Spring has begun in Yangzhou Prefecture. The scenery is beautiful and the spring breeze is sultry. Many flowers and plants are already in bloom. It is a wonderful time for tourists to be attracted by the spring breeze.

Onochen Yingao, An Zuofu and other Japanese envoys traveled around Yangzhou for several days and purchased many Buddhist scriptures. Yu Wenshu also presented some books and loaded them on the ship.

These Japanese envoys were very proud of themselves. After all, their trip was to seek Buddhist scriptures. They all felt that the emperor's mission could finally return with a full load. They were completely unaware that the Sui navy had left the East China Sea. At this time, Yu Wenshu came to the river with several followers.

"Mr. Ono, starting from today, the imperial court has prepared a three-day special show for you, which is called the Hundred Shows of Fish and Dragon. Please leave some memories for you Japanese people."

"Thank you very much, Mr. Xu. I don’t know where to watch fish, dragons, and fishes.

Yu Wen said:"I have arranged to set up a stage in the courtyard of the post house. There will be a good show today.""

Because of his high rank, Xiao Yechen was overjoyed when he heard about it, because the Japanese had never seen the Fish, Dragon and Baixi. They just heard that there were many strange people and magical skills that ordinary people could not compare with, so they happily went to the post house to watch.

The Fish, Dragon and Baixi, The performance lasted for three days, firstly to reward the accompanying officials, and secondly to open the eyes of the Japanese envoys. There were no jugglers in the Japanese country, and some of the unique skills were beyond imagination, including those who breathed fire, swallowed swords, played with swords, and fought. The skills of ferocious beasts, real and fake, extraordinary skills.

Although these folk skills cannot be used in actual combat, Ono and other envoys thought they were magical skills after seeing them. They felt that there were so many gods in the Sui Dynasty that they were stunned and stunned. Admire.

Seeing that the vaudeville performance has come to the last day, the Japanese envoys are watching the show. They are all sitting back and relaxing. There is a sound of footsteps in the distance, and Yu Wenshu is seen hurriedly coming with an imperial edict. All the artists stop their performances and stand. On the side, the Japanese envoy Xiao Yechen in the audience saw Yu Wenshu's serious face and no smile at all, and asked in surprise:"What's urgent, Lord Yu Wen?""

"The envoy from Yixiejiu Kingdom listens to the order!"

Ono Chen, An Zuo Welfare and others were stunned because of Gao. The performing artists and other ministers accompanying the audience knelt down one after another. Ono and An Zuo saw that the momentum was not right, so they also lifted their robes and knelt down to listen to the imperial edict.

Yu Wenshu unfolded the imperial edict. , read sternly:"The Emperor of the Sui Dynasty issued an edict: In March of the third year of the Daye Period, the Yangtze River Navy of the Sui Dynasty set out from the mouth of the Yangtze River to conquer the Liuqiu Kingdom eastward and recover the Yizhou Islands. Taking this opportunity, I would like to warn all the barbarians in the East China Sea that they should surrender as soon as possible to avoid offending the dragon's power and causing their own destruction! Admire this!"

Ono and Anzuo knelt on the ground and were stunned for a long time before they recovered. Yu Wenshu said:"Two envoys, our lord sent troops to the east three days ago. The show of fish, dragon and dragon is over today. Please let me know in advance. Your master, please surrender as soon as possible."

Ono said:"Since the war in the East China Sea is about to break out, why not let us, Yi Xie Jiu, mediate, and take us to see the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty quickly."

"It's too late"


"My lord has driven back to Dongdu this morning."

"this……"Ono and others were confused for a moment.

"Envoy Ono, the Yizhou Islands have belonged to our land of Kyushu since the time of Soochow. I can take back my own land without your mediation."Yu Wenshu conveniently put the imperial edict on the table, turned around and left. It can be said that: strangers perform acrobatics and light skills, and the Japanese envoys marvel at the monsters at first sight. The vast East China Sea splits the waves, and the warships rush with the waves at the mouth of the river.

The day the Japanese envoys returned home in a hurry , it was the time when the Sui army went to sea. The Sui navy, which set out from the East China Sea, marched all the way eastward, riding the wind and waves. He Man was a native of southern Fujian and was familiar with the sea route. After more than two days, he saw an island faintly appearing on the sea.

