Age of Dreams

Chapter 3012 The Region of Movies

It wasn't until the two waiters left contentedly that the room became clean.

Fan Ye's character is indeed very generous, even when facing two ordinary people, she is very polite and enthusiastic, without any airs.

If she pretended it, then that's fine, anyway, ordinary people are facing her face.

"Knowing that you can't eat spicy food, Xiaoxin specially ordered Yuanyang hot pot." With no one else around, Fan Ye picked up his chopsticks and greeted, "Come on, let's quickly order the food, and first burn the can share the same pot with the world's richest man I feel so honored to eat!"

Don't tell me, this meal will be lively only if there are such lively beauties at the dinner table.

Xiao Qi finally understood why so many wealthy people like to have female celebrities to accompany them when they treat guests to dinner.

In the past two years, when Liu Chang invited him to dinner, he also called Du Feixing, who was a small bird, and Song Jiejie, who was warm and generous. I think it was the same reason.

However, why was it called Song Jiejie at that time, and not the more famous and prettier Xiao Bingbing?

Xiao Qi couldn't help thinking of those words of Master Fan in his previous life, probably because she disdained to be close to the rich.

This is also good, Xiao Qi likes such girls who are willing to fight on their own, which is why Xiao Qi was willing to recommend Fan Ye when talking about the script of "The Avengers" last time.

Although "The Avengers" has now been replaced with "Iron Man 2", but looking at Fan Ye's appearance, she is quite content.

One of the biggest advantages of hot pot is that you can chat while eating, and you don't have to worry about the dishes being cold and unpalatable.

A girl, no matter how careless she is, her general eating posture is very elegant, and the same is true for a female man like Fan Ye, who talks, but chews slowly when eating, which looks very pleasing to the eye.

But no matter what Fan Ye can't get rid of her female character, she speaks with a quack air, "Hey, Qi Shao, I didn't tell you, the group of filmmakers in Hong Kong are really crazy. They came here a few years ago. They earn money in the mainland, but their eyes are always looking at the sky, thinking that they are here to give us alms! But what about the films they made? It’s still the shitty look of 20 years ago, with no logic and nothing to watch After so many hits at the box office, they not only didn't reflect on it, but instead said that we didn't appreciate it... Pooh! It's so ugly that we have to spend money to see it, who are they?

That is director Xiaogang, and brother Jiang Wen, who beat them up several times with good movies, and now they have finally learned a little bit, and they are no longer so arrogant. But look at their crappy award, they play with the door behind closed doors all day long, I don't think it's far from the day they are finished! "

Xiao Qi smiled unabated, and poured her a glass of juice, "Sister Bingbing, I remember you went to Hong Kong to shoot a movie, right? Just because of this movie, are you dissatisfied with them?"

"I'm not complaining for myself, but for our filmmakers in the mainland. We have grown up, but they think they are so good!" Fan Ye drank his drink and continued to speak nonsense: "No wonder they How can they be successful if their thinking is not progressive? I think that in a few years, we will completely eliminate them! Audiences will no longer look at the faces of those Hong Kong stars! "

"That's right, we have a lot of talents in the mainland. We need face to have face, and talent to be talented." Xiao Qi agreed very much, and poured fruit juice for her by the way, "Hong Kong movies only have feelings left, Sister Bingbing, please come on." , come to the world as soon as possible, win an international award, let them envy and hate!"


Master Fan smiled prettily, held a drink cup, and looked at Xiao Qi with a smile, "I said it's rare, looking at you now, you don't look like the richest man in the world, a genius boy, but a little brother!  … I went out to eat with those bosses, and they poured me wine directly. It’s the first time I’ve met someone who pours me drinks so considerately like you... With such a high achievement, but still so humble, no wonder You can get so many beauties! Especially Guoer, you can subdue even a celestial beauty. People who I wanted to pounce on to gain some glory feel ashamed and dare not take the initiative. "

"Miss Bingbing, you're being polite." Xiao Qi shrugged, ignoring the woman who was already eating and drinking excitedly, and turned to look at Wang Xiaoxin who had been smiling and saying nothing, "Xiaoxin, I heard that fans named you ' The hardest working star', known as the female version of Dehua, isn't it?"

"Where is it~~" Wang Xiaoxin was a little embarrassed, she didn't expect Xiao Qi to notice these gossips, "Because I went to Hollywood to film, I lost a lot of work this year, and I will leave half of next year for "The Avengers", where? What are you desperate for?"

Speaking of Wang Xiaoxin's hard work, it started when she became the first champion of "The Voice of Huaguo" the year before last. In that year, she directly followed the producer of "The Voice of Huaguo" from south to north. I sang 20 or 30 concerts, and last year I held more than 20 small fan clubs.

In addition, she also attends more than a dozen variety shows every year, endorses seven or eight commercials, and shoots two or three TV dramas.

At the beginning, everyone just thought that Wang Xiaoxin was very active, and she was everywhere.

