Bionic Era

Chapter 245 Stronghold

"Enough! Stop yelling!"

"I'm going to die! I'm going to become a vegetable!"

"Come and cover Fatty Jiang's mouth, his voice is like killing a pig."

Fatty Jiang obviously did not have as good a mental quality as Wang Xiang.

As an excellent and experienced mercenary, Wang Xiang remained calm even though he was entangled and cut by those weird vines and knew that he was about to die.

But Fatty Jiang can't do it anymore, he's just a fat internet nerd.

When he thought that he would be sucked out of blood by these horrible plants bit by bit, be controlled, and then become a walking vegetable, he couldn't help but howl.

"Fatty, do you feel any pain?" Someone in the team asked.

"No." Fatty Jiang howled loudly.

"Then you are a fart!"

"Fat grandpa, I'm still young, and I didn't deserve to die. What happened to me calling Zhuangzhuang twice?"

The flower that bloomed from his arm was indeed weird.

The petals are crystal clear, as coquettish as a red crystal, and the flowing blood is clearly visible in those transparent channels.

Fatty Jiang was held down.

His plump arm was grasped by everyone and watched carefully.

"Have you watched "Death.Video 3"?" Lu Yang asked suddenly: "The heroine in it is quite beautiful, but unfortunately she was bitten by a zombie. In the end, in order not to mutate herself, she asked the hero to cut off one of her legs. arm."

"Lu Glasses, what do you mean?" Fatty Jiang yelled, "I still treat you like my own brother, but you want to cut off my hand?"

"Brother Jiang, don't be angry, what kind of creature... geckos, don't they often break their tails and run for their lives?" Lu Yang laughed.

"Geckos can regenerate their tails, can I?"

Fatty Jiang burst into tears.

When I think of my young age and unfulfilled ambitions, it is time to do great things with enthusiasm.

Could it be that he died before leaving the teacher?

"I haven't seen the Floating Void City being beaten yet, I can't die yet!"

"Don't worry, the root system of this flower has only penetrated into the surface layer of your skin. It doesn't look like it has taken root any deeper. It can be peeled off." Xia Chuluo comforted.

"Miss Xia, do you know anything about this?" Fatty Jiang wept.

"I understand." Xia Chuluo nodded.

"Then can you get this thing off now, I feel panicked seeing it."

"It should be possible, Lu Wen, go to the trunk and take out the first aid kit."


There is a first aid kit in the back of every vehicle.

There are some common tools inside, physiological saline, sterile gauze, bandages, scissors, pliers and so on.

Lu Wen and the others carried a complete set of first aid facilities, including antivenom serum, worrying about encountering some poisonous snakes in no-man's land.

Xia Chuluo opened the box, and first gave Fatty Jiang an injection of anesthetic.

"It's better for Miss Xia, I know that I, Old Jiang, are afraid of pain." Fatty Jiang said.

"I'm thinking... everyone in the team should know that you are afraid of pain." Someone said.

"Shut up and don't disturb Miss Xia!" Fatty Jiang glared at the man.

The rest is fairly simple.

Xia Chuluo slowly scratched the rooted skin surface.

Those white roots suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

"Fortunately, it just pierced in, and it hasn't stuck to the flesh and blood, otherwise the flesh would have to be peeled off," Xia Chuluo said.

"It's okay, Miss Xia, you can cut it casually, my hands are full of fat, it doesn't matter!"

The process of taking it off is simple.

Xia Chuluo picked up the roots one by one, and after confirming that there were no remaining ones, he uprooted the whole flower.

The flower swayed slowly in Xia Chuluo's hand.

Those tiny white roots seem to have some kind of consciousness, and they are slowly moving towards her fingers, as if they want to take root in her fingers.

Fortunately, Xia Chuluo was wearing gloves now.

"Is there any raw meat in the carriage?" she asked.

"Yes, when I went out, I thought I would chase it for several days, so I brought some beef with me. At any rate, I can try barbecue in no man's land at night. It's frozen now."

"Miss Xia, you don't want to keep this flower, do you?"

"It's okay to keep it, let's see what it can become."

The horror of this flower is obvious to all.

It penetrates into the body silently, if it is in bed at night, there is no time to react, will it be a vegetative state the next morning?

"Fatty, when did this flower bloom on your arm?"

"How did I know, I didn't pay attention, and when I was about to drive, I held both hands on the steering wheel, and then I realized something was wrong."

"The plant releases something like a narcotic, which makes you feel nothing."

Lu Wen remembered the tragedy of Wang Xiang being cut.

"I was in that city before, and I saw a kind of plant seed floating in the air near the center. Now it seems that I probably brought out a seed and made it home on Fatty Jiang."

"Ah, Lu Wen, you have hurt me a lot."


