Bionic Era

Chapter 244 Flowering

"I've always thought that I'm a cautious enough person. Few people in this industry can live to my age." The man said slowly.

His name was Wang Xiang, and he was indeed quite old, looking close to fifty years old.

Most of the fifty-year-old office workers already have fat all over their bodies, clocking in and out of get off work every day, spending the last years of their lives in a boring way.

But he was a fifty-year-old mercenary.

His muscles are still strong, he pays attention to his work and rest every day, his eyes are sharp, and his mental state is far superior to that of many young people in their 20s and 30s.

"But I was careless this time."

He looked down at the vines on his body.

The vines obviously didn't move much, but they had already reached his chest.

There seemed to be countless sharp knife edges on the edge of the vine, which tore through his shirt, revealing the innermost bulletproof vest.

"These vines are very smart. They will release some kind of anesthetic, which will make you unaware, and even make you feel tired, and then they will wind up little by little."

At first, Wang Xiang felt that his exhaustion was due to his old age, coupled with the continuous running for his life.

When he found the vines on his body, it was too late,

"If I'm not mistaken, the wounds cut by these vines are not easy to heal, and will continue to bleed, just like being bitten by a leech."

Wang Xiang knew that he was bound to die today, so it would be nice to have someone to chat with before he died.

"If you walk all the way in, you should be able to notice the weirdness of these plants." Lu Wen said.

"But who would have thought that there would actually be plants that could kill people." Wang Xiang shook his head. He came in on a motorcycle, and he didn't pay much attention along the way.

After all, for him at the time, the danger came from behind.

Xia Chuluo's team pursued closely.

"Since this city is on your escape route, you should do your research in advance."

"There's not enough time. The news of Luo Ruyan's death is too sudden. That person is quite cunning and unscrupulous. I really didn't expect him to die before me."

While speaking, those plant vines further wrapped around his body.

It was like poisonous snakes spitting out letters, walking on his body, and the sharp vines cut the skin.

The skin on his arm was cut into strips.

Blood dripped slowly along those wounds, flowing on the vines.

These vines slowly absorbed the blood.

"It looks horrible, but I can't feel pain. The anesthetic used by this plant is quite good."

Wang Xiang's psychological quality is quite strong.

He watched his arms and legs being cut open little by little, with a calm expression, as if this body was not his.

Another ordinary person whose psychological quality is not strong enough may have already started yelling at this time.

"You're lucky. There are actually some floating plant seeds in the air. If I'm right, those plant seeds will parasitize on flesh and blood life. If you are a flesh and blood body, even if you don't touch those vines, you won't be spared. "

He looked at Lu Wen calmly.

"Those plants will take root on your skin, and the root system will slowly invade your flesh and blood, penetrate your internal organs, spread to your limbs, and even your brain, and finally control your actions, and your body surface will bloom beautifully. blood-red flowers."

"Is it a vegetable?"

Lu Wen smiled.

After an afternoon of chasing, a certain amount of time was wasted on the way into the city.

It is dusk now.

The dusk in no man's land looks beautiful, with a sense of vicissitudes.


The bell tower not far away rang the crowd.

It was six o'clock in the evening.

It's summer, and it's still bright at six o'clock.

But the city is starting to change.

The water of the lake fluctuated to a certain extent. It seemed that there was some huge monster moving below the lake surface, which disturbed all the living beings in the vicinity.

"The animals are coming."

Lu Wen looked into the distance.

There were no animals in sight, but he heard them.

densely packed.

Those animals that hid underground, under the ruins, and in the cracks of cement bricks during the day, now left their hiding places and ran towards the lake in the center.

Before long, those animals appeared in the field of vision.

Most of them are scale-like creatures, which are not recorded in Bilan's database, and only some that look very similar in appearance can be found.

They seem to have heard some kind of call.

They all ran to the edge of the lake and began to drink the precious water resources.

From time to time, huge vines rose from the bottom of the water and dragged some animals into the lake.

Those animals struggled for a while, then became silent, and the surface of the water was a little scarlet.

"Interesting, the plants in this city dominate the water resources, so they also dominate the animals." Wang Xiang looked at the lake in the center indifferently.

His face was already very pale, which was the reason for the excessive blood loss.

"Please give me a happy one. I don't want to be sucked up alive, and then thrown into the bottom of the lake to become one of the countless bones." Wang Xiang earnestly begged.


Lu Wen approached slowly.

While paying attention to the surrounding vines, he took the tactical short knife from his waist.

The vines didn't seem to notice his presence.

Probably because he is not a life of flesh and blood.

Lu Wen stabbed Wang Xiang's neck with a knife, and took advantage of the opportunity to open the trachea, esophagus, blood vessels and other tissues inside.

Blood gushed out like a fountain, spraying on Wang Xiang's body.