As a result, after someone with a heart put together her work, the fans were immediately shocked. Working so hard, this is the female version of Dehua!

Although Wang Xiaoxin's family is not a wealthy family, it is considered an ordinary family, and it is not short of money.

Of course, Wang Xiaoxin didn't explain that she was working hard because she wanted to earn enough money for a lifetime earlier. Her management team took the opportunity to package her as a self-improving little girl who loves work and devotes herself wholeheartedly. .

Originally, Wang Xiaoxin was pure and beautiful enough, coupled with these precious qualities that are not found in celebrities, she was immediately spread by fans and brought her many new fans. On the Weibo platform, her The official account has 300 fans - this is not a bought zombie fan, but a real popularity.

Of course, Fan Ye knows how to operate better than her. Now he has more than 13 million fans and is the third among female stars.

What I want to say here is that under Huangfucai's strict requirements, the Weibo platform prohibits celebrities from brushing fans and buying zombie fans to enrich their fame. False data, then the Weibo platform will definitely cut it down for you without mercy, and then criticize it on the entire platform.

Under such circumstances, small stars are just fine, many big stars don't dare to mess around, their face is greater than anything else, if they make such a thing, they will be ashamed to mess around on Weibo.

The current Weibo is not the time when Kiwi Fruit Group and Baoyu Group were needed to attract people. Any star, or even a company, hopes to have a place on Weibo, because this is a very A good publicity platform plays a vital role in consolidating one's popularity and attracting more fans.

For example, last time, a movie made by Baoyu Group had a poor box office in the first week, but the leading actors, Brother Xiao Ming and Xiao Bingbing, begged for their cuteness on Weibo, and the box office in the second week was reversed. It doubled, and in the end, the box office, which was expected to lose a little, actually made a profit of more than 33 million.

There is also President Tan's concert. After he used his feelings to promote it on Weibo for more than ten days, all seven tours across the country were sold out, making both the contractor and him earn a lot of money. It can be said that everyone is happy.

With such an example, celebrities of course pay more attention to Weibo, and are also close to Weibo companies in various ways.

Leave this matter aside.

During the next meal time, Wang Xiaoxin let go a little bit. When Xiao Bingbing spoke, she was able to pick up a few sentences. From time to time, the room reverberated with the charming laughter of the two girls, which made Xiao Qi feel very happy. .

While talking, Fan Ye mentioned Hollywood again.

"This time I went to Hollywood, although it was just soy sauce, but I also observed the production methods of Hollywood blockbusters. They are indeed very sophisticated and professional, and they are worth learning from." Fan Ye said while drinking the juice Xiao Qi gave him at any time, "They regard film as an industrial product. Dozens of project teams have their own responsibilities. Everything serves the film. No matter which star you are, you can't go beyond the entire film. And their post-production is also sufficient. For example, "Iron Man 2" was filmed in March, but it took another half a year for the production of special effects and lens supplements, etc., to be almost completed. Such meticulous work is the reason why The blockbuster feeling we saw in the cinema!"

"Iron Man 2" in the previous life was broadcast as early as the summer, but in this life, it has been postponed for almost half a year, and it is already Christmas time.

Now the leading actors are promoting in Europe and America, Fan Ye and Wang Xiaoxin, plus an assistant director and team are promoting in China.

They went to Rongcheng one day earlier, and the team will come over tomorrow. This is also the opportunity for the two girls to have dinner with Xiao Qi after sacrificing their rest time.

"I don't think Hollywood can do it for long." Xiao Qi mused, "Because they overemphasized the effect of blockbuster special effects, but ignored the most soulful part of the movie—the plot! Now look at these special effects Blockbuster movies are far from the feeling of watching Shawshank Redemption, Roman Holiday and other movies. At most, I will forget them in a day or two. If one day, any country can surpass the United States in special effects, then Hollywood will decline, just like the original Hong Kong."

"Unless you pay for it, who can compare to them? They got it through more than 30 years of unremitting efforts!" Fan Ye has some opinions on this.

"It's not just a question of money, but also whether everyone can work hard for more than ten years to break through." Xiao Qi said lightly, "It's a pity that I can't see this quality in the current filmmakers, so I’m afraid we will have to wait for a long time.”

"If there is such an opportunity for development, you might as well invest in it, since you already own Disney." Fan Ye said while holding Wang Xiaoxin in his arms, "When the time comes, you can hire me as the general manager." , I'll help you take care of the company. In return, I'll give you Xiaoxin as a housekeeper, how about it?"

"Sister Bingbing~~"

Wang Xiaoxin blushed again with embarrassment.

Seeing her delicate appearance, Xiao Qi felt his heart move, this girl is so beautiful, I really don't know who will be lucky enough to have her in the future!

Just when she thought about it, Wang Xiaoxin's eyes turned around, and seeing Xiao Qi staring at her, shyness flashed across her face, and she quickly turned her face away.

But the innocent girl's heart was beating fast, just like her current mood, shy and fiery!

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