When everyone heard this, they all gasped, what kind of ability is needed to push a city into the sky.

"What level of engine is this something that can be done?" said Natasha, the widowed sister.

In terms of current technology, this is proper black technology, and towing a 100,000-ton aircraft carrier at sea is a very sophisticated technology.

What's more, the technology required to lift a city into the sky is unimaginably difficult.

Proper black technology!

Nick Fury was greedy when he saw it, in fact, the level of black technology in their S.H.I.E.L.D. aerospace helicarrier was not low, but how many tons of his aerospace helicarrier was only 100,000 tons, at most something else, it was already very amazing to be fully loaded with 1230,000 tons.

To be able to lift this behemoth into the air, it is still necessary to absorb various black technologies of Hydra, and it can only be done with decades of research and development foundation.

Every second that flies in the air is throwing dollars into the power furnace and making it burn.

But there is no doubt that this technology is the future direction of mankind.

can easily lift a city into the sky, this kind of technology is simply black technology to a certain extent.

With this technology, what kind of rockets do humans need to build?

Directly launched city by city into the sky, has it entered the interstellar civilization in an instant?

But unfortunately, this technology is likely to be lost, because Tony Stark may not invent that Ultron in the future, and this technology will be broken from the root.

However, it is unknown if this technology will appear in the list of rewards in the future.

"Why did he do that?" said Bruce Banner, a little puzzled.

Tony Stark touched his chin and said, "I think I know what he's trying to feel, he wants to throw the whole city down and exterminate humanity!"

"There's a power plant in there, I think, that's the key to the whole city being able to fly!" Tony Stark continued. "And in the video, why do we desperately have to protect this power device, I think, it may be that once this power device is destroyed, the entire city will fall directly, and at that time, with the size of a city, it will fall directly to the ground, and the result will probably be the result of another comet hitting a small star tens of millions of years ago, and the human race will also be extinct, and there will only be robots like him left in this world!".

When everyone heard this, everyone's faces changed.

If the whole city is smashed, at first glance it will only be the people of the city who will die, and the people within the range of the smash, but in fact, the dust will be lifted up in the sky, and it will directly cover the entire planet, and at that time, if there is not enough sunlight, countless plants will die first, and then the animals that live on plants, and the carnivores that eat meat for a living, will be extinct one by one.

Some people speculate that this is how the dinosaurs of the year were finished.

For the earth, this level of impact is naturally nothing, and in a few years, it will be a beautiful place for life and a good place for life.

But human civilization is completely finished.

"This Ultron, can't he be an extreme environmentalist?" said the widowed sister Natasha. "Otherwise, if according to normal logic, even if he wants to rule the earth and become the king of the earth, I think it is a more reliable idea, why would he destroy human beings? Destroy all life on the earth, is it fun?"

"It's not good... It's really like this!" Tony Stark was reminded by his widowed sister Natasha, and suddenly seemed to think of something.

"Tony, what did you think of?" asked Nick Fury quickly.

Everyone's eyes also turned to Tony Stark's direction.

"I think I've finally figured out what's going on!" Tony Stark began. "Probably, something went wrong from the root from the beginning!".

The words of the widow sister Natasha woke up Tony Stark just now, and he has been trying to figure out why the same artificial intelligence, with similar programs, has a similar backdoor.

Jarvis is very useful, and this Ultron has problems not long after it was invented.

I'm afraid that there is a problem with his purpose and logic.

Extreme environmentalists.

"My Jarvis is good enough for day-to-day use, and even for the rig, so if I could create this Ultron, it must be for some other reason!" said Tony Stark. "For example, is it possible that I have seen a powerful presence on an alien planet?"

"For example, now that I've passed through the Ten Thousand Worlds Theater and learned a lot about the future, in fact, I've started to prepare a lot of things in advance, and even create new artificial intelligence to deal with some future crises!" said Tony Stark. "I'm speculating on what I might have thought in the original timeline based on my current thoughts!"

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