The book is brief. Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty patrolled north and east, inspecting the Great Wall. The last stop was Zhuojun (now Hebei). At this time, Zhuojun was the capital of the entire Youzhou Prefecture. Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty came from the outside of the Great Wall for inspection. All those who greeted the emperor in Zhuo County were not only local officials from Youzhou, but also the leaders of the Khans from various tribes and alliances in Liaodong.

Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty's 500,000-strong army, as well as Qimin Khan's Turkic cavalry, patrolled along the way, and the news spread to various ministries in Liaodong early. The leaders of the Khitan, Xi, Baishan, Shiwei, Bohai, Jurchen, Heishui, Limo and other tribes and alliances in Youzhou and Liaodong who have lived in Youzhou and Liaodong for generations gathered in Zhuojun to worship Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty.

Yang Guang was very happy and ordered people to set up the Baolong Palace tent and summon the leaders of You and Liao tribes to see him. Everyone was chatting happily when they saw Yu Shiji, the Minister of Internal Affairs, hurriedly came to the palace tent and said:"Your Majesty, Silla Kingdom and Baekje Kingdom learned that Your Majesty was on an eastward tour and sent envoys across the sea to ask for an audience with Your Majesty."

Yang Guangguang rejoiced:"I never expected that Silla and Baekje, far apart from each other across the ocean, could have such filial piety. They sent envoys from the two countries to visit us.

" After entering the Baolong Palace tent, they all knelt down together and offered congratulatory gifts. Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty said:"The two envoys have worked hard all the way and are given a seat on their backs."

"On my northern tour this time, I mainly visited the various tribes and alliances in Liaodong. The various tribes in Liaodong and Silla and Baekje are commendable for their filial piety and loyalty. I am very pleased and deserve to be rewarded.

As soon as he finished speaking, the Baekje envoy stood up and said,"Your Majesty, the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty, I, the Baekje envoy, have one more thing to ask of you.""

"But there’s no harm in talking."

The Baekje envoy said:"Goguryeo did not abide by the old treaty, invaded Baekje, and had a disobedient heart. My Lord, I sincerely request His Majesty the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty to send troops to attack Goguryeo and punish Goguryeo. The Silla envoy also followed and said:"

Your Majesty, we, the Silla Kingdom, also ask the Sui Dynasty to send troops." Emperor

Yang of the Sui Dynasty was not surprised and said with a bit of complacency:"This matter is not difficult. We decided to go east from Zhuojun and tour the White Mountains and Black Waters." Half a million troops patrolling Liaodong were enough to overwhelm Goguryeo without resorting to war."

"this……"The envoys from Baekje and Silla looked at each other and seemed to think that it was inappropriate to tour the White Mountains and Black Waters.

Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty saw the thoughts of the two envoys and asked:"Isn't such a formation not enough to intimidate?"

At this time, the chief of the Shiwei tribe, named Mohe Duo, stood up and played:"Your Majesty the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty, do you have Unknown to everyone, a large area of ​​land in eastern Liaodong has been annexed by Goguryeo. Our alliances in eastern Liaoning have been giving in one after another, and we can no longer bear it."

Emperor Sui Yang was surprised and asked again:"Isn't Goguryeo south of the Sa River?"

Moheduo said:" Sa River is the boundary, which was the limit during the Kaihuang period. Goguryeo expanded its territory in successive years, crossing Sa River and occupying Lelang County. Now it has established Liaodong County on the east bank of Liao River."

"Damn it!"Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty slapped the Long Shu table angrily, stood up suddenly, and was furious for a moment. He said angrily:"In just a few years, Goguryeo dared to occupy Liaodong. It seems that my visit this time is really not in vain."

Qimin Khan said:"Your Majesty, what's the problem? The Nu family led the Turkic cavalry to kill Liaodong to eliminate hidden dangers for Your Majesty."

Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty smiled happily and said:"Silla and Baekje came to ask for the Great Sui Dynasty. How can I ask you to send troops? The affairs of Goguryeo are all on me. Sooner or later, Liaodong will be leveled, and each tribe and alliance will have their own territory.."

The leaders of the Khan kings in eastern Liaoning stood up one after another, shouting"Long live the mountain" and thanked

Emperor Yang of Sui. It can be said that Zhuo County reunited and pointed to the east, and the Emperor of Sui was ambitious and made great achievements. He cherished the ambition of pacifying the barbarians, so why waste all his imperial power? Empty.

After Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty inspected Zhuojun, he said goodbye to Qimin Khan and the various alliances in Liaodong, and returned to the capital. Half a million troops entered the Great Wall from Zhuojun and rushed back to Daxing, Xijing.

Zhuge Ying and Yu Shiji accompanied him in the Guanfengxing Hall. Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty lazily leaned on the Arhat bed, clasped his fingernails, and said with deep confusion:"This northern tour is really eye-opening. A small Goguryeo not only crossed the Sa River, but also expanded its territory to Lelang County now uses the Liaohe River as its boundary and is eyeing western Liaoning."

