Age of Dreams

Chapter 3035 Burrito

Although Xiao Qi gave Anna and Kaisha the private property, according to what Tang Mingxiang said, it will be given to them later, but in fact Xiao Qi has already started to think about it.

After all, donating private property is not as simple as giving hundreds of millions or billions. It takes a lot of time and energy to create a good company or acquire a good company.

Xiao Qi was never worried about whether Xiaoqianniu and Anna could pass the test. In fact, if they were people with unstable temperaments, they would have been able to indulge themselves long ago when they were prosperous in the past few years and had a lot of money.

They are not self-indulgent, but are concentrating on their careers, such girls, it is naturally impossible to change after following Xiao Qi.

Who said that women in Europe and the United States can't stick to one thing and have to fly out?

In fact, many women in Europe and the United States are like women in Huaguo, they have only one man for life.

It's just that the exaggeration in the TV movie made many Chinese feel that American women's belts are too loose.

Although there are many American girls who are very open and open, as long as they like that man, they can be with him, and then change again if they don’t like it, but there are also many American girls who have to find the man they really love. I will give myself to him and spend the rest of my life together.

Even a naughty, stubborn and willful girl like Little Taylor can be trained by Xiao Qi to become an obedient little wife, which makes it easier for Kaisha and Anna to subdue her.

Xiao Qi may not be able to love each wife equally, but he loves every wife very much, and he will try his best to be as fair as possible when giving them private property.

Except for Xiao Qi's favorite Huangfucai and Tang Mingxiang, the assets of the rest of the wives are almost 12-15 billion US dollars, and then those who develop and grow in the future are the fortune of their grandchildren.

Of course, there is also a gap in their private property now.

For example, Little Lark’s has been valued at 180 billion yuan. If she is willing to package for listing, the market value can reach at least 300 billion yuan.

Calculated in this way, the most conservative Shen Wuyan's private property is about 23 billion US dollars.

Huo Zhuzhu's Perfect Match website is now only worth more than 30 billion yuan, which is far from

It's just that it has developed after the perfect combination, at least the scale of around 15 billion US dollars, which is definitely not bad.

Let's not mention this matter for now.

The topic turned to the private property that Xiao Qi wanted to give to Kaisha and Anna.

In terms of the degree of economic development, and then related to the establishment and development of various emerging industries, the United States is definitely the best incubator.

Although the population of China is five times that of the United States, it will take at least 50 to 100 years to keep pace with the United States in all aspects if it wants to really catch up with the United States.

It cannot be said that this time is too slow. The United States has relied on the accumulation of more than two hundred years to slowly develop to where it is today.

The development time of Huaguo's modern economy is only more than 30 years. Whether it is the background or various technologies and talents, it is far behind.

If you want to catch up with the United States in three to five years, then you are simply playing with the development prospects of the country and the nation.

Only by learning Japan and making unremitting efforts slowly, will it be possible to grow gradually.

Because the United States is the best place to incubate entrepreneurship, the United States has the most wealth opportunities, and the number of Americans who get rich overnight is also the largest.

Before Zuckerberg founded Facebook, who could have known this student who hadn't graduated from college?

As soon as he founded Facebook, his net worth skyrocketed, from millions to tens of millions, from hundreds of millions to billions or even tens of billions of dollars. In just five or six years, his wealth could grow At this point, it has to be said that technology entrepreneurship is indeed the cradle of the super rich.

But the two companies that Xiao Qi thinks of now do not belong to any high-tech industry. On the contrary, their technology content is very low.

The name of the first company is called ChipotleMexicanGrill, Chipotle for short.

The original meaning of Chipotle is the meaning of dried red pepper. Chipotle is also a fast food company related to chili, a company specializing in selling Mexican burritos.

Mexican burrito is a very simple and convenient food. In recent years, the KFC menu in Huaguo has already had the "Mexican Burrito" dish.

A Mexican burrito is actually a very simple flatbread, and then put pork, beef, mutton, cucumber strips, tomatoes, corn, cheese, sour cream, etc., and finally roll it up into a long pancake like a mallet, that is, You're done.