"Everyone, hurry up and see if there are any strange things growing on your body, this thing is hard to guard against."

Everyone was still quite sorry for their lives, and checked them one after another.

The self-inspection was not enough, and they helped each other to check to make sure that there was no such strange plant.

Lu Wen took out a piece of beef from the freezer in the compartment.

Xia Chuluo slowly placed the flower in his hand on the beef.

Although the piece of meat is now frozen and quite hard, the root system of the flower still seems to have found its home and plunged into it with all its strength.

"Miss Xia, this thing must be kept in a sealed and transparent box, otherwise accidents may happen."

Many team members also grew up under the influence of horror science fiction movies.

This behavior of discovering and keeping strange creatures.

In those movies, it can be described in two words.

seek death.

"But if it is kept sealed, will it have problems due to lack of oxygen?" Fatty Jiang asked.

"Fatty, why do you still care about this stuff?"

"It was raised with my blood. To understand it in another way, this thing is my flesh and blood."

Fatty Jiang pointed to the bandaging marks on his arm.

"Don't worry, plants will release oxygen through photosynthesis." A team member said.

"This thing can really photosynthesize?" Fatty Jiang was skeptical, "You need chloroplasts for photosynthesis, right? It's all red."

"Raise it in a closed environment first, and forget it if it dies," Xia Chuluo said.

It must be sealed.

Otherwise, everyone will be worried.

Worried about whether this weird thing will release a batch of seeds and infect everyone in the team.

"Is there any glass glue in the car?" Xia Chuluo asked.

"Yes, there is also transparent glass." Fatty Jiang replied honestly.

"What are you doing with these? Are you going to raise fish?"

"Of course not. I'm not worried. In case the team gets lost in the no-man's land and runs out of fresh water, we can make a glass tank and store some water resources during the extreme weather storm."


I have to say that the thinking of Internet geniuses is indeed different from that of normal people.

There are many people in the team, and it is impossible for Xia Chuluo to know what everyone is carrying.

She made a transparent container with the glass glue and glass that Fatty Jiang brought, then put the piece of meat in it, and finally sealed the top.

Completely sealed.

"Okay, let's go back."


Nine p.m.

central city.

The hotel lights were still bright.

The joys and sorrows of human beings are not the same, and the innkeeper can be sure that he must spend the past few days in the feeling of sorrow.

He was threatened again.

This time it is the local power, the temple.

This organization came to the door in the afternoon, said a lot of threatening words, and finally slapped the front desk, telling the hotel owner that he must find out the person who attacked their organization members within three days, otherwise he will be killed. Blow up his place.

At that time, many tourists watched, but no one dared to speak.

After those people left, these passengers packed their luggage one after another, expressing that they wanted to check out. Some didn't even say check out, and just slipped away with large and small suitcases.

Those who dared to stay were very few, either they were quite courageous, or they knew the strength of Xia Chuluo and his group.

"It's already nine o'clock, won't they not come back?"

The store owner was worried and looked out at the night.

He remembered that in the afternoon, the group of people left in a hurry after packing up, as if they were chasing something.

He didn't think too much about it at the time, and he also knew that Xia Chuluo's team came to Central City to kill people.

But now that I think about it...

That team wouldn't be in trouble, so they just ran away, right?

"It doesn't make sense. If those guys were really so cowardly, they wouldn't have blown up the cars of those people in the temple in the first place. They must know the end of doing that."

Just as the boss was thinking, the door of the hotel was pushed open.

The howling cold wind poured into the lobby on the first floor.

It's already July, and the weather in this world is still unpredictable.

"Miss Xia, you are finally back!"

With tears in his eyes, the boss took out a tissue and wiped the wet corners of his eyes.

"This acting is too much..." Lu Wen couldn't help but said.

"No, I really hoped for you to come back with great difficulty. If I don't come back, I can only pack my things and run away overnight." The boss said seriously.

"What happened?" Xia Chuluo looked at him.

"Miss Xia, I've been threatened again."


"Last time, I was threatened by you...cough was the temple organization. Their people came up today and said that they had to hand it over or wait for the hotel to be bombed. Many tenants ran away without saying hello."

The innkeeper gave a general account of what had happened this afternoon.

There are still several tenants in the lobby on the first floor, and the middle-aged gunman Zhong Xiong is among them.

Xia Chuluo looked at him.

He nodded, showing that the innkeeper was right.

The people of the temple did come to ask for someone.

"Three days... It seems that the people in the temple are also preparing for the invitations a week later, so all the troubles will be resolved before that." Xia Chuluo nodded and thought for a moment.

Zhong Xiong stood up, walked to the front desk, and said in a low voice: "Miss Xia, I know a few small strongholds in the temple."

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