Zerg Swinger

Chapter 71: 71

Embarking on the airship to Mutaxing, the journey is long and boring.

Ellis sat next to him, put on his blindfold, and lay quietly on the seat to catch up on sleep.

Last night, when I was about to fall asleep, the car whistling sounded outside the window. It was the mentor’s team that came to him for another important thing. After that sleepy time, Ellis was so noisy that he could not fall asleep and tossed in bed all night. In the morning, Xi Tian was shocked by the black eyes under his eyes. After boarding the plane, he finally felt sleepy, so he took the time to rest.

Xi Tian turned on his personal terminal device, sorted out the notes he had read during this period, and extracted them.

In the past, I was obsessed with paper notes. I didn't realize it was inconvenient to carry until I was walking outside. So I archived some of the data I recorded and sorted it out a little bit.

However, as soon as I saw those excerpts, I didn't consciously want to look for the original book. When Xi Tian began to read the name of the third e-book, he finally realized that his behavior was completely impossible to organize the information.

I had to re-do my psychological work to appease the restless heart that wanted to read.

He was bored, sliding the data catalog in his storage space at will.

I don't know how to click in and out of a folder, Xi Tian was about to close it, but stopped when he saw the file name.

"On the Influence of the Four Saints on the Social Status of Contemporary Males"

This is his undergraduate dissertation, a fairly satisfactory study. The history department has numerous related dissertations on the Four Saints.

Xi Tian thought about it for a moment, only remembered that he searched a lot of incomprehensible information and put it together, and the content was also general, but I couldn't remember exactly what he wrote.

When he opened the document, he saw the introduction of the life of the Four Saints. It was purely for making up the words. Incidentally, two logical errors in the sentences were found in the first paragraph.

Until he saw this sentence:

"Song Huidan, written in Pinyin as Hassan Song, used the pseudonym Hassan Bodie to express political opinions on famous reports, and his birthplace in the state capital of Evans (Old Flanders) established the ‘Hassan Memorial Hall’."

Hasan Song, is Song Huidan the one referred to by this pinyin text?

Xi Tian continued to look down:

"Song Huidan, a native of Old Flandre, and the leader of the Four Saints, reached the peak position of the male son in his ten-year career in politics, but died young in his prime of life. Because of his age, the camera It just came out, and the remaining image data is extremely scarce.

Later, people painted a portrait based on their memories, which was widely circulated in modern middle school history textbooks. "

Xi Tian found the portrait below. It was a familiar face to all Chongxing people. He held his arms and raised his chin slightly. There was a contempt and disdain between his eyebrows.

On the right, there is also a single back of Song Hui that was captured back then. Due to the age, the details are very vague, and he can only be seen about the same height as the female secretary accompanying him. This height was amazing at the time.

However, Song Hui Shan had already died two hundred years ago. In that era, Worm Star had not left the planet, not to mention that he would go to a small place like Morrison, and that weird nursery rhyme would come out.

Xi Tian's fingertips gently rubbed that back figure, is the person in the nursery rhyme Song Huidan, and what is the relationship between Song Huidan and the research where the tutor's father and mother are located?

All this is covered with a layer of mist.

Xi Tian's thinking fell into the conversation given by his instructor yesterday.

The instructor thinks that he needs to know some things in order to tell the story of his childhood in that strange and possibly monitored environment.

The instructor was adopted by relatives when he was fifteen years old, and Dai Bo happened to be popular with the help of the TV series "Doctor's Story". Xi Tian clicked on Dai Bo's encyclopedia introduction page to check historical events, but found a strange thing.

What the instructor said happened at least forty-five years ago, but the hit time of "Doctor's Story" was 35 years ago, a total difference of ten years.

Xi Tian had always believed in what the instructor said, but at this time he hesitated. After all, network memory will not lie.

So, it means that the actual age of the tutor this year is not sixty, but fifty years old.

According to what the instructor narrated and the photographer’s photo testimony, it can be inferred that 35 years ago, in the deep forest of Mount Tatar on the planet Morrison, a mysterious research institute exploded and the researchers never survived. .

Also more than forty years ago, Hassan Song, the protagonist of the nursery rhyme, met a young cub. It was spread around the local area as a supernatural event and became a must-have story for adults to scare the cub. Later, it was included in the story by a fairy tale writer and published, and it was spread around as the guardian of the child in the local area.

Why did the instructor reduce the age of ten inexplicably?

Xi Tian shook his head with a headache. He really couldn't understand the mess.

There are too many clues, too fragmented, and too messy, and he can't sort out a clear line of thought.

Xi Tian subconsciously grasped the key with the chain on his chest. This was a brass key, which was new and bright. It was only available from a lock that had been eliminated for a long time.

Before leaving, the instructor asked him to pick up something for him at the local storage office of Jupiter Star. Anyway, it was just a way, and Xi Tian directly agreed.

This key is cool and feels a lot more comfortable in your hand.


Xi Tian looked at the temperature inside the airship suspiciously. It was a suitable room temperature, but this key seemed to be completely unaffected, still maintaining a temperature lower than room temperature.

Xi Tian put the things in his mind aside, picked up the entertainment equipment provided by the flight, and clicked it to find something to pass the time.

His heart is always lingering panic and anxiety, and filling his head with those things at will is also because he doesn't want to be controlled by emotions, the kind of emotion that wants to learn the truth of the original family quickly and is a little afraid of the truth.

The screen lights up, and the top scrolling caption shows the latest struggle between the two parent star factions.

Xi Tian likes texts and always superfluous video pictures, so he always follows the latest updates of presidential candidates by reading the commentary on the forum.

This machine did not load his preference mode, and jumped directly to the video part, playing excerpts of the two candidates when they gave speeches.

The revolutionary male is indeed very young. He looks energetic, his voice is loud, his body movements, and his expressions are very contagious.

Although the females introduced by the conservatives have young faces, fine lines can be seen from the corners of their eyes, and they are entering the age of aging, which is in line with everyone's stereotype that "the president is a reliable old man". His voice is deep and full of magnetism, and his face is gentle and kind, and he looks like a very harmless old neighbor of the neighbor, which makes him feel good.

Xi Tian repeatedly played the female video clips on the video several times. Looking at the female who gave a speech loudly and powerfully on the stage, Xi Tian always felt that his face was a bit familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere. , But it feels like something is wrong.

What a strange feeling, Xi Tian laughed at himself.

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