Later, KFC developed the "Old Capital Burrito" for the Huaguo market, which is similar to this, and can basically be regarded as a complicated and enlarged version of the Capital Roast Duck.

Foreigners, especially Americans, do not have any food culture at all, and they are all lazy and can't cook. Naturally, this simplest and most convenient food is the most suitable for their three meals a day.

Therefore, it is not without reason that KFC and McDonald's can develop in the United States.

Therefore, it is not without reason that as long as Chinese people who know how to cook at home can go to the United States to open Chinese restaurants to support their families.

Chipotle was founded in 1993. They were not too prosperous at the beginning. By 1998, they had more than 70 stores. They belonged to fast food restaurants with promising development, but not necessarily prosperous.

Then their founder, Steve Els, went to the top of McDonald's with his plan.

The top management of McDonald's was attracted by his plan, and invested 360 million US dollars in Els in one breath. While holding absolute control, it also gave Els enough funds to do what he wanted to do.

In the second year, that is, in 1999, Els announced that his Chipotle restaurant would only choose pasture-raised meat and poultry from now on instead of factory-raised meat, and the vegetables in the side dishes would also choose local farmers. Grown, not grown on a company ranch.

In the United States, things that do not use pesticides at all are very expensive, but Els never cared about the price. He created a concept of "healthy fast food diet", marked all the sources of his purchases, and then made all the ingredients It is also completed in the transparent large kitchen, which can be seen by diners to reassure them of safety and hygiene issues.

As a result, Chipotle was immediately sought after by young people, and more and more people who hated fried food, ripening agents, and feed farming also began to like Chipotle, gradually forming a trend.

Chipotle even launched a completely vegetarian burrito, which immediately won the favor of many vegetarians or people who lose weight, and brought them a large number of diners at once.

When Xiao Qi was in the United States in his previous life, he also ate Chipotle a few times. Of course, he didn't like it that much.

But this does not prevent Americans from chasing Chipotle. Xiao Qi went to it a few times and had to queue up several times.

As you can imagine, a burrito restaurant with thousands of chain stores in the United States actually looks like a high-end restaurant or a private popular restaurant, and it needs to queue up, which is crazy!

In Xiao Qi's impression, at the end of 2013, Chipotle's market value exceeded 10 billion U.S. dollars, and when it went public in 2006, it was only 500 million U.S. dollars.

It is now December 2010, and McDonald's has left Chipotle with $650 million in capital and interest. Chipotle's market value is $3 billion, and it has not ushered in the day of complete take-off.

When Xiao Qi learned about potential companies in the United States, he had read Chipotle’s information. Now Chipotle’s largest shareholder is Steve Els, who owns 18% of the shares. Another partner, Monty Moran, is It owns 9.2% of the shares, and the rest are all held by institutions or ordinary shareholders.

Xiao Qi wants to acquire this company, at most it will be privatized and delisted at a premium of 40%, and the commission will be about 4.5 billion US dollars.

Compared with its market value of up to 10 billion US dollars in the future and its growing momentum in the future, this acquisition is very worthwhile.

Moreover, according to Xiao Qi's estimation of its rapid development trend after 2013, Chipotle only takes root in Europe and America, and can have a market value of at least 15 billion US dollars.

In this way, it is enough to be a wife's private property.

Of course, it is impossible for Xiao Qi to hold 100% of the shares in the end. Like other acquired companies, Xiao Qi will choose to give them some shares to the talented founders and managers, so that they can contribute to the company with peace of mind.

As for whether the founders are willing to sell their shares, that's up to them.

Under the power of capital, even holding 51% of the shares may not be able to escape the acquisition of capital, let alone these entrepreneurs who hold less than 30% of the shares.

In fact, it is the norm for an American company for an entrepreneur to own less than 30% of the shares. There are not many people like Xiao Qi who maintain at least 70% of the shares and at most completely privatize them.

However, Xiao Qi is also very grateful for the loose holding method of the United States, otherwise how could he buy so many good companies? (~^~)

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