The water on the warship The Yongs cheered each other, Zhu Kuan's face was full of joy, and he asked He Man:"Could that be Yizhou Island? He

Man stood on the bow of the boat, looked from a distance, shook his head and said,"This island is not Yizhou Island, but Gaohua Island. People from Fujian and Zhejiang go fishing in the East China Sea and trade with Liuqiu people, and they must pass through Gaohua Island." Turn south and you will find Yizhou Island to the south."

Although I was overjoyed, I was still quite pleased. He Man guided me personally, and everyone didn't have to worry about getting lost at sea. After another two days of sailing on the sea, sure enough, another island appeared on the sea, like a dragon, winding on the sea. , if the shape appears.

He Man looked over and over again, Zhu Kuan and others looked at He Man with hesitant eyes, and saw He Man patting the edge of the boat and shouting loudly:"This is Yizhou Island.

Zhu Kuan was overjoyed and shouted to his subordinates:"Speed ​​up and land on Yizhou Island.""

The warship docked, and the people on the shore carried wooden frames on their backs and gathered around to watch. When everyone boarded the shore, Zhu Kuan asked:"In the opinion of the sea master, why do the islanders greet each other on the shore?"

"The folk customs in Yizhou are simple and simple, and the people often trade mountain goods with the passing ships. They must have regarded us as a merchant ship, here for trading."

The people on the island saw that there were no merchants on the boat, but there were many soldiers getting off the boat. The islanders didn't know the reason, so they dispersed one after another. The Sui army who first arrived on Yizhou Island had no offense with Qiu, the islanders on the shore. It can be considered that everything is at peace.

During this Eastern Expedition to recruit Anliu to seek the country, the Sui army did not have many warships to go to sea. There were only more than 500 Sui soldiers who landed on Yizhou Island. The soldiers were arranged in a long snake formation. , went deep into the island, walked along the road to a big mountain pass, and suddenly there was a muffled sound, and He Man said:"No, this is a wooden drum, there must be an ambush!" Zhu

Kuan turned his horse's head and shouted loudly:"Send the order to the rear troops to stop and line up.""

The soldiers following immediately dispersed and formed a battle formation. A group of mountain people were seen swarming out in front, with different hair accessories, like savages, but holding swords and guns, blocking the way.

From the crowd, a tall horse walked out The head horse is a man on horseback. He is wearing a cowhide waistcoat, a deer sinew belt around his waist, and cowhide underneath. He is wearing open-toe animal skin boots, a long belt to tie his hair, thick eyebrows and tiger eyes, a garlic nose and thick lips, and a three-pronged fork in his hand. , It was so powerful.

Zhu Kuan looked around and saw that there were more than two thousand people and horses blocking the mountain road. Although Zhu Kuan didn't know whether they were bandits or Liuqiu soldiers, the number of people and horses was always far higher than that of the Sui army. The broad sword was hung on the saddle bridge, and he bowed his hands and said:"Dear heroes, I am Zhu Kuan, the general of the navy under the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty. I have been ordered to travel eastward to recruit the Lord of Liuqiu and submit to the Sui Dynasty."

"Ha ha ha ha……"The leader raised his head and laughed, pointed at Zhu Kuan and shouted:"Zhu Kuan, listen, I am Na Ya, the master of the Gyro Cave in Liangshan Pass! If you want to see the leader of my country, you must be able to defeat the three holding heaven forks in my hand in advance!"

He Man Watching the formation of the Gyro Cave Lord's soldiers carefully, he said beside him:"Although these bandits are many in number, they have no formation skills. We should quickly prepare powerful crossbows to withstand them.""

"Prepare your crossbow quickly!"Zhu Kuan gave an order, and a group of soldiers raised their crossbows and prepared to fight.

Liu Qiuguo had never seen a strong crossbow and was not afraid of it. The master of the Yadong shouted:"Sui people, don't try to bluff people, eat me first. One fork!"Na Ya urged the horse to charge out, and Zhu Kuan raised his sword to fight.

The two fought and fought. Although Na Ya was very powerful, he didn't have much real martial arts. After seven or eight rounds, he couldn't resist. Na Ya knew that he was no match. With a feint, he shouted to the mountain soldiers behind him:"Brothers, help me!"

