Chapter 163 Jungle Battle, Zombie Destruction [2_7 Subscription Required]!!

Yan Baoyue waved his hand, “Ah Wei took someone to inform them, directly tell them that the devil resurrected and attacked the village, they will know the weight.” ”


Ah Wei immediately led the people to the church.

It was still early in the morning, and under the command of Yan Baoyue, the villagers quickly went home and took out the garlic, mashed it and mixed it into water, and froze a hundred pieces of paper, completely infecting the garlic water.

At noon, Yan Baoyue decided to kill the zombie during the day.

“Commander, this is the ink bucket net that I have soaked in black dog blood and garlic, it should be of some use, and that zombie will be handed over to you!”

Uncle Nine should stay to protect the villagers and prevent emergencies.


Yan Baoyue turned and walked out of the township office.

The whole Quanchang Village suddenly became quiet, and Yan Baoyue walked to the edge of the village and summoned three thousand Yin soldiers: “Find out that Western zombie as soon as possible.” ”

“Subordinates honor!”

The Yin soldiers set out for the mountains.

Yan Baoyue looked at the church on the top of the mountain.

Each Western zombie has a unique affection for the church, just like the Eastern vampire zombie, who has a attachment to its coffin.

Father Wren in the movie sucked blood and returned to the coffin inside the church to rest.

The zombie was now hiding in a coffin inside the church.

While thinking, Yan Baoyue went straight to the church on the mountain.

As soon as I got closer, I heard a loud noise inside the church.

There was even the sound of gunshots.

Yan Baoyue took a step, stepped out of the tens of meters, and came to the church in the blink of an eye.

“Yikes! Both! ”

Ah Wei’s voice kept coming, accompanied by the sound of the security team constantly shooting, only to see a dense set of bats, surrounding the church.

Yan broke Yue Shen’s hand, and the lightning strike peach wood sword slowly condensed in his hand, and he poured in the aura to urge: “Chop! ”


The lightning strike of the peach wood sword left a remnant in the sky, like a meteor across those, and the corpse fell in an instant.

Ah Wei shielded his head with his hand, afraid that the corpse was in his own pocket, and rushed to Yan Baoyue: “Great Marshal, this broken church is full of bats, obviously it was not there when it was searched that day!” ”

Yan Baoyue let out a ‘hmm’ and walked straight toward the inside of the church.

There are many bats in the church, but there is no yin qi.

The coffin in the Qing Repair Room showed no signs of passivity, and it was obvious that Mrs. Lily’s body had not come to the church after her body had changed.

Not long after, the soap inside the church was driven away and killed.

A group of little nuns ran over crying and crying, and surrounded Yan Baoyue: “Just now, thank you Grand Marshal for saving us!” ”

The fat dean made a prayerful gesture: “Thank you so much for saving each other, but these bats, we don’t know where they came from…”

Yan Baoyue raised his hand, “This matter is not the point. ”

“Not the point?”

The dean was slightly stunned: “Then what do you have to do?” ”

“The devil is resurrected.”

Yan Baoyue’s voice was light: “Presumably, after you have seen the Qing Repair Room, you have already understood what happened in the church.” Now, the events of that year are going to be repeated. ”

At that time, Qing Qing wanted to repeat the fat body of a dean, and in an instant, he stumbled, and his eyes were full of panic: “You mean… Will the ghost attack the church again? ”

The dean’s eyes are different from these nuns, and she knows very well about things like church eyes and demons.

After Yan Baoyue left the church that day, she went back into the Qing Meditation Room and saw a room full of garlic heads, spilled holy water, including a burned corner of the Bible, and she knew that the church had been attacked by the devil.

“Or else?”

Yan Baoyue looked at her lightly: “Although Ah Wei acts like an asshole, he will not target you women for no reason.” ”

The Dean’s lips trembled a few times, and his eyes were a little frightened: “Marshal, is there anything we can do to help?” ”

“I don’t need your help.”

