In Ai Qi's eyes, these dwarves were all sacrificed to prevent Harry and Hermione from being harmed.

Even if there is a problem with these dwarves, Ai Qi can also contact other dwarves, at most it is a little troublesome.

Next is eating in harmony.

Then the remaining dwarves were released and joined Thorin.

Although the dwarves were upset, they all accepted Thorin's explanation.

After the meal, everyone took a rest and started the journey again.

It was Ai Qi who wanted to chase these dwarves before, so he rode the dragon.

Now there is no need to worry, and we will move forward with a large army. If we bring a dragon, we will not be able to grasp the speed well.

Therefore, Ai Qi ordered Long Fei to return to Shire's stronghold to stand by.

Then, hundreds of troops started their journey.

All the troops brought by Ai Qi brought war horses, and Ai Qi also brought the magic horse Night Dire.

It is impossible to walk such a long distance.

Considering that many places have to go off-road through mountains, it is difficult for motor vehicles to drive over.

Ai Qi was not in a hurry, and everyone rode forward.

Of course, the lady cannot suffer, so Ai Qi also arranged for several carriages.

The model of the carriage is relatively small, so it can pass even if it encounters a forest.

Regardless of the relatively small size of the carriage, it was expanded by the No Trace Extending Curse.

Each carriage has dozens of square meters of space inside.

In this way, the soldiers can also take turns to rest, so that they don't all have to suffer immediately.

Archie and Daenerys occupied a carriage alone, and Veronica, Balthazar, Harry and Hermione occupied a carriage.

The soldiers rested in several carriages in turn, and Ai Qi generously allocated a carriage to the dwarves.

The dwarves have never seen the effect of the Untraceable Extending Curse, not to mention them, even Gandalf, who was shocked when he saw it.

Along the way, Ai Qi also picked up some magic theories to communicate with Gandalf, and also got Gandalf's wand making method and the shield magic used by Gandalf before.

This magic is very interesting. It is not inferior to the dimensional enchantment used by Ai Qi before, and it is even better in scope.

In this way, the group continued to move forward, and after a few days, they were getting closer and closer to Rivendell.

Of course, Ai Qi still remembered that there should be three trolls near here, and there are many famous swords made by elves in their caves.

It should be mentioned here that the original text of the ogre in Middle-earth is Troll, and the more common translation should be Troll.

However, many classic translations of the Lord of the Rings series are different from the current general translations, such as Orc, which is translated as half-orcs in Lord of the Rings, but the general translation should be orcs.

The Lord of the Rings is a classic, so let me clarify it here for easy understanding.

Ai Qi's guards are all elite and have enough experience. Of course, they know that they should check the surroundings for danger before setting up camp.

On this day, when the camp was about to set at sunset, the troops in front reported that they found traces of suspected trolls.

Aichi thought for a while, called the crowd, and asked Gandalf:

"Gandalf, my rangers report a suspected troll-like creature ahead.

Can you spread the knowledge about trolls to my apprentices? "

Gandalf was surprised that the trolls appeared so far south, but with so many people, he was not afraid of a few trolls at all. He calmly explained to Harry and Hermione:

"The troll is a dark creature with a huge body and great strength. It likes to eat meat and hides financial reports in caves. It has a clumsy mind and is afraid of the sun. It will turn into stone under the sun."

Ai Qi nodded, and asked Harry and Hermione:

"According to previous reports, a cave was found, and there are probably three trolls.

If the two of you were to take down the trolls, what would you do? "

Harry and Hermione didn't expect to ask themselves, thinking quickly.

Hermione thought a little faster, and under Ai Qi's encouraging gaze, she tried to say:

"If it were me, I'd deal with them during the day.

Because Mr. Gandalf said just now that they are afraid of the sun, that is to say, they will hide in the cave during the day.

If they cannot come out during the day, we can move outside the cave.

Blow the cave open to let the sunlight in, the trolls who can't hide will turn to stone in the sunlight, and the problem is solved. "

As expected of the "jack of all trades" in the future, he thought of a countermeasure so quickly.

Several people around nodded in agreement, and Ai Qi was no exception, and then looked at Harry to see what he thought.

Seeing everyone's eyes focused on him, Harry couldn't help feeling a little nervous, but Harry wasn't a shy person in the first place, so he still expressed his thoughts:

"If it were me, I'd be on a broomstick and fly high enough to stay out of range.

Then attack with long-range magic. "

Ai Qi also nodded in appreciation:

"Both of you have great ideas!

Hermione's method is very thorough, safe and less dangerous.

But if you encounter a troll at night, Harry's method is very useful.

After all, sunshine is not always available to help. "

The two children were praised and were very happy.

Ai Qi looked back and ordered:

"Send down the order to suspend camping.

Now be alert, armed, head to the cave, and slay the trolls. "

Turning around, Ai Qi said to Harry and Hermione again:

"Of course, if you have enough weapons and proper magic, you don't need to work so hard.

It is not difficult to eliminate a mere troll if the mage is prepared. "

Ai Qi suddenly remembered that in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, the protagonist trio also solved a troll, Ai Qi added with a smile:

"Harry's method requires a broomstick, but in the absence of a broomstick, you can also consider using a levitation spell to lift heavy objects and knock the troll unconscious."

Ai Qi felt a little amused seeing the two children's sudden realization.

Next, under the escort of the army, several people came to the entrance of the troll's cave.

Ai Qi ordered to throw an ultraviolet emitter that was used in the blood race world into the cave, and now the sun is about to set, leaving only the afterglow.

Moreover, the troll's cave itself is in a backlit place, and now there is no problem for the troll to come out.

As Aichi expected, trolls can be damaged by the sun, as well as by ultraviolet rays, but not as strong.

There were several roars from the depths of the cave, followed by the sound of swift footsteps, and three trolls rushed out howling.

The troops outside are ready to go, waiting for Ai Qi's order at any time, and will kill these trolls with random arrows.

However, Ai Qi didn't order to shoot arrows. Instead, he picked up the bow of Auriel, which he had prepared long ago, took the arrow of the Holy Light Elf, and shot three arrows one after another, hitting three trolls.

Such a big troll is the target, and with Ai Qi's skills, he can easily hit the target.

Originally, the troll had rough skin and thick flesh, so it was difficult to kill even if it hit a vital point.

However, the combination of Auriel's Bow and Holy Light Elf Arrow will cause splashing sun damage.

A few trolls began to petrify from where they were shot, and gradually changed their voices in howling.

At this moment, everyone looked at Ai Qi with reverence.

It felt good to install a handful, Aiqi enjoyed it very much, and ordered the soldiers:

"Search the entire cave.

Be aware of other hazards.

There should be something of value in the cave, clear it out! "

Although Ai Qi is not rare, there are still famous swords that should be collected, just like the sword of Gryffindor.

The famous sword made by the elves of the first era that was taken away by the dwarves in the original book is a bit useless for them, so Ai Qi should keep it for himself.

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