Zerg Swinger

Chapter 63: 63

Why does the instructor want to show him this?

This question floated in Xi Tian's mind for a long time.

His character tends to be comfortable, and when he encounters a difficult thing, he will put it aside and talk about it slowly. Often, take it easy, either the thing will be taken over by others, or just bite the bullet and move forward and stage a birth-to-death speed before the deadline.

Probably after graduating from high school, he realized this problem and began to make plans for himself and act according to the plan. Regarding things outside the plan, they are still idle.

His current state of life continues the idleness of the Boulder period, aimlessly, and do whatever he wants.

Just like this, why did the instructor ask him to pay attention to the possibility of being monitored, to watch what happened 35 years ago.

Only when he was 17 years old did he receive selfless care from others. Xi Tian is not arrogant enough to think that the whole world is around him. He can enjoy the unique care from his mentor. The bigger reason is that he looks like the person in the mentor's heart with his face.

If it were to be said that there is no sexual meaning behind the intimacy of an older but charming female with a wealthy life and a charming, young male. Xi Tian would not believe it at all.

But Kirsty’s is indeed such a person.

Xi Tian's temptation to him has never stopped, but Kirsty has never changed him. Never said anything that crossed the boundary, never touched his sensitive parts, and the door was always concealed when talking with him alone, and there would never be two people traveling alone.

Xi Tian once thought he was a master hunter, but he did not think that hunters had never thought about hunting.

Xi Tian can't fully trust anyone. This seems to be the instinct left over from many rotations of foster families when he was young. Naturally, he also conceived others from his own perspective.

Kirsty will reveal part of the matter to him. It may be that he wants to scare away Xi Tian, ​​or he may trust Xi Tian, ​​but the other part may be that this matter is related to Xi Tian himself.

Compared to trust, Xi Tian is more willing to believe the last explanation.

If Kirsty wants to send him away, just say it straight. If it is because of trust and you want him to help investigate things, why not write him a note if you can just feed him the newspaper clippings?

This matter may have something to do with him.

Only in this way can explain why Kirsty held his hand so tightly that he would not tell him that he had never been to that mountain.

There must be some secret on that mountain.

Outside the house remembered a car whistling, it was Owen who sent Alice back.

Ellis pulled the car door, and did not return directly after getting out of the car, but went to hug Irving who got out of the car.

When Xi Tian walked out, he just saw the scene of them saying goodbye to each other.

"That person is your hero, right? He's watching you!" Owen pushed Alice, and he found the boy from Alice to get married, and then traveled far away, Owen never saw Xi Tian, ​​see The past few photos are still circulated from the hot kiss video that was all the rage on the Internet.

Ellis quickly let go of Owen, nervously tidied up the rumpled clothes, slightly tousled half-length and not short hair, and turned around. He happened to see Xi Tian standing in front of him without reacting, and was surprised.

Xi Tian didn't hold back the look, coughed, and tapped his forehead with his fingers, "You!"

"Hello, I am Ellis' friend and colleague, Owen, who also works in the Fourth Army." Owen stretched out his hand to Xi Tian.

"I heard Ellis tell you, you are Owen, how is Angie?" Xi Tian shook his hand, Owen's palm was wider and warmer than Ellis.

Ellis intervened, "Angie is recuperating at Owen's house now, everything is fine."

"Would you like to come in and do it?" Xi Tian habitually sent out invitations, only then did he remember that this is the tutor's house.

At this time, Ellis had already grabbed the words, "I think it's too early. Let's make an appointment to get together another day. Now, Irving, don't you have to go back to take care of Angie?"

Owen raised his head and glanced at the high sun in the sky, then looked at Ellis's eyes that always fluttered towards his hero, and changed his words: "I have to go back in advance now, and I will make an appointment next time to get together."

Then I got into the car and left.

Xi Tian asked Ellis suspiciously, "Are your friends acting fast like this?"

Ellis didn't dare to look directly at Xiongzi, "Maybe."

Xi Tian chuckles and chuckles the hair he has just trimmed. The hair grows to the neck, which is too short to tie up.

"You looked so strange just now."

"Is there?" Ellis denied.

"It's as if I'm worried about being robbed."

"...Well," Ellis walked slowly behind, but directly grabbed the corner of Xi Tian's clothes, making him have to stop. Ellis opened his arms and hugged his son tightly. "I felt weird when the hero shook hands with Owen just now."

"Didn't your two friends be together? If I promise you, I will definitely not do anything good."

"I couldn't control myself at the time, I'm sorry, Lord."

Xi Tian combed his fingers and slowly straightened out the soft flax hair in his arms.

As a born sensitive person, he naturally understands that emotions are not controlled by intelligence and flow naturally. Even though Ailismin knew that males would not look at others, when he felt threatened, his heart would be full of pressure, and he had already made obstructive actions before he could react.

This is because his heart is attached to him, he rises to heaven with his smile, falls into **** with his frown, breathes on his grace, and wags his tail with his touch until he finally becomes his own. Slaves were willingly chained to heavy shackles, letting their masters send them arbitrarily.

I don't know when, he has become his holy, his king.

And Ellis, his admirer, is his loyal knight.

Looking at Ellis, Xi Tian's heart seemed to be a freshly baked marshmallow, hot and soft, big and sweet.

In a daze, he remembered the question again, why did he fall in love with Ellis at first sight?

As if so, there is no reason.

I just met, I was moved, and wanted him for a lifetime.

In the world, you are ordinary, not surprising in the crowd.

To me, you are unique and become the only one in my heart.

I will accept your sadness, your hesitation, your thoughts, and your wishes.

I love you, it has nothing to do with your identity, your gender, and everything behind you.

Just because you happen to have them, I accept you, and I accept all of them.

Xi Tian understands that he is not suitable for talking about all of this now. Maybe when they are old and old, the children grow up and leave one after another, leaving the two of them alone, sitting on a wicker chair swaying and basking in the sun. Counting the annual rings drawn on their young faces by time, it seems that these heavy love and love, when they accidentally confided to each other's youth and frivolousness, are the huge waves that have turned up in their hearts.

The author has something to say:

This is the last scene, where the main character will go to the plot, and use the protagonist's perspective to see why the formerly female and male-dominant insect star will become the current male-dominant female and female.

I am weak in the plot, and I am not proficient in the integration of the plot and the daily life. This article will be finished at the end of February at the latest. Those who are not confident in the plot can wait until the end to watch it.

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