Yan Baoyue looked at them: “Follow Ah Wei to the township office to stay and avoid the sudden attack of Western zombies on the church, then you will all be unable to escape.” ”

The dean bent down toward Yan Baoyue, “Everything is stamped with the Grand Marshal.” ”

Yan Baoyue gave Ah Wei a look, and Ah Wei and the security team left with the nuns.

The whole church was suddenly empty.

Yan Baoyue wrenched his finger in his hand and muttered to himself, “Where will it be?” ”

In the evening.

Yan Baoyue finally received a message from the Yin soldiers.


Yan Baoyue opened his eyes, stood up from the front of the church, and followed the Yin soldiers towards the dense forest outside Quanchang Village.

In the evening, the dense forest becomes darker, the white water mist slowly rises from the ground, and the whole forest is dark and lonely, and occasionally crows spread their wings and fly by.

Eventually the Yin soldiers stopped in front of a cave.

Inside the cave came the smell of blood, and the low roar of the female zombie.


The female zombie could clearly detect that someone was approaching, and she looked at the dim sky and finally slowly emerged from the cave.

“Hands on.”

At the moment when the female zombie Ganggang just walked out of the cave, four paper generals standing above the cave covered the ink bucket mesh in their hands.

“Nourishing ———”

The ink bucket net soaked in garlic water and black dog blood shrouded Mrs. Lily’s body, looking at her body like a sulfuric acid rotting worm.

The original white skin, under the corrosion of garlic water and black dog blood, shed fishy green pus blood.


At the same time, Yan Baoyue summoned dozens of paper generals and slashed at the female zombies.

The long knife that had soaked the garlic water was very good at cutting at the female zombie that was constantly purging, but it only left a shallow wound.

Yan Shaoyue stared, this zombie’s defensive ability was obviously much stronger than a wave of Western Zombie.

If it were not for the garlic water soaked in the paper in advance, I am afraid that even this shallow wound would not be able to be left.


The female zombie was corroded by garlic water, and her claws were as hard as iron, tearing the ink bucket net to pieces, and grabbing a paper general.

“Bang bang bang!!”

The paper will be as hard as steel, even if the long knife can not break the female zombie’s defenses, there is no fear of the female zombie’s claws, but the garlic water on the body, making the female zombie scream again.


The female zombie dropped the paper man and a fierce wind rolled up behind her.

Yan Baoyue found that behind this female zombie, two bat-like wings had grown and she was trying to fly away at this time.


Yan Baoyue ran the Stiff Heart Sutra, and in a flash of time, a hundred pieces of paper jumped up and stepped heavily on the female zombie’s wings, no matter how hard she tried, she could not fly.

The female zombie was furious and slammed into a tree next to the bowl mouth, shaking down a lot of paper generals.

The paper general who was shocked down, brandishing the long knife in his hand, constantly slashed at the female zombie, and in the blink of an eye, the smelly green blood dyed the paper knife green.

Yan Shaoyue frowned.

Although this zombie’s defense is not weak, its strength is not strong.

It was sooner or later that he was besieged and hacked to death by the paper general, just looking at the pus blood that the zombies kept shedding, contaminated on the paper general’s body, Yan Baoyue couldn’t bear it, and subconsciously looked up at the sky above the dense forest.

The setting sun is about to sink in the west, and the trees that shade the sky and the sun live in bright light.

In ten minutes at most, the night will come to the bottom.

“It’s time to end.”

Yan Baoyue sneered coldly, mobilized the True Nothingness condensed in his chest, turned into a white swordless sword and roared out of his mouth, circling rapidly over the dense forest.

In the blink of an eye.

The branches and leaves above the dense forest fell in clusters, and the branches and leaves that originally covered the sky and the sun instantly fell to the ground, revealing a pure sky.

The afterglow of the setting sun slanted obliquely into the dense forest, and Mrs. Lily, who had just been clean, was instantly enveloped by the sunset.


Even if it is a dim sunset, it is by no means a simple evil that can resist.

Her hard body, as if sprinkled with gasoline, lit up in flames under the afterglow of the sun.

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