Zhuge Ying said:"Your Majesty, why don't you grant permission to Qi Min Khan, ally with the northern tribes, accuse Goguryeo, snipe and clam fight, and reap the benefits?"

"I am the emperor, how can I ask for favors from the Turks and help them establish their prestige? I will attack them personally. Be it Liaodong or Lelang, whoever defeats it will belong to him."

Yu Shiji always followed the wishes of Emperor Sui Yang and said:"Your Majesty's plan to attack Goguryeo is not a bad idea, but the Great Wall has just been overhauled and the road has been dug, which is very expensive. The money in the treasury is almost spent, and other taxes cannot be collected in advance. Yes"

"Therefore, I feel that instead of waiting to collect taxes from the people, it is better to open up trade routes and increase taxes."

Yu Shiji bowed and said:"Please make it clear, Your Majesty. Yang

Guang sat upright and said:"First, he ordered Ning Changcai, the governor of Jiaozhi, to go to Nanyang to find the red earth countries and do business with them; second, he wanted to open up the Western Regions and trade with the merchants in the Western Regions; third, Didn't Yu Wenkai design the Yongji Canal? If it could be opened, the Hebei states would be connected to the Central Plains, and trade would definitely flourish."

Yu Shiji smiled with a smile on his face and bowed to him:"Your Majesty is really a wise man. In the difficult situation of the country, the Emperor said in a moment that the clouds could be cleared and the sun could be seen."

As soon as Yu Shiji flattered him, Zhuge Ying frowned and bowed:"Your Majesty, I'm afraid it's inappropriate to dig the Yongji Canal."

"What's wrong?"

"The young men from the ten counties in Hebei have all been recruited to build the Great Wall. Where can we recruit more laborers to dig the Yongji Canal?"

"Well, let's delay digging the canal for a while, but we can't delay opening up the Western Region any longer. The King of Hejian is still waiting for four million taels of shipbuilding and military expenses."


Zhuge Ying wanted to persuade Emperor Yang of Sui again, but Emperor Yang of Sui didn't care much. He immediately ordered Yu Shiji to arrange a fast horse to deliver the decree, and ordered the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Rites to arrange envoys to go to the Western Regions to survey routes and draw maps. Yu Shiji did not dare to neglect him. He knew that Emperor Yang of Sui Dynasty was tormenting him. He secretly thought that the way to be an official was to let him go and let him do whatever he wanted....

To make a long story short, Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty returned to Daxing, the capital. As soon as he took a bath in the Ning'an Hall, a young eunuch hurried into the palace to report the news. Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty changed his clothes, came to the front hall, and asked:"Why are you in such a hurry? , I haven't rested yet."

The little eunuch said:"To report to the emperor, the King of Hejian wants to see you."

"Has the old uncle returned to Beijing?"

"I've been back for several days"

"Please come and see the King of Hejian quickly."

The little eunuch passed the message and after waiting for a while, he saw Yang Hong, the king of Hejian, quickly coming to the front hall to pay homage to Emperor Yang of Sui Dynasty.

"The emperor's uncle quickly excused himself and sat down to talk."

The maid served tea, and Emperor Sui Yang took a bowl of tea and handed it to King Hejian. Yang Hong took a sip of tea and said,"The old minister returned to Beijing this time just to order Anliu to seek the country.

Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty asked:"How will Liu Qiuguo respond?""

"Liu asked for the king of the land, and Huansi was eager to assassinate the capital. Not only did he refuse to submit and become a vassal, he even said arrogantly that unless the Sui Dynasty could transport 30,000 troops to Yizhou Island, there would be no talk of submission."

"snort! Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty knocked on the armrest of the seat, stood up and said angrily:"If I could transport 30,000 soldiers to the East China Sea, there would be no need to talk about Zhao'an. I would have killed the thief King Tu!""

Yang Hong said:"I think that if we can make up the remaining four million taels of silver, build another navy in Lingnan, and attack from two directions, Jiangdong and Lingnan, we will be able to recover the Yizhou Islands."

"To be honest with the King of Hejian, my money is really tight now. Goguryeo continues to expand its territory, occupying Lelang, and demarcating the border to the Liaohe River; Tuyuhun in the northwest occupies the Hexi Corridor, colludes with the Yiwu Kingdom, and cuts off the taxes and tributes from the Western Regions to the Sui Dynasty. The remaining money in the treasury still needs to be spent on building the Great Wall and digging roads. It's difficult. Yang

Hong, the king of Hejian, was a veteran of the two dynasties. He was capable and loyal. Naturally he understood the difficulties faced by Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty. Yang Hong said:"Since the court is in a difficult situation, it is better to postpone the eastward expedition to Yizhou until the emperor has opened up the Western Regions and collected taxes. Then he can conquer the Yizhou again." It's not too late for the state"

"No."Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty said:"Since the Great Sui Dynasty and Tu Wang Huansi have fallen out, the war in Yizhou cannot be interrupted no matter what. Otherwise, the Kingdom of Ryukyu will look down on me, and the Japanese Kingdom of Japan will not even take me seriously."