The mountain soldiers from Gyro Cave were overwhelming and swarmed out. He Man saw the enemy soldiers rushing out and ordered to fire the crossbow. Liuqiu's mountain soldiers had never seen a powerful crossbow. They staggered around after being shot, and the soldiers behind did not dare to approach. After retreating to Muzha in the mountains, the soldiers from Gyro Cave at the two mountain passes guarded the mountain passes and did not dare to go out to fight. The cave owner Na Ya changed his horse to a fast horse and galloped to Boluotan Cave, which was the country of Liuqiu. The capital of the capital. This is:

As soon as I went to Yizhou to talk about surrender, I became hostile and drew swords and spears.

The sky was filled with the sound of crossbows, and the words were not speculated and drew blood.

The king of Liuqiu Kingdom, named himself the King of Tu, and his surname was Huansi. , named Kejidou, is more than seven feet long, stout, with a brown complexion, thick eyebrows and big eyes, a square nose and a brown beard, and a rough and aggressive nature.

Because Yizhou Island is still a barbaric land, the island Leaders of all sizes would build their strongholds on mountains and guard caves as their home, and Thirst's nest was chosen in Boluotan Cave. Na Ya, the master of Gyro Cave, panting, trotted to Boluotan Cave and knelt down on his knees. :"Report to the King of Tu that the Sui Kingdom in Haixi sent hundreds of soldiers and horses, using powerful bows and arrows, claiming to conquer the Yizhou Islands."

"Um? Standing next to Ke Jingdou was Wang Zidaozui. Ke Jingdou usually trusted his son Daochui the most. He turned around and asked,"My son thinks that the Sui Kingdom invaded Yizhou. What should I do?""

Dao Chui said:"Father, I heard that there were nine states in the Sui Dynasty. The land was vast and rich in resources, and it was hundreds of times better than Yizhou. Now, there are only a few hundred people coming here. They are just friendly envoys. You can see them first and there is nothing to be afraid of."

"Well, that makes some sense."Kejidou said to Na Ya:"Master of Na Ya Cave, I ordered Wang Zidaozui to go with you to Liangshankou Gyro Cave to meet the people of the Sui Dynasty."

"The boy obeyed."

Prince Daochui returned to Liangshan Pass with Na Ya. At this time, the Sui army had set up camp outside Liangshan Pass. Prince Daochui ordered the gate to be opened and invited the Sui envoys to come. The mountain soldiers handed in the letter, and Zhu Kuan and He Man read Daochui. In the letter, Zhu Kuan said:"Now Liu Qiuguo has written a letter to negotiate peace. I hope the sea master will teach me whether it is war or peace.

He Man said:"Since Liu Qiu wants to seek peace, it would be better to meet him." Firstly, both your Majesty and the King of Hejian intend to recruit Liuqiu, so it would be best if they could negotiate a peace; secondly, General Zhu only brought more than 500 soldiers and could only hold on for a while; so peace negotiation was the main thing."

Zhu Kuan said:"If King Liu asks Tu to lay an ambush, I'm afraid he will never come back. He Man said:"

General, don't worry. I don't think King Tu will set up an ambush. We can't wait for more than five hundred people. If we want to encircle and suppress them, it will not be difficult. We must be polite first and then attack. We will face each other calmly.""

"Um."Zhu Kuan agreed and nodded.

Liuqiu and Da Sui communicated with each other and negotiated peace. Daozhui and Naya opened the gate and led the mountain soldiers to line up to greet them. Zhu Kuan and He Man walked into the two mountain passes and said with joy:"It's true. It can be said that no deal can be made without fighting. I am glad to see Prince Liuqiu today. Dao Chui said:"

My father heard that the generals are envoys of the Sui Dynasty, and specially invited you to go to Boluotan Cave for a banquet.""

He Man said beside Zhu Kuan:"Since the Earth King has good intentions, why not do it. But I don’t know how many days it takes to get to Boluotan Cave."

"Hurry up and make it a two-day trip."

He Man and Zhu Kuan looked at each other and thought it was feasible, so they agreed to Tu Wang Huansi's invitation.

