"Wouldn't you?" Zou Kai and Gao Mengyao are both confused, don't talk about them, Lin Chen himself can't believe it, who would have thought that the first person to patronize his jade strawberries was actually Zou Kai's mother, this is really a coincidence.

"Why not, I remember that I sold 60 pounds at that time, and my aunt was the first to visit me, and I came back twice and wrapped my remaining strawberries." Lin Chen said with a smile.

Gao Mengyao nodded again and again, "That's right, it turns out that it's really Brother Chen!"

Lin Chen grinned and said, "Yes, take my tractor and follow me back today!" Don't dare to say anything else, make sure that the strawberries make you eat enough, a few acres of land!

Gao Mengyao was a little moved, and Zou Kai hesitated and said, "Okay, then Brother Chen, I will disturb you and cause you trouble." "He married his wife for several years to have this child, for fear that something would go wrong, now raising a fetus first, other things can be put aside."

Lin Chen said with a smile: "What's the trouble here, the family builds their own house, there is a place to live, eating and drinking is just a matter of adding two pairs of chopsticks."

"Old student, if we are going, are you welcome?" Gu Xinyi also smiled.

Lin Chen handed over his hand, "Brothers and sisters, I Lin Chen dare not say anything else, but when I arrived in Yushu Village, I didn't eat and drink well, and I was comfortable, you took my Lin Chen's head to ask."

"What do you want your head for?" We also want to eat high-priced strawberries!

"Chenzi, good wine and food are ready, we will go to eat Dahu as soon as possible."

"Brother Chen, you have changed, the simple Brother Chen at the beginning is not enough, why don't you rob sixty-one pounds of strawberries? I don't care, let's try two hundred pounds first! Everyone

gagged, Lin Chen answered one by one, and secretly said in his heart that if you know that you can't buy it now when it rises to two hundred, you won't be scared to death.

Everyone chatted for a while, they were all a little tired, and they were ready to disperse, Gu Xinyi said to the waiter, "Trouble us to settle the account and pay!"

"Okay, wait a minute." The waiter said, and then she looked at the tablet in her hand, stunned and said, "This... You guys are free of charge today, no need to pay anymore.

Everyone was stunned, and Ge Qingfeng, who had been honest for a long time, suddenly said, "No, no, just give me a private room, I'm embarrassed to be free." The

waiter himself was a little confused, so he could only say, "Sorry, everyone wait a minute, I'll ask our manager."

After the waiter went out, Ge Qingfeng said with a smile: "This is a personal love society, as long as you have the ability, there will be someone to give face wherever you go."

Everyone didn't look at him rarely, but if they didn't look at Lin Chen, Lin Chen brought them too much surprise today, and no matter how much it seemed to be right.

Soon the manager of Yufu Lou came, and he immediately said, "Everyone, you don't have to pay the bill today."

Ge Qingfeng said with a smile: "How embarrassing is this, it is not good for you Yufu Lou to spend money, so be it!" I'll just take them for free! Can't let them take advantage of it!

Everyone was eager to beat this funny to death at this time, and the manager of Yufu Lou didn't know what he was crazy about, he turned to Lin Chen and said, "Mr. Lin, your imperial card is free to spend in Yufu Lou, this is the rule set by our boss."

"Sure enough, it's Lin Chen again!" The same thought arose in everyone's hearts.

Lin Chen himself was also a little surprised, Fang Senming didn't say free when he gave himself a card at that time, just said discount, fracture, good guy, isn't this a fracture!

"Alright! Then don't take ours, take the two of them, I can't let people take advantage of it! Lin Chen pointed to Ge Qingfeng and his girlfriend Xiao Yueyue.

The two were instantly dumbfounded, and the others held back their laughter, this world is really fast, and it feels really cool to hit the face with the protagonist now.

"Okay, those two, please pay!" The manager of Yufulou looked at Ge Qingfeng and Xiao Yueyue with a smile.

Lin Chen didn't care what kind of appearance the two of them had, and everyone went out of the box, everyone was reluctant, some made an appointment, went back to Lin Chen to play, Lin Chen also agreed.