"Then how does the emperor plan to use the treasury silver?

Emperor Sui Yang said:"Uncle, please don't worry. I have my own arrangements for tomorrow morning.""

Early the next morning, all the civil and military officials went to court. Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty sat on the dragon throne and listened to the reports from the ministers. He said to the ministers:"The Sui Dynasty is currently looking at peace, but it is surrounded by crises. Liuqiu in the East China Sea refused to surrender, and even the Japanese looked down on me; Tuyuhun in the western region colluded with the Yiwu country to cut off the Silk Road, causing the court to be short of taxes for years; there was also Goguryeo in the east of Liaodong, which actually extended its territory to the Liaohe River. I can't sit back and watch these three major border troubles. in spite of. Yesterday I had a discussion with the King of Hejian. Since Liuqiu refused to surrender, it is most urgent now, so I decided to conquer Liuqiu again."

The old minister Su Wei said:"Your Majesty, now the treasury has been unable to make money, and the remaining money has been accounted for the reconstruction of the Great Wall and the excavation of Chidao. There is really no money to spend.

Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty said:"What's the problem? Just transfer the money for building the Great Wall to the Ministry of War.""

"I'm afraid I can't even allocate Lauf's salary. Emperor

Sui Yang said:"The people who built the Great Wall are suffering a little, but there are too many gaps now, so we can only let the people help the court carry it first.""

When Su Wei saw that the emperor had said this, he remained silent and had nothing to say. Then another veteran minister, Gao Xi, stood up and said:"Your Majesty, I think this is inappropriate."

"What does Gao Aiqing think is wrong?"

"If the money for building the Great Wall is allocated to the navy, the hundreds of thousands of conscripts will be in vain and they will inevitably complain, which will only disturb people's hearts."

Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty said:"What do the people of the world have to complain about? They have never been to Saibei or Liaodong, and they don't know that there is an island of China in the East China Sea. I went on this tour with my own hands. Could it be that I was doing it just for fun and pleasure?"

Gao Xi said:"Your Majesty has personally demonstrated, and I understand, but now the corvee is heavy and taxes are increasing. I am afraid that the people will be tired and the country's strength will be wasted."

When Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty saw Gao Xi pressing every word, Long Yan became angry:"Gao Xi, what do you mean by this?"

"I just feel that people's hearts are paramount. If we go all out with force and want to achieve great success, I'm afraid that we won't be able to eliminate the border troubles and will have the opposite effect."

"presumptuous! Emperor Sui Yang scolded angrily:"Gao Xi!" You are saying that I am resorting to militarism. Do you know that this is the crime of rebellion?"

"I assisted the kings of the two dynasties, and I told you everything I knew. It was related to the safety of the country, so I should be merciful! After saying this

, Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty became furious and said,"Warriors on the left and right, take down this arrogant Gao Xi.""

I saw four golden-armored warriors boarding the ceremony, knocking down Gao Xi, taking off their official hats, and taking them on the spot. I saw the old general He Ruobi stood up and shouted:"Your Majesty, wait a minute!"

"Does the old general want to intercede for Gao Xi?" Emperor Sui Yang asked

"Your Majesty, the old minister risked his life to receive advice. What Gao Xi said is not unreasonable. Although His Majesty has the ambition to restructure the world, he cannot suffer the hardships of his people just for the sake of border troubles. Today, hundreds of thousands of civilians are rebuilding the Great Wall. Forced hard labor will surely lose the hearts of the people."

"Nonsense!"Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty had a fierce look in his eyes. He glared at He Ruobi fiercely and said angrily:"Although the Sui Dynasty is large, I am not the only one who owns it. It is natural for hundreds of millions of people to serve the imperial court. How can we allow you, a mouthpiece, to talk nonsense? He Ruobi was captured together, dismissed from his post, and thrown into death row."

Several warriors in golden armor picked up Gao Xi and He Ruobi and dragged them out. He Ruobi refused to give up and shouted loudly:"Your Majesty, if you don't listen to loyal advice, you will harm the country and the people! Your Majesty...Your Majesty……"

Xiao Cong, Su Wei, Zhuge Ying, Xue Daoheng, Li Yuan, Qu Tutong and other civil and military officials came out one after another and knelt down to plead for Gao Xi and He Ruobi, asking Emperor Sui Yang to be lenient and to show mercy. Emperor Sui Yang was furious and just waved his hand:"Let's discuss it further and withdraw from the court."

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