Zerg Swinger

Chapter 48: 48th

Summer is long, and the activity time of the town residents begins when the sun is close to setting.

The sky is still bright, the heat has not yet dissipated in the day, the restlessness factor is floating in the air, and the breath is full of heat.

After stepping out the door three times in a row, Xi Tian finally mustered up the courage and completely stepped out of the door.

Ellis followed closely. He was not afraid of heat, but the air-conditioned room kept him too squeamish this summer. Ellis pressed close to Xi Tian, ​​but Xi Tian didn't want him to come close.

Xi Tian's body temperature is still lower than that of ordinary people. He is like a movable air conditioner, especially popular in such over-hot weather (although he doesn't want this kind of warm love).

Xi Tian resented Alice's closeness and threw his hand away twice in a row, but Alice still clung to it, and Xi Tian just pushed it halfway.

In summer, people in the small town are lazy, and traffic drivers everywhere in the spring come back from work early and go home to enjoy the coolness.

The meeting place this time is in the east of the town. Xi Tian's home is located on the central line of the town. It will take a lot of time to walk wherever he goes.

The sun will not set, and the afterglow will shed on the earth, Xi Tian walked forward cautiously against the shadow.

To the east are the rich people's homes in the town, where the land is sparsely populated, the courtyard is wide, the vegetation is exquisitely manicured, and the buildings are beautifully decorated.

There are frequent gatherings in town. One comes and two. Everyone saves the superficial effort. Instead of decorating balloons and ribbons at home, sometimes they simply type out a banner meaning, and if they are lazy, they just write the theme of the party on a cardboard card.

However, this family, a high-rise compound, is beautifully built, the courtyard gate is open, the trees in the yard are surrounded by colorful garlands, decorated with colorful lights, and a hot air balloon is placed in the open space, with banners floating high.

A servant stood at the door, welcoming guests there. There are not many people in the town, and at a glance, they are full of familiar faces. Even people with faces in this town are here, the mayor of the town who is already bald, the police newly transferred from the state capital, and many parents with their children.

When I entered the room, I found that there were colorful and bright decorations everywhere, with golden balloons, colorful ribbons, people coming and going in the room, and a cone-shaped birthday hat on my head.

The waiters are neatly dressed, carrying trays full of refreshing drinks, and walking among the crowd. There is a long table on the left hand side with self-service food. It is not that Xi Tian has never seen this kind of battle, but just appeared in this kind of battle. In this small town, it can be called a huge contrast. It can be seen that the name of the party this time is obviously not for celebrating the cubs, it is probably more to do something else under the name.

Ellis gave the biscuit snacks in the basket to the host's female. The female smiled and expressed gratitude, and handed them two conical hats.

Xi Tian couldn't give it to the master by himself, so it would appear that the female Ellis was rude and let the male take care of it himself. What made the dinner more regrettable was that I couldn't admit that these snacks were from my own hands, and could only be placed in the name of Ellis. After all, Xiongzi's entry into the kitchen is a big news in this conservative town.

In the distance, Rutherford was holding his brother's son, Louis.

He tried to tease the nephew, but Louis obviously didn't appreciate it. Reluctantly, his two fathers and daughters went crazy when they got to the party, and would throw him to Rutherford every time. He was obviously dissatisfied with Rutherford's use of him as a means of teasing a cub who had just come out of the shell. Due to etiquette, he dared not express this disdain, and a little bun's face was puffed up.

He saw Xi Tian from a distance and greeted them loudly. Only then did Rutherford spot his tenants and waved to greet them to come here.

Seeing Xi Tian, ​​Louis struggled to escape from Rutherford's shackles and jumped out of his arms, which shocked Rutherford. Louis didn't care about this and ran straight over. He had seen the delicious ones made by Xi Tian and liked this uncle Xiongzi a lot.

Xi Tian saw Luluis flexibly circumventing the crowd and ran over at small steps, but was startled. He squatted down quickly and embraced the little boy.

"Uncle Xi Tian!" Louis shouted.

It's not that Xi Tian didn't help correct his name, but Louis still stubbornly called him uncle, even though Xi Tian insisted that he was just an older brother.

