Age of Dreams

Chapter 545 drem pd has come to America!

() Xiao Qi's propaganda methods are of course not limited to these.

Almost at the same time, on the other side of the earth, next to the waiting apron of the New York International Airport, hundreds of reporters, armed with long guns and short cannons, looked up at the sky anxiously and excitedly.

Although it is already ten o'clock in the evening, the city has already got off work and entered the entertainment time, but the most important task of the reporters today has not yet started.

They are not entertainment reporters, nor are they gossip reporters. Even if someone who is familiar with the journalist industry comes to see them, they will definitely be surprised.

Because this place is definitely star-studded, and there are big and famous reporters who are rare to see everywhere.

What are they anxiously waiting for?

"Here we come~~"

Suddenly received a call, a female reporter looked up at the sky, when she saw a plane descending with flashing lights, she screamed excitedly as if she had reached the peak of some kind of movement, but Many of the male reporters next to her looked at her graceful figure wretchedly.

But then they didn't have such a good time, because after a while, the phone rings one after another.

The reporters who were taking pictures had to calm down a bit. The reporters who were filming and broadcasting the program on the spot immediately smiled brightly and started reporting. \u003cThe audience, I am Doriel, American Airlines Flight 6757 from China has landed at New York International Airport..."

"BBC friends, your old friend Baker is here, and now I am at New York International Airport, witnessing a great scene..."

"All dreampad lovers, here is the landing pad of New York International Airport, cheers and joy, the first batch of dreampads in history has finally arrived in the United States, and we can finally get in touch with it!"

"I love dreampad! Thank you TV station for allowing me to host this report! Please God bless me, I must see the real appearance of dreampad later, otherwise I may go berserk!"

A row of more than 20 ace reporters from major TV stations gave speeches excitedly, pulling the excited hearts of the audience across the United States.

Even abc reporters captured a crowd of about 10,000 people outside the airport terminal.

They lined up in a neat line, holding various slogans in their hands, and looked helplessly at the huge LCD TV screen not far away, which was showing the scene of a plane slowly descending.

What caused such a big battle was not Bush Jr. returning home, but the Dreampad, which aroused the frenzy of electronic enthusiasts all over the world, and finally arrived in the United States from China!

The news came from Mario's law firm, which has been very popular recently.

Professional electronics newspapers are more concerned about not only dreampad, but also the "dreampad application store" that came out of nowhere.

At the very beginning, I logged in according to the website dreampad. where the announcement was published, but I couldn't see anything except the exact same announcement.

But even so, the huge swarming crowd directly overwhelmed irl's website operation team, temporarily taking over this job of earning extra money.

Unexpectedly, they far underestimated the enthusiasm of the people all over the world. Not to mention the severe congestion of the server, five high-quality servers were added, and the speed was unexpectedly slow.

I had no choice but to apply for an additional 1 million US dollars from Mario Law Firm and buy ten more servers to cope with the du liip traffic of more than 10 million per day.

Following these two days, the dreampad website began to release news that it will recruit 600 experimental players to test and test various dreampad applications, and use this to evaluate which applications can finally win the reward of 1 million bonuses.

Among them, 200 young video game enthusiasts aged 16-22, 200 dreampad fans aged 20-40, and 200 technical assessment teams composed of professional programmers and engineers, a total of 600 people, will take turns in a secret place , playing dreampad wantonly, experimenting with various newly developed games, practical software and so on.

The recruited players are not paid, and they have to go through strict review and sign the most stringent confidentiality agreement.

Such harsh conditions not only did not scare away the heroic American people, but within one day, Mario Law Firm received more than 1 million application emails from all over the world, and directly exceeded 3 million application emails the next day. , if it were not for the urgent announcement that the deadline for registration would have reached at least 10 million according to the calculations of the editors of Yahoo Electronics Channel.

So obviously, the dreampad website was once again overwhelmed, and Mario Law Firm approved another $2 million server plan for this, and further strengthened the server to prepare a good and fast platform for users as a next step The main task is to apply for more and more abundant funds from Xiao Qi.

To this end, Mario's law firm also specially hired five law firms to help screen the 600 experimenters, and announced that within a week at most, the list of selected candidates would be published on the dreampad website.

At that time, Director Anthony of the law firm announced that Fairy Company would ship 200 Dreampads used in the experiment to the United States today, and then the American people would have the opportunity to see the physical appearance of the Dreampad with their own eyes.

Originally, the American people belonged to many people who were full and had nothing to do. They were very bored all day long. Now, an epoch-making revolutionary electronic product has finally appeared, and it has also come to reality from distant advertisements. How? Don't let them get very excited, and even treat it as a festival?

The more than 1,000 people surrounding the airport belonged to the kind of fanatical fans, and they ran over as early as noon, just to take a look at the Dreampad.

And with the broadcast of the TV program, I don't know how many cars are rushing to the New York International Airport. For this reason, the pressure on the police in New York State has increased sharply. On highways and fast lanes, the speed limit detection is very strict, for fear of accidents.

The TV channels of more than 20 million households in the United States are tuned to programs related to dreampad.

The TV camera suddenly moved away from the reporter and the airport outside the glass cover, and turned to a group of heavily armed special agents.

They were carrying loaded guns and wearing bulletproof vests. There were no fewer than a hundred of them. They nervously squeezed away groups of fanatical fans who rushed into the terminal hall, and escorted three men in neat suits to the exit of the international flight. .

The TV station immediately made an identity report, and two of them were lawyers from Mario Law Firm, one was director Anthony, the other was lawyer Feng Taiger; the other was Wade, the manager of the VIP service department of Citibank New York Branch. .

Because there were too many people pouring into the airport lobby, the airport hastily made temporary adjustments, so that the custodians of Citibank who escorted the dreampad came out with the boxes first, and then waited for them to go out. Let other passengers enter and exit normally.

So, under the eyes of everyone's anticipation, five middle-aged people pushing a car with a huge aluminum alloy box came out from the empty "arrival exit".


There were at least thousands of cameras of all kinds, and the flickering light made them jump. Two of them covered their heads nervously, trying to run back.

It took a full minute, and the spotlight didn't stop, but the five of them gradually got used to it, and then they laughed at each other and pushed the luggage cart to this side. (To be continued. Please search,!)

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