Seeing his calm expression, Yun Wei just told the truth, smiled and said, "If it weren't for me, why would Chen Haiming attack him?"

"This Chen Haiming!" A stern light flashed in Lu Zhanting's eyes.

Yun Wei pulled him and said: "The more he is like this, the closer he is to being himself. Zhan Ting, from the moment he tried to plot me, I never thought of showing mercy to his subordinates."

"I know." Lu Zhanting hugged her lightly. Although she was firm, she didn't know how much courage and strength she had used to attack her father?

Yun Wei leaned on Lu Zhanting's shoulders. If she was alone, she might be able to take Chen Haiming down.

But it was completely different from the feeling of having Lu Zhanting by his side. It was he who saved her from harm and calmly and calmly.

It was him who gave her strength so that she could firmly defend the one she loved and attack the one she hated.

It was him that made her regain her confidence in life, once again believe in the beauty of love, full of hope for the road to the future.

Yun Wei raised her eyes and looked at Lu Zhanting: "How did you solve the matter last night?"

"Yesterday I dispatched people from the entire police station and criminal police team in Hengzhou City to look for you. The impact was huge. However, I have asked them to keep secrets strictly and will not let Chen Haiming know these things for the time being, so as not to provoke them." Lu Zhanting explained softly. .

Yun Wei nodded gently.

Lu Zhanting continued: "As for that room, I asked Chen Haiming and Xiang Yongping to be put in. According to his own arrangement, this scene will definitely be bumped into by the reporters and shareholders he notified."

"Evil is rewarded!" Yun Wei said in agreement.

Lu Zhanting said: "The press will take pictures of their sexual intercourse, and the shareholders will run into it. However, I think it is still difficult to reach the foundation of Chen Haiming..."

Yun Wei thought about it, and understood what Lu Zhanting meant, and said, "Yes, he has a lot of people in Yun's Jewelry, and many shareholders are turning to him. Such a thing happened to him. For him, it's totally okay. Said it was framed by others. Even if he did it himself, morality is still very tolerant to an old man who is married and widowed."

"Indeed, therefore, Chen Haiming will only be embarrassed this time, but will not be completely shaken. What's more, even for the reputation of Yun's jewelry, everyone will take the initiative to help him keep secrets." Lu Zhanting said.

"It doesn't matter, as long as I collect all the evidence of his scandals at that time, and when he is really stepped on the bottom of my feet, no matter how many people protect him, it will be of no avail." Yun Wei said firmly.

Lu Zhanting gently hugged her: "Okay. So this time, I haven't announced our relationship for the time being, it's enough for Chen Haiming to be frightened and frightened for a while."

"Yes, just to make him panic all day long, to taste the taste of being deceived and controlling." When Yun Wei thought that she had been deceived for so long and was hurt so badly, she couldn't help being completely chilled towards Chen Haiming. I also want to return all the retribution to him.

Lu Zhanting said distressedly: "Fortunately, you didn't have an accident this time. Otherwise, I really can't imagine..."

Yun Wei was also afraid for a while. If something really happened, even if the opponent was Ning Yichen, she would never accept the result.

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