant kingdom, which is carefree in captivity in the ant box, naively thinks that this is the whole picture of the world." Elder Sinan, a wise race, tells the story of the previous generation, and also warns Lu Li and his civilization: " They go out with confidence, and they are awaited by strong predators, trampled and played by children, horrific natural disasters..."

  Lu Li followed the narration of Sinan, a wise race, thinking about everything that had happened—

  Humans as tiny as fungi live in a world called Sand Table, and they think they have built an immortal civilization, but they have not yet explored one-tenth of the Sand Table. The urchins put the caught bugs into the sand table, they eat the fungus, and the bugs who don't put the fungus in the recipe are worshipped as gods by the fungus, and they kill each other with other bugs.

   Once a bug named Prada woke up, and the eyes cast from deep space to watch may be that the owner of the house found it falling into the sandbox; so it is really safe to hide in the ground. Bugs can't get through the crevices that fungi can pass through, and the owner of the house can't see the civilization deep in the dirt.

   In the deep space above the Back Crest Mountains of the world shrouded by the "Blizzard", is there a figure standing in front of the sand table, the cigar in his mouth is flickering brightly?

   "Can you take me out of the sandbox?"

  Lu Li's rationality and sensibility unite his will for the first time: seeing the outside world with his own eyes.

   Elder Sinan, a wise race, rejected him: "Young intelligent life, don't try to have too much knowledge. Even Sinan, a wise race, will discard a lot of useless knowledge."

   "Countless amazing intelligent races were annihilated in their endless curiosity." It seemed to see Lu Li's puzzlement, "Strong curiosity is both fine wine and poison, you should know."

  The more you know, the faster you die.

   Lu Li, who used to be an investigator, knew this very well.

  Lu Li has always avoided putting himself in pointless danger before losing Ana.

   Before really dying.

  The presentation of the real world made Lu Li think: Is he also a bug-like outsider who suddenly appeared in the sandbox world?

  Lu Li continued to ask the elder Sinan of the wise race. Ask about the Lord of Dreams, about the beholder worm, about the source of primordial darkness.

   Sinan is worthy of the prefix of a wise race, it completely answered all of Lu Li's questions.

  Eternal Dreamer is the miracle of the birth of the flora. His flesh is as weak as a fungus, and his will is stronger than all intelligent races. Beholder worms are bugs that get kids' attention.

   And when Lu Li was about to pay the price of getting the answer: human nature, the wise race Elder Sinan rejected him: "This is the gift of the wise race that welcomes life out of the ant box."

  The wise creature reiterates the words of the beginning:

   "Welcome to the real world."

   Elder Sinan, a wise race, bid farewell to Lu Li and disappeared into the magic circle in the snowstorm.

   Lu Li read the vellum again at this time, preventing the fading real vision.

   Then, he saw Elder Sinan of the wise race passing through the layers of smoke, rising higher and higher, turning into an insignificant black spot, joining the swarm of flying insects lingering under the light bulb.

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