"First come, first activate the (2) effect of C5 "The Little Mermaid of Tears" to return this card and another "Little Mermaid of Tears" in the graveyard to the bottom of the deck!"

"Born at the bottom of the dark and deep depths, imprisoned in the evil spirits of the world. Now use your strong will and strength to smash the cage that imprisons you and open a new chapter that belongs to us! "

Attack means fusion summoning!" Tearful Sorrowful Song Clan Narcissus Woman Fish"!

"Then activate the (2) effect of C4 "Tearful Sorrower Merlot" to return this card and the "Demon King of the Marsh" in the graveyard to the bottom of the deck!"

"Witness it! This is the new glory of the dark world! The supreme dragon god who devours light with darkness and chaos, and the Merlot mermaid who guides travelers with a gentle singing voice, in the lament of tears, to a new realm! "

The attack means the fusion special summoning 'Dragon God King Grafa' of the Dark Realm!"

"Then activate the C3 "Cut Through the Bad Strings" effect (2), and this card can only be activated when the effect is sent to the graveyard. Add 1 "Tears of Tears" trap card from the deck to the hand card.

I added a "Bad Clear Sound of One World" to the hand card from the deck. Continue

to activate the (2) effect of C2 "One World Bad Song", and this card can only be activated when the effect is sent to the graveyard. Add 1 "Tearful Lamentation" monster from the deck to the hand card.

I added a "Tearful Lamentation Clan Type Kusha Nuwei Clan" from the deck to the hand card. "

Continue to activate the (2) effect of C1 "Shake the Bad Spirit" This card can only be activated if the effect is sent to the cemetery, and it can only be activated if it is targeted at one "Tearful Lamentation" trap card in your own graveyard. That card joins the hand card.

I added the "Lament of One World Bad" from the cemetery to the hand card. "

It's good that the chain of the first round has all been activated, and Tatsuki didn't speak, indicating that he didn't have the impedance from the hand card in his hand.

"I activate the effect of "Tearful Sorrowful Woman Fish" on the field, and this card can only be activated when the summon is successful. Select 1 "Tearful Lamentation" card from the deck and add it to the hand card or send it to the cemetery.

I sent the "Tearful Siren Mermaid" from the deck directly to the cemetery. "

Although the daffodil mermaid can continue to pile the tomb, but the subordinates of the mermaid have already launched two, and there is no point in piling it up again, so the siren mermaid is out of the eldest sister.

"Activate the (2) effect of the "Tearful Lamentation Clan Siren Mermaid" sent to the graveyard to return this card and the "Tearful Lamentation Clan Narcissus Mermaid" on the field to the bottom of the deck!"

"The water nycil who drowned in the abyss, absorb the grief that once imprisoned herself, and raise the tide of rebellion and regain her life. Attack means Fusion Summon! "Tearful Lamentation Clan Rushaka Mermaid"!

"It's not over yet!"

"I built a stacking network of level 4 'Cebu Statue Keldo' and level 4 'Sword God Officer Modora'!"

"Multidimensional Super Summoning!"

"An attack indicates a special summon! Time Stalker walking the world's timeline, a dial restorer repairing the scheduler! "Time Stalker Dial Restorer"! "

Time Stalker Dial Repairer" Attribute/Dark

4th Order

[Nian Power Clan/Effect/Excess]

4-Star Monster×

2 The effect of the card name (2) can only be used once per turn.

(1): The preparation stage of oneself and the other party can only be launched. Overlay the top card of the opposing deck under this card as excess material.

(2): You can start your own turn. This card has a maximum of 3 types of materials (monsters, magic, and traps) to be removed. After that, the following applies.

● Monsters: This card is excluded until the end stage.

●Magic: Draw 1 card from the deck yourself.

●Trap: Select the card represented on the side of the opponent's field to return to the top of the holder's deck.

ATK/2400 DEF/2000

"The "Tears and Lamentations Warrior Type Club" attack in the handle card indicates a special summoning to the field, and due to its effect, I have removed the "Shake the Bad Agitation" in the graveyard."

Then activate its (2) effect, and this card can only be activated when the summon and special summon are successful. Send 3 cards from your own or the opponent's deck to the graveyard.

I chose to send the 3 cards from your deck to the graveyard. "

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