Age of Dreams

Chapter 544 Really broke the wall and opened the door?

() Not to mention the news events surrounding Fairy Company, that is, at this same time point, dozens of construction workers suddenly appeared at the wall of Fairy Company near the small hill at the back gate of Sichuan Division, holding various tools, Writing and drawing on the wall.

Get up and play a little bit, the students who came here for breakfast were baffled.

Before they could discuss what was going on, the construction workers suddenly all retreated ten meters away.


The ground under his feet trembled, and the wall made of reinforced concrete was pushed across a section by the huge force.

Everyone stood up in amazement and saw that it was on the side of the Fairy Company headquarters. A small excavator appeared, and the wall just now was smashed by its special bucket.

Once the wall fell down, dozens of workers rushed out of Fairy Company. Together with these people outside, they took hammer tools and beat everywhere to remove the edges and corners of the wall, and put the cement inlaid with steel bars, quickly shipped away.

"What are these people doing?"

"It seems to be opening a door?"

"No? Why open the door? Are they going to come in and out of us?"

The students talked a lot, expressed their opinions, and kept guessing.

There was only one girl, who stood there dumbfounded, her face was cloudy, she was excited and happy, but also confused and suspicious.

Next, she simply ran away, even ignoring her companion's call to her.


In the girls' dormitory, the door of a dormitory that has attracted a lot of attention was slammed open from the outside, and Yang Na, who was only wearing a pair of sexually sexy lace pants and a T-shirt without a bra, hurriedly covered it** and lower body.

"Big news, big news~~"

The girl who opened the door yelled softly.

"I'm going to die ~~ close the door for me!" Seeing the person coming, Yang Na breathed a sigh of relief, and raised her eyebrows: "Okay, do you want my girl's nakedness to leak out?"

"Hehe, you have such a good figure, if you are seen by those brats, you will have a nosebleed, which just proves your charm." Liang Minmin joked with a chuckle.

"Could it be that your two lumps of meat are smaller than mine? The boy likes his nanny the most, why don't we go out together and let them see, do you dare?" When it comes to bickering, the cheerful and beautiful Yang Na is full of Shu Sichuan pepper.

Cui Yan who opened the door did not participate in the banter between the two women.

After carefully closing the door, she set her sights on the girl sitting on the bed reading a book.

Just looking at it this way, Cui Yan felt that Huangfu Cai's posture was all beautiful, even if she blinked her eyes, she was so beautiful that it made people's heart beat.

To be honest, Cui Yan is also considered a class girl in the middle school of her hometown, but when she sees this beautiful and beautiful girl, she feels an indescribable inferiority complex, but she will never be jealous, and will only follow her willingly Behind her, cheer for her.

"Little Cai~~"


"You... you know? Did you do it?"

Cui Yan carefully observed Huangfu Cai's expression, but found no useful news, the girl's eyes were still so clear and cold.

Maybe only when she was around that boy, would she have other emotional changes, otherwise Xiao Cai would always be that fairy that mortals can't get close to.

"What's the matter, so mysterious?" Yang Na, who was touching the skin cream, stopped bickering with Liang Minmin, and said lazily: "By the way, Yanzi, didn't I ask you to help bring back a bowl of pumpkin porridge?" Well, your memory is really bad~~"

As soon as she said that, Cui Yan patted her head and said angrily, "Oops! I only ate two bites of noodles!"

Liang Minmin became curious, "What made you panic? What is the big news?"

Cui Yan smiled mysteriously: "Hey, do you know? It was something we talked about when we had dinner two days ago, about going to Fairy Company to play... I just saw people from Fairy Company give a wall to It was knocked down, it looks like it is about to repair a door!"

"Push the wall? Repair the door?" Yang Na was stunned, "Could it be that she really heard our cry and wants to let us take a walk in the beautiful green area and breathe fresh air?"

"I guess that's the case! But why did Fairy Company suddenly do this?" Cui Yan stared at Huangfu Cai and said, "Xiao Cai, tell me honestly, Fairy Company really has nothing to do with you?"

Huangfu Cai put down the book, and said with a flat smile: "My parents are both employees of Dentsu, how did they manage such a big business as Fairy Company?"

Cui Yan still couldn't believe it: "But how could it be such a coincidence, we only suggested it two days ago, and Fairy Company is doing exactly the same thing today?"

"You can ask someone from Fairy Company." Huangfucai suggested seriously.

"Hehe, Yanzi, don't be so suspicious, maybe we all have this idea, and then the school suggested it to Fairy Company?" Liang Minmin said her thoughts.

"Impossible~~ So many foreign reporters, together, didn't make Fairy Company back half a step, saying that Fairy Company doesn't have a big background, idiots wouldn't believe it~~" Yang Na sneered: "We What is Master Sichuan? The principal doesn’t even have a vice-provincial rank, so what qualifications does he have to negotiate with Fairy Company and force them to open a door for me so we can go in for a walk and play?”

"That's right, you're right!" Cui Yan also understood, and said, "That's why I'm even more skeptical about classmate Fairy~~ Otherwise, among the few of us, how could there be anyone with such a background?"

"I don't have any background either." Huangfucai smiled slightly, "Don't be suspicious, no matter who made the decision, if it really benefits our students, wouldn't it be great? It's not good to have to worry about who did it ~~"

"Well, don't worry about yourself." Yang Na has finished her makeup and put on her clothes at this time, "Come on, Yanzi, I invite you to dinner, let's sit there and see if it's what we thought !"

Yang Na is lazy by nature and also likes to covet the bed, so she is the only one in the dormitory who has not eaten breakfast.

"I'll go too." Liang Minmin followed suit and stood up.

"Where's Xiao Cai?" Cui Yan asked.

"I have class later, so I won't go." Huangfu Cai waved his hand lightly, "Remember to bring back the news of the inquiry!"


Cui Yan smiled generously and waved out the door.

But the doubts in her heart did not decrease much.

Because it was such a coincidence, she always felt that there was more mystery in Huangfucai than she imagined~~

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