The style of painting is obviously different.,It's obviously more refined, okay?

Tony Stark couldn't help but think that there was no doubt that there was something wrong with the artificial intelligence he made.

Unlike his other artificial intelligences, this Ultron has developed his own form, which is already intelligent life in a sense.

This is something that Jarvis couldn't do before.

It is very dangerous for the other party to want to have their own entity.

It's just that he has always been very experienced in the creation of artificial intelligence, and there are a lot of various backdoors, how can he still run wild?

What the hell went wrong.

Before Tony Stark could figure out what was wrong, he saw that Ultron was piloting a Quint fighter to attack Hawkeye Barton, who was saving the child.

Seeing that Hawkeye Patton was about to die under the machine gun of this fighter, he found that at the critical time, he survived, and someone really blocked this fatal blow for him.

It was none other than Quicksilver Pietro.

Quicksilver Pietro only had time to ask, "Didn't you see him coming?"

After saying that, he went straight to the end, and died tragically in an instant.

Sensing her brother's death, she was filled with grief and anger, and the scarlet witch Wanda burst out with terrifying chaotic magic energy, directly killing all the robots that had been killed.

The rest of the crowd also gathered, but it was too late.

This is the end of this scene.

This question is over, but everyone's expressions are more or less silent, watching the tragic death of a superhero, even if they don't know who this person is

There is not much emotion, but after all, he is a superhero who stands in their camp, and he died to save people.

How much makes them respect, especially the American team Rodgers, he has always admired such a person.

"Tony, I'm sure it's your problem!" Nick Fury said, glancing at Tony Stark.

"Well, now, even I have to admit that that Ultron may be my newly created artificial intelligence, and then somehow developed an autonomous consciousness!" Tony Stark said. "I thought things should be under my control, but I didn't expect it to be like this!".

"This kind of thing is normal in the universe!" Thor said. "I've seen a lot of interstellar civilizations, and finally destroyed on artificial intelligence, if not controlled, of course, there are many good uses, and the level of science and technology has advanced by leaps and bounds, this is a double-edged sword, and even I have seen a simple artificial intelligence civilization!".

With the length of Thor's life, as well as the various civilizations in the universe that he can come into contact with, his vision is really much bigger than everyone else.

"I need to know why it's out of control, maybe this Ten Thousand Worlds Theater can give me the answer!" Tony Stark said.

He firmly believes that the use of artificial intelligence is the future, in fact, there are already applications of artificial intelligence, but it can only be regarded as weak artificial intelligence, and it is far from strong artificial intelligence.

Not to mention intelligent life.

Human beings can't destroy computers and go back to primitive life, so he wants to find out what happened in between.

There must be a problem, and his goal is to find out.

Everyone also nodded, except for the old antiques like Rogers of the American team, most of them are elites, and naturally they are not as afraid as ordinary people.

"Of course, no matter what I create in the future, I will be careful and careful, at least so far, my Jarvis has not had an accident, and in that picture, I have also created artificial intelligence again, which means that it may not be the artificial intelligence technology that may be the problem, but the Ultron I created!" Tony Stark said.

With the level of technology involved in his current Mark armor, if there is no artificial intelligence, it is really scrapped, and I don't know if the combat power is one-tenth of the original.

It will really degenerate into the kind of iron armor of the Middle Ages, and there is no difference in essence.

So it's impossible to get him to give up, but he can't give up, but he can be careful.

Now that you know that some problems may occur, it is necessary to prevent them in advance.

"But the city is weird, it's like it's flying high in the sky!" Bruce Banner said. "Including in it, as the captain said, the air is thin, how can a city fly high in the sky?".

"Unless someone pushes them into the air in some way!" Thor said with a serious expression.

He also saw his figure in it, obviously, he would have a deep entanglement with the Avengers and the earthlings in the future.

It's definitely not as simple as going back to being the prince of Asgard after dealing with the things on earth.

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