A Song of Ice and Fire: The Magic Empire of the Plane Where the Song Begins

Chapter 100: Splitting the Sword (a chapter with three thousand characters)

All that's left to do is clear the loot from the fetid caverns.

The smell inside was too "stimulating", so Ai Qi arranged for soldiers to check carefully, gold and silver were secondary, and the key was those precious weapons.

In the movie, the dwarves are in a hurry to leave, and hurry on their way after getting some weapons.

Coupled with the pursuit of the orcs, it was too late to clear the cave.

It's different now. Ai Qi's large army adopts a rotation system when they are on the road, so it is much happier than in the movie.

At this time, the half-orcs hadn't been encountered yet.

So Ai Qi was not in a hurry at all.

Simply stationed down directly, and carefully cleaned the entire cave.

Sure enough, as Ai Qi expected, the loot found in it was much more than in the movie.

Apparently, the trolls ransacked a cache of treasures to get the riches.

Not to mention gold and silver utensils, but the weapons made by the elves of the first era are not accessible to ordinary people, let alone famous swords.

Because of the careful search, in addition to the three swords that shine in the original book, the Enemy Fencing Sword, the Beast Biting Sword, and the Stabbing Sword, several other unknown elf swords were found in the depths of the cave.

The craftsmanship of these swords is really exquisite, with thousands of years of stainless steel, tough and elegant, which is very popular with Ai Qi.

Even if you don't collect it, taking it out as a gift is better than keeping it in the hands of a dwarf.

The sword crafted by elves will shine when encountering goblins, half-orcs and even strong orcs that will appear in the future.

Don't be misled by the movie. It seems that only the stabbing sword can shine. The director accidentally forgot. After thinking about it later, it would be too expensive to add the glow effect of other swords, so he gave up.

In fact, these swords can all emit light.

Ai Qi admired these swords very much, and even in some respects, they were no worse than the Gryffindor swords made by the skilled goblins in the world of Hallibit.

Such a good weapon, how could Ai Qi be wasted by the dwarves.

It's all Aichi's spoils, and the dwarves have no reason to take it away (of course Thorin doesn't want to take things from the elves).

Ai Qi thought for a while, Thorin will not mention it for now, if Gandalf did not have a good sword, it would not be easy to see the heroic posture of a melee mage making a staff with one hand and wielding a sword with the other.

While Aiki was still thinking, the soldiers reported that they had captured an old man in brown robes in rags, who was riding a sleigh pulled by a rabbit, claiming to be looking for Gandalf.

Ai Qi knew that this was the brown-robed wizard Redagast, which meant that the orcs were not far away.

Ai Qi ordered Redagast to come in and summoned everyone.

Just like in the movie, Redagast came to alert a circle about the "Necromancer (actually Sauron)". While Gandalf was thinking about it, Ai Qi's soldiers reported that they found many orcs. trace.

This time, the dwarves were all nervous.

Ai Qi is not worried, although he has brought more than 300 people, but these people are not only skilled in arching horses, but also have received modern training, Ai Qi has a bunch of machine guns in the book of infinity, in front of Gatling Everyone is equal, believe it or not, it will save you.

However, Aiqi planned to keep the hot weapons for use in the decisive battle, so Aiqi decided to use cold weapons to deal with this batch of orc squads.

The dwarves have a deep hatred with the orcs, and they offered to join the war.

Ai Qi felt that it was useless at all, and the half-orcs did not have as many soldiers as Ai Qi, but he still explained:

"Everyone, don't worry. This time it's just a small group of half-orcs. Don't be nervous. Please follow me."

Sure enough, these half-orcs raised their troops only to search for cavalry, the number was only about a hundred, and they commanded some wargs to hunt and kill Thorin.

Most of Ai Qi's three rounds of arrows were killed or injured, and he fled away.


Ai Qi called everyone together again and ordered:

"We are about to enter the territory of the elves.

Gandalf, I hope you can introduce me to the elf lord Elrond, I need to negotiate with him.

Of course, it would be even better if there were other elf lords around. "

At this time, Sorin raised an objection:

"I don't agree, the elves are the enemy of our dwarves, and I will not enter the territory of the elves."

At this moment, Aiqi has not expressed yet, Gandalf is angry:

"Put away your stubbornness, Thorin Oakenshield.

Your hostility to elves only hurts you.

Our maps are undecipherable, and Lord Elrond must be called upon now.

Besides, it's obvious that half-orcs are still roaming the plains, if you don't go with His Majesty Ai Qi, you also need to avoid the limelight for these two days.

Now, only Rivendell is around to help.

If you don't want to be killed by a half-orc on the way, or if you arrive at the Lonely Mountain and fail to find the back door of the palace, follow me to Rivendell. "

Now Gandalf was very worried about what Redagast said just now, and he had no time to argue with Thorin, so he spoke less politely than usual.

Thorin was stunned suddenly, and blushed a little. He really couldn't come up with a reason to oppose Gandalf, and he was not convinced.