Everyone was in harmony, as if they had no grudges, and passed the two mountain passes together. Accompanied by Prince Daochui and Cave Master Na Ya , rushed to the Boluo Tan Cave.

Ke Ci Dou, the earth king of Liuqiu Kingdom, had been waiting for a long time. At the entrance of the Boluo Tan Cave, he stretched out his hands, palms up, and said happily:"I heard that the envoy of the Sui Dynasty came from afar. I am very happy. endless"

"Zhu Kuan was ordered to cross the sea and patrol eastward. Many thanks to the King of Tu for his kindness."

"General please!"

"Earth King please!"Everyone entered the Boluo Tan Cave together. The cave was damp and dark. Thirsty Thorns all sat on deerskin thrones. Daozhui and Na Ya sat on one side, Zhu Kuan and He Man sat on the other side, and several of them had their backs and shoulders bare. The lady brought several straw plates, full of wine, vegetables and fruits.

Thirsty Crick Pou picked up the wine glass and said to Zhu Kuan and He Man:"What we have prepared today are all Yizhou specialties. You two generals don't have to be formal and you can enjoy them."."

Everyone drank the cup and exchanged a few words. Thirsty Ci Dou asked:"I heard that the land of Sui Dynasty was boundless. What's the point of sending an envoy to the island now?"

Zhu Kuan said:"The Yizhou Islands have been surrendered since the Soochow period. Now the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty wants to regain the territory and complete the unification. I hope that King Tu will lead the people on the islands to surrender as soon as possible. The world will be blessed."

"Hahahaha……"Ke Jingdou laughed with a bit of contempt and asked:"Soochow happened hundreds of years ago. Now the Liuqiu Kingdom belongs to me. Why does it belong to the Sui Emperor?"

Zhu Kuan frowned. , with a displeased expression on his face, He Man tugged on the lapel of Zhu Kuan's clothes and said:"I, He Man, have lived in southern Fujian for many years, on the thirty-six islands of Penghu in Yizhou. Since the Eastern Wu period, I can read Chinese characters, speak Chinese, and interact with the mainland. Trading and intermarriage are one body, how can they be separated?"

"You people from the Central Plains have taken over so much land, divided it and combined it, and made it a mess, and now you are thinking about me.Island, what a wishful thinking."Ke Xingdou casually threw an unfinished bone into the grass tray.

Zhu Kuan and He Man looked at each other, and Zhu Kuan said:"The unification of China is the general trend. The king of Tu will surrender as soon as possible, and he will still retain his respect as the king. If you start a fight with your position, all your thoughts will be destroyed."

"Hum hum……"Ke Cidou sneered:"Although there are not many soldiers and horses on the island, there are tens of thousands of them at least. Unless you can transport 30,000 soldiers and horses to the island, there is no talk of recovery." He Man and

Zhu Kuan hesitated, no The strong argument is that, firstly, this trip is just an envoy and a guest, and the powerful dragon cannot suppress the local snake; secondly, the thirty thousand cavalry crossed the sea and landed on the island, and the sea transportation could not reach it during the Daye period.

Everyone dispersed unhappy. Seeing that their persuasion was ineffective, Zhu Kuan and He Man bid farewell to Boluotan Cave and led their five hundred soldiers back the same way. Along the way, He Man said to Zhu Kuan:"This Tuwang is very arrogant. I think there will eventually be a battle between the two sides.""

"well……"Zhu Kuan said:"Although the people in Liuqiu are brave and unintelligent, it is not easy to say that there are tens of thousands of soldiers at least."

He Man said:"When we return to Yangzhou Prefecture, we need to ask the court to build warships as soon as possible. Most of the original five-tooth ships are obsolete. Jiang Shangke, I'm afraid I can't cross the sea."

Zhu Kuan banged the riding whip in his hand and thought:"You and I need to draw maps along the way during our visit. Since there will be a war eventually, it will be useful in the next war." He Man also nodded. Saying yes, everyone rushed to the shore together, boarded the boat and returned to the mainland. Really see:

The five-tooth warship goes out to the sea, and the waves shake the sky and shake the wall.

After exploring Yizhou, we took advantage of the wind and waited for the emperor to expand to the east.

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