"Your heart is blocked by the body armor, and there are ceramic plates inside. It's easier to choose the neck." Lu Wen said.

Naturally, Wang Xiang was unable to answer.

Half of his neck was cut open.

So he could only look at Lu Wen, the luster in his eyes slowly disappearing.

The last look may be gratitude.

The vines wrapped around him sensed that the vital signs of this prey were rapidly disappearing, and a large amount of blood was also sprayed on the surface of the vines, exceeding the speed that these plants could absorb.

So the plants got angry.

Several vines with thick arms meandered towards Lu Wen, like deadly poisonous snakes.

But the speed of these vines is still too slow.

Lu Wen cut off a few with all his strength.

"This thing is pretty tough, no wonder Wang Xiang couldn't get away."

It took him more than the average strength of an adult to barely cut off these vines.

The blood flowing out of the fracture was also bright red.

"Do you want to take some back to check?"

This strange thought came to Lu Wen's mind, and he finally shook his head.

Bringing it back like this is likely to cause considerable harm to human society.

Of course, it is also possible that this thing can only grow in a specific environment, and if it leaves this environment, it will wither and die.

"Gulu Gulu..."

Suddenly the surface of the lake began to bubble up.

Animals drinking from the lake began to become restless, looking at the lake and at the road behind them.

Eventually, the animals scattered and fled.

The water in the lake is getting rougher.

Lu Wen also felt that something was wrong, so he rode on the motorcycle left by Wang Xiang.


The mountain bike let out a roar, and then shot out like a flying arrow.

Lu Wen understood why so many people liked riding motorcycles.

It is indeed stimulating.

The wheels rolled over the wreckage, jumped between the collapsed floors, and the strong wind blew in the face, and the whole person felt like he was about to fly.

Today's sunset is reddish, stretching his leaving figure very long.


at the same time.

outside the city.

Everyone also saw those weird plants through the video of the drone.

"I didn't expect that Wang Xiang was quite a famous mercenary. The big men who died in his hands were as many as his hands, and he was cautious by nature... In the end, he was killed by a few vines." The team member said with emotion. .

Most of these team members are also mercenaries, so they naturally know how powerful Wang Xiang is.

"To be precise, he was killed by Lu Wen." Fatty Jiang added.

"By the way, what are those vines? Why do they eat animals? Are they relatives of pitcher plants? Have any of you seen them before?"

"I've never seen it before. This is a polluted area. Who would risk their life to come here?"

While everyone was talking, Lu Wen had already driven half of the city roads.

The city is not too big after all.

Fatty Jiang began to collect the drones flying over the city.

"Fuck, what the hell is this?"

He looked at the screen, and the sound attracted everyone.

Even Xia Chuluo moved his gaze to the screen.

I saw a blood-red tumor slowly rising from the center of the lake, like flesh and blood, but the lines on the outside are only found in plants. It is very big, as big as two or three cars combined.

"Plop... plop..."

The blood-red tumor was beating slowly.

Like the heart of an animal.

They don't need the drone to send back the sound, they can feel the pulse of the city from such a distance.

"Has this thing become a spirit? Have you seen A Chinese Ghost Story? The grandma in it is a tree spirit..." Lu Yang said.

"Crack!" Fatty Jiang slapped Lu Yang on the forehead, "You are also a computer student, don't you know that science is paramount? How can there be so many monsters in this world? They are just plants that have been mutated by radiation."

At the same time, Lu Wen had already driven out of the city limits.

His system was prompting him frantically.

[Attack intent detected]



Screened in his mind.

Driven by that strong sense of crisis, he rode this motorcycle out of the city without even changing his car.

As for the off-road vehicle he drove in, he could only stay in it temporarily.

"Wait a minute, Lu Wen, don't come here, I'll test and monitor you." Fatty Jiang shouted hastily.

"bring it on."

Lu Wen stopped at a place more than 20 meters away from everyone.

Fatty Jiang tied his detection equipment to the drone, controlled the drone, and flew towards Lu Wen.

The results came out quickly.

"How?" Lu Wen asked.

"There is some radiation, but it's not a big problem. You can come over now." Fatty Jiang replied.

Everyone in the team returned to the car.

Fortunately, there was still room in the car, so Lu Wen didn't have to ride a motorcycle around the city.

Just as the whole team was about to leave, Fatty Jiang suddenly yelled again.

"Wait a moment!"

"what happened again?"

"Hurry down and check, shit, I've been tricked."

When everyone heard the words, they were a little confused and got out of the car one after another.

Fatty Jiang had a weird expression.

He stared at his fat arm.

A blood-red flower bloomed on that arm.

The petals are translucent, and the tiny channels inside can be seen. Some blood is circulating in the channels, and the rhizomes have penetrated into the surface of the skin.


Good night, fellow readers!

Thank you book friend 20190621193143515 for your reward.

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