The only person she loved was Lu Zhanting. Lu Zhanting had filled her heart a long time ago, making it impossible for her to accept any other man again.

If she was really forced to have a relationship with Ning Yichen, she would have been ruined in her heart all her life, and all her beliefs would collapse. Without Chen Haiming doing more, she would be devastated and live in the shadows forever. in.

It was impossible for her to be with Lu Zhanting safely anymore, accepting Lu Zhanting's love and kindness.

Although psychological love is the most important thing, and the body may not be so unique, Yun Wei is still very traditional in this respect, and it is impossible to accept such a thing by herself.

Chen Haiming has always grasped this point and made a fuss about Yun Wei in this matter.

Thinking of this, Yun Wei felt the more important Lu Zhanting's love for her. She whispered: "Thank you, Zhanting, thanks to you for coming in time this time..."

Her voice trembled a little, which made Lu Zhanting very distressed. He rubbed her hair and said softly, "It's not because of your cleverness that I have the opportunity to find you in the fastest time? Weiwei, to a large extent, you saved yourself."

Yun Wei was praised, her face flushed.

Land Zhan Ting said lowly: "It's because I didn't protect you well that made you frightened this time. It's me who is not good."

"Don't blame you for fighting." Yun Wei heard the deep self-blame and guilt in his voice, and said hurriedly, "The bad guys are always in the dark, and they are always unpredictable. Besides, they started in the women's bathroom. You don't mean I am smart. Is it? But even if I am smart, there is no way to fight against such dark means like them."

Lu Zhanting still hugged Yun Wei, this feeling of regaining his loss was really good.

He will never lose Yun Wei again.

However, Lu Zhanting thought of Ning Yichen, and there was also a hint of appreciation in his faint voice: "That man named Ning Yichen is still a man. He has been hurting himself without touching you."

"Yes, so I feel very sorry for him. The disaster happened because of me, but he was the one who was injured. Also, he did the radio equipment. Otherwise, I really can't tell you in time. , Let you save me..." Yun Wei said with deep feeling.

"Fortunately, it's okay now." Lu Zhanting hugged her.

But he knew that Ning Yichen didn't touch Yunwei, not because Ning Yichen didn't want to touch Yunwei, but because Ning Yichen wanted to protect Yunwei too much.

This Ning Yichen, no matter who he is, willpower and determination are quite terrifying.

Lu Zhanting said: "Now Chen Haiming must be looking for you everywhere, maybe asking about you last night. How did you and Ning Yichen escaped last night? He definitely wants to know exactly what happened."

"Then how can I frighten him to the utmost?" Yun Wei asked with a childlike innocence at the thought of frightening people.

"I have already asked Ning Yichen to tell people that you and Ning Yichen fainted at the time. They didn't know what was going on. They were in the classroom when they woke up. I have all evidence and video surveillance After finding someone to do it, Chen Haiming couldn't find the slightest clue." Lu Zhanting said.

When Yun Wei heard it, she smiled brightly: "Then he doesn't know how terrifying it will be. This is too unreasonable. He will definitely be shocked."

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