Xi Tian could no longer hold a child of this age. He was held by Louis and walked to the place where his fathers were sitting.

Louis pulled him and told him to continue telling the story that was not finished last time.

During the dinner, the child's soft pleading sound made it difficult for him to give Alice a wry smile. Last time he made up a story casually in order to coax Louis not to bother him making snacks. Unexpectedly, the child would never forget it after listening to it.

Kolava told him through Ellis, and Louis was thinking about the story he told in his dreams.

A great party can't have fun and recount old times with acquaintances, so I can only sit here and be harassed by children telling stories. Xi Tian couldn't help but lament his bad luck.

Rutherford saw that it was Xi Tian who was accompanying his nephew, and happily took a glass of champagne from the waiter to find an old friend to reminisce about the past.

At this time, Bill appeared and pulled him to the club.

He couldn't help laughing when he saw Xi Tian being entangled by the child: "It can be seen that you will be a good male father in the future, and the cub loves you very much."

Xi Tian smiled helplessly, always showing a little more patience and gentleness when facing the child.

He told Ellis a few words, and then asked him to find his friends.

Rutherford was chatting with his old friend when he suddenly saw the doorway, his favorite security guard walked in, tidied up his appearance nervously, but stopped again when he was about to go forward.

He turned around, walked over to Louis, and said to him: "You are here to wait for your father, I want to go home and get something." He said to Xi Tian, ​​"Take care of him, please take care of him. ."

Xi Tian nodded and agreed.

Not long after, when the music started, Louis pulled Xi Tianxia to the dance floor and asked him to take him to dance.

Xi Tian couldn’t refuse the cub’s request, so he took him to the dance floor for a round, and then went to the self-service area to grab some desserts, and looked at the people on the dance floor, mostly young people. Outside the dance floor, this restaurant The host was talking in a small circle with the mayor, police chief and others.

Xi Tian recalled the state news newspaper five days ago. It said that the new governor took office and wanted to promote the construction of a tourist city. Mayor Bould has always been the promoter of tourism. And the well-dressed prospectors who appeared around these two days.

It seems that Boulder's visitors will increase this year.

Xi Tian saw that in the ball round, Louis pulled his classmates to dance.

Xi Tian wanted to talk to Ellis, but due to his promise to Rutherford, he stood aside and waited for a while, and came up impatiently. He talked to Louis and entrusted him to the care of his classmate’s parents. .

Ellis and the people in the club get along well during this period of time. They are talking about trivial matters. From time to time someone asks Ellis’ opinions. At this time, he listens to Bill: "Ellis, your lord is here. Yours~"

Ellis apologized and greeted Xi Tian.

Today's party was unprecedentedly grand, with strong colors and melodious music, but Xi Tian felt a little overwhelmed by information, and he took Ellis out to find a place to blow the air and quietly.

At this time, Xi Tian doesn't say much, but he needs someone to accompany him quietly.

"We go back early, the party is so lively, I'm a little tired."

"Do you want to go back now?"

"Wait a moment, Rutherford asked me to take care of Louis, and when he comes back, we will go back."


However, this time, when the party was about to end, Kolavas came to pick up Louis, but did not see Rutherford.

They walked halfway and received a panicked call from Kolava.

On the phone, Korawa told them incoherently to go home and have a look, because Rutherford had an accident.

Hearing these words, the two looked at each other in amazement.

When they rushed home, their home was surrounded by crowds. They squeezed in, only to see the yellow cordon being pulled up, with an ambulance and a police car parked inside.

There were three or four people in police uniforms and two doctors in white coats. They took out a stretcher from the ambulance. The doctors went into the room and then came out again. The stretcher at the back was covered with white cloth.

The warning lights kept flashing red and blue, flashing a strange color on the faces of people around them.

In the yard, the puppy curled up in the kennel with its tail clipped and barked.

In the yard, Korava cried silently, struggling to pounce on the stretcher and lift the white cloth, but was stopped by a police officer on the side.

Xi Tian walked into the cordon and asked the police what happened.

A young male police officer said that they received a report and found a dead body, which was identified by people around him as the next door neighbor, Rutherford.

The sheriff on the side came over and asked them to go to the police station to make a note.

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