Ai Qi smiled:

"Everyone, don't worry.

I need to negotiate with Lord Elrond, and Thorin needs to interpret the map, so let's go to Rivendell together for a long time.

Afterwards, the negotiation between me and the elves will probably take some time, and Sorin can continue to set off with your team.

I'll let Harry and Hermione go with you. "

Ai Qi signaled to Harry and Hermione that this was also discussed a few days ago:

"I can use space magic, and I can rush there quickly after I'm done.

It's a pity that I can only reach the places I've been to, or the places where I know the location clearly, or else I can use space magic to send you to the lonely mountain. "

Ai Qi shook his head with a pity look, and the dwarves were also very sorry.

Of course, this is a scene, and Ai Qi will not let them do it overnight.

By the way, let's exercise Harry and Hermione. Ai Qi has arranged for Balthazar to follow them secretly and can rescue them at any time. The safety of Harry and Hermione comes first.

Archie added:

"It may be very busy in Rivendell, and if we part, we may not have time to meet each other. I have some gifts here, and I will give them to you here."

Ai Qi secreted all the elf swords, fearing that this group of people would die on the peninsula without good weapons, so he took out some good mass-produced weapons in his collection and gave them to them.

Ai Qi's craftsmanship may not be as good as that of the elves, but there are two weapons that are not necessarily worse than the elf swords in the movie. One is the Valyrian steel weapon, and the other is the keel weapon.

There weren't many keels, and Aiki didn't want to give them, so he took a batch of good Valyrian steel weapons and shared them with everyone.

Aiqi gave Gandalf a one-handed sword (replacing the enemy sword), Thorin a two-handed sword (replacing the beast-biting sword), Bilbo a short sword (replacing the stabbing sword), and other dwarfs. Everyone also has a weapon. Anyway, Valyrian steel can be mass-produced (Long Ke, who is in charge of steelmaking, will suffer), and Ai Qi doesn't feel too distressed.

Speaking of it, the dwarves actually took advantage. These weapons Aiki are all enchanted and sent out, and the attack power is all increased. The equipment of the dwarves is much stronger than before.

Ai Qi asked Harry and Hermione to come forward again, and ordered:

"Let me tell you in advance, wait until Rivendell, if the dwarves leave, you just leave.

There are no fixed tasks, just keep yourself safe.

Weapons should be carried with you, and magic should be done according to your ability. After all, you are still young, and your magic power will be exhausted before you can use a few magic.

Master still has to rely on wisdom to solve problems.

Take the broomstick with you, Harry had a good idea before, and being able to fly is beneficial in many cases.

Take the box with the traceless extension spell, and get more supplies.

If the mana of the weapon I give them is depleted, use the soul stone to recharge them. "

Then, Edge took out Bilbo's stabbing sword in the original book, and Edge simply didn't name it, and put it directly into Harry's arms.

A few days after it was unearthed, the dagger had been carefully taken care of. Ai Qi replaced the original scabbard, replaced it with Valyrian steel and tempered glass, and ordered someone to make a new scabbard.

"Harry, take this short sword with you.

It should be more suitable for your current height.

This is the elven dagger found in the troll cave.

It emits a blue light when there are goblins or orcs nearby.

I have replaced the scabbard with a partially transparent one so that even if it is inserted, it can be seen when it is shining and will not be blocked by the scabbard.

This is a short sword after all, although I re-enchanted it, it is still not very suitable for fighting on the battlefield.

You can wear it on your body as an early warning and self-defense.

If the blade glows, you must be alert immediately.

You are a boy, this sword is given to you, you must protect Hermione well. "

Saying that, Ai Qi looked at Hermione with a smile, and Hermione was a little unconvinced:

"Teacher, I'm no worse than Harry, maybe I need to protect him.

Won't you give me a weapon? "

Ai Qi looked at Hermione, who looked like a little adult, with a somewhat kind feeling in his heart.

Of course, Ai Qi also wanted to cultivate the relationship between the two children. Although Ai Qi didn't care much about it, the two apprentices Ai Qi was very satisfied. They always felt that it would be better to produce and sell the Weasley family's brothers and sisters in the future.

Ai Qi laughed:

"Okay, what do girls want weapons for, you don't have the skill of a female elf.

Use brains and magic when it matters. "

Harry was holding the dagger, looking very happy. As a child, he still has a little comparison mentality, and he is happy for the gift he received.

Ai Qi shook his head. The child is still young and not enlightened. It is the right time to coax Hermione at this time.

Ai Qi took another bunch of magic scrolls produced by the world of the ancient scrolls (everyone forgets that there are magic scrolls in the game of the ancient scrolls 5), and gave them to Hermione:

"Since you don't use much magic now, let's experience it with a magic scroll.

These scrolls are kept by you, how to use them is up to you. "

Harry looked at Hermione: Is it too late for me to exchange the sword for the scroll now...

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