Zerg Swinger

Chapter 4: love at first sight

Ellis returned to the aircraft, irritated and shot the steering wheel continuously.

When I returned to the army camp, it happened to be dinner time. Today's recipe included the barbecue that Ellis had been thinking about for a few days.

The roasted meat on the plate was bright red and had a tantalizing aroma, but Ellis didn't have any interest, and he had no appetite. He just chewed on the whole wheat bread slices in his hands.

Lev next to him leaned in with his dinner plate.

"I heard Owen say that you went on a blind date with Xiongzi again?"

"Yes." Ellis returned to his senses, and quickly moved the barbecue on his plate to the nearest place with a fork. The fork was stuck on the meat, and the hen looked at Lev hostilely.

Lev reluctantly turned his gaze away from the few pieces of barbecue, and said with surprise, "I'm here to care about you, how can you look at me like this, it makes me sad! Still not a good teammate!"

Believe him and hell!

Who didn't know that Lev was a glutton, and he especially liked delicious food. The food in the cafeteria tastes ordinary, but the barbecue is the fourth cafeteria famous far and wide. He always likes to get close to others, taking advantage of the opportunity of small talk to poke away the barbecue on other people's plates with lightning speed.

Ellis, who had arrived at the beginning of the year, didn’t know Lev’s nature. He had been pitted by him three or five times. From now on, as long as he saw Lev sitting close, his hands were faster than his brain, he formed a subconscious reaction.

"How is the result today, do you think there is hope?" Lev saw that the barbecue was hopeless and began to gossip about Ellis seriously.

Females in the army have always been popular marriage partners for males, and it is indeed rare for people like Ellis to have blind dates eight times before starting a date.

"There is no hope." Ellis skewered a piece of grilled meat, and quickly pressed the remaining piece of meat with a knife in his other hand. Lev's eyes were completely glued to the barbecue, and he swallowed it in one bite. Seeing Lev's distressed expression, he couldn't help but feel good.

"You guy!" Lev said angrily, seeing Alice's gaze, which was flatly watching, turned off again. After all, he couldn't beat Alice, his tone immediately softened, with a bright smile. "I mean, you are such a good person. There must be a problem with those heroes. They don't see the essence through the phenomenon, and they can't see your beautiful heart."

"Go and go, nonsense." Ellis smiled and cursed, but he felt a little depressed when thinking of the male son today. "The male son I met today is really good-looking and very temperamental. I have never had it before. With this feeling, my heart almost jumped out at the first sight of him."

"Huh?!" Lev was surprised. Ellis was famously indifferent to the male son. Once he accompanied Ellis to see the male son, but he saw him pretending to be crazy and stupid in front of the male son. I was so angry that I smashed the cup and left.

"Ellis, I have something, I don't know if I should say it?"

"You can do it yourself." Ellis smiled.

"...Well, it's like this, Ellis, take my family's three-hundred-year-old wizard broomstick and swear. I'm sure and sure, you fell in love with today's male son at first sight."

"Didn't your broomstick let your male father's golden retriever get into the doghouse?"

"Point! Comrade Ellis! Your point is wrong!"

Ellis removed the knife on the barbecue and pushed the barbecue towards Lev, slightly frustrated: "Could I know that it was love at first sight. However, I do not intend to get married at this age. Besides, even if I fell in love with him at first sight, and he might not look after me."

Lev was very interested, chewing the delicious meat, "Don't you tell me, you just gave up?"

"Yes, I gave up."

"Alice, to be honest, a family without males is incomplete, and a life without males is imperfect. If that male has a crush on you, that's your blessing." Lev finished eating the meat. Finally satisfied, began to deal with this topic seriously.

"I am very confused now. He looks completely different from the previous blind date. I am really moved. I can hear my own voice saying,'This is him, this is him.' But I am afraid that he is another abyss. ."

"'Completely different', where else can Xiongzi be different?"

"He gave me a questionnaire at the beginning, and I almost thought I was back for the final exam.

But some of the above problems are the sharp contradictions between male and female marriages.

I almost doubt whether he is a sociologist, doing experimental investigations in the name of blind date. "

"This is really novel."

"More unexpectedly at the back, you know what it was like when I went on a blind date before. He was very gentle, and he was very calm with my nonsense Angie's remarks, and didn't mean to refute it at all."

Lev was stunned, "God, are you kidding me? It's a miracle that Xiongzi didn't slam the door and walk away after listening to Angie's patriotic remarks."

"So, he is special."

"Then why not give it a try?"

"Before me, he had met five people, and he might not have liked me.

However, this is okay, I can continue to do what I want please. "

Lev sighed, patted him on the shoulder, and left with the dinner plate.

Ellis thought of the thoughtful look of Xiongzi on the bridge, and his heart suddenly hurt.

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