In the parking lot, Lin Chen took out the tractor shaker from his bag and looked stupid at Chen Kan and the others.

"You carry this thing with you all the time?" Chen Kan was surprised.

Lin Chen said with a smile: "How fresh, if you don't carry it with you, if someone steals it, don't drive my tractor away."

"How much of a car in this basement can steal your tractor!" Zhu Bao was speechless, and the others couldn't help but laugh again.

Chen Kan said to Lin Chen, "You boy, today you are absolutely holding back the bad, are you ready to play pig and eat tiger, play face beating!?"

Lin Chen couldn't help but be happy, and said with a smile: "Classmate Chen Kan, don't think so darkly!" To make me think more darkly, maybe there is also the plot of the return of the king of soldiers? I was furious, 100,000 soldiers...!

"yes, stop talking nonsense." Gu Xinyi smiled angrily, she said to several people: "Pay attention to safety on the road, and often contact each other about everything in the future, maybe they can help each other, they are all classmates, don't be embarrassed."

"That's a must!"

"It's okay, no problem!"

"Lin Chen, after eating at Yufu Lou, will you mention your name at a discount?"


"How many discounts?"

"Break a bone!"

A few people laughed two more times, Gu Xinyi said to Duoduo, "Goodbye Duoduo, in the future, when my aunt goes to play with you, will your father drive your aunt away?"

Duo Duo immediately said sticky, "No, sister and Duo Duo are such beautiful girls, Da Lin will not rush!"

Everyone laughed, Lin Chen himself couldn't laugh or cry, how could this ghost spirit know himself so well?

Everyone said goodbye to each other, and then they left one after another, Lin Chen hit the tractor, and then said to Zou Kai and his wife, "Get in the car!" Your car is parked here, I say hello to someone, and you will not be charged for parking!

Getting into the car, Lin Chen handed Zou Kai two flashlights, Zou Kai was stunned, took the flashlight and said blankly, "What is this for?"

"Look at the way! My headlight is not on, you can light it on the road, otherwise it will definitely be your responsibility to fall into the ditch. Lin Chen said.

Zou Kai pulled a bitter face and said, "Brother Chen, I regret it, can you let our husband and wife go back, these two corpses and three lives!"

Lin Chen laughed, Zou Kai only then reacted that he was being teased, Gao Mengyao covered his mouth and laughed, "Brother Chen teases you, even if he doesn't care about his own safety, he can't care less about Duoduo!"

"My brother and sister understand much better than you." Lin Chen gave a thumbs up.

Along the way, the tractor suddenly sounded, but Lin Chen's drive was called a stable, and it was almost eleven o'clock after ten o'clock when he arrived home.

My father and mother have all returned, knowing that Zou Kai and Gao Mengyao are Lin Chen's classmates and friends, they immediately welcomed them warmly, arranged a room again, changed new sheets and bedding, and thanked the couple one after another, a little embarrassed.

Dad pulled Lin Chen aside at this time and whispered to Lin Chen, "You go to your grandfather's trip tomorrow morning."

"Oh, what's wrong?" Lin Chen asked suspiciously.

"Well, when I saw your cousin today, your grandfather also went, saying that Lin Weilong and his father have been pestering for two days, you go and take a look!" Dad said with some concern.

"Hey, he really wants his son to go to jail until he dies!" Lin Chen's eyes widened, and then he said to his father, "Okay, Dad, I'll go over tomorrow morning, don't worry, it'll be fine."

"Okay, I'll rest assured that you can do something." Dad nodded.

"Dalin, you coax me to sleep." Duo Duo just finished washing her feet and shouted to Lin Chen wearing a small cloth drag.

"Yes, my little darling, alas, daddy put you to sleep." Lin Chen picked up his daughter and took a sip of fragrance before speaking.

"Dalin, should I say that Huluwa found Snow White today?"

"Well, okay, today let's continue to tell the story of Snow White and the seven gourd babies."

Zou Kai, who took a glass of water on the side and was about to send it to his daughter-in-law, had a black question mark on his face, what? Hulu and Snow White? Isn't it Nanabukai and Snow White? Brother Chen won't talk nonsense!

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