Young Military Rarities

Chapter 148: Spatial change, joy of harvest (3)

Thinking that he was going to get Ye Xingchen from the space to fight the beast, Black Feather took the lead to stop him.

"I'll just ask."

Originally, he was looking for a great beast that was better than the Eagle King, comparable to the Black Feather, and Xing Che gave up decisively, not all beasts could be sanctified physically. After going out, I can't exert my ability, and if I am tired, I have to go back to the space to recover like Black Feather, isn't that tossing myself?

"is it?"

Black Feather expressed serious suspicion. Yun Che, who was uncomfortable with him, looked up.The earliest rice and wheat planted in the planting area were all mature. From a distance, you can see the heavy rice and wheat ears pressing the plant Can't get up straight, close your eyes and take a deep breath, it seems that you can still smell the unique fragrance of rice and wheat.

"Kuroba, you get smaller. Let's harvest rice and wheat."

Taking out the small automatic harvester that had been stored in the space for a long time, Yun Che greeted him with excitement. As long as he thought about it, he felt that it was definitely better than the outside.


Before long, the sound of the operation of modern machinery and equipment was remembered in the space. Yun Che drove the harvester to recover the wheat and rice. Heiyu controlled the rice and wheat ears into the thresher with the intention, the master and servant. I was so busy that almost all the rice and wheat fields were harvested, and the rice and wheat were threshed.

"What machine is this again?"

Seeing that Yun Che took another strange machine to study, Kurowa came up curiously, and he was quite interested in these things.

It's a machine for baking rice and wheat. I haven't used it. I first researched. Both rice and wheat must be dried to shed their skins. After researching the baking machine, maybe we can eat our own rice or rice tomorrow. Now that you have flour, you can help me sort out the land and continue planting seedlings later.

Yun Che, holding the instructions, said as he walked down to the sofa Yun Yun had used before. The joy of the harvest made him forget the fatigue. He just wanted to quickly study the use of those machines and eat his own rice and flour as soon as possible. "What to organize? Isn't that all right?"

I saw Black Feather's mouth, and the two or three acres of land turned instantly. Yunche's seedlings cultivated a long time ago were automatically divided into two or three and flew into a field. It's like a pair of emerald greens, the scene is not spectacular, just a few minutes of effort, the new seedlings are all planted.

End of chapter

This book was published exclusively by Lian Cheng Shu, please do not reprint

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