Young Football Player

Chapter 398 Winning Championships Year after Year

The Champions League final is over, and commentators from various countries are still talking about this pinnacle battle.

"The game is over, it's over."

"This peak battle between Barcelona and Liverpool, the ultimate duel between Leo Messi and Bruce Lee is over, and it finally ends with Liverpool winning and Lee's hat-trick."

"The two teams scored 7 goals together in the game. This is the third-most scoring final in the history of the Champions League, only after Real Madrid beat Benfica 7-3 in 1960 and Benfica beat Real Madrid 5-3 in 1962. field."

"At the same time, after Liverpool successfully won the championship, the number of their Champions League titles has reached six, ranking third alone, only one championship trophy away from the second AC Milan."

"And after this championship, Bruce Lee won the Champions League on behalf of different teams for two consecutive years. Special), Pique (Manchester United in 2008, Barcelona in 2009), Eto'o (Barcelona in 2009, Inter Milan in 10 years) and another one after that."

"However, compared to those players before him, Bruce Lee performed particularly well. He scored goals in two consecutive finals, scored twice, scored a hat-trick, and completely dominated the two finals he participated in. He is the king of the finals!"

"After scoring 5 goals in the two finals, Bruce Lee's final goals are only 2 goals away from Puskas and Di Stefano, the two ancient gods. Lee will have many opportunities in the future. Go beyond those two."

At the end of the game, the Liverpool team went crazy at the Stadium of Light.

Li Chenglong was supported by his teammates. Gerrard and Henderson each lifted one of his thighs in mid-air, just like the champion riding a horse parading through the streets.

At this moment, he is the king of the Stadium of Light.

The players on the bench also rushed out and yelled together.

The Liverpool fans in the stands were so happy that they made a crowd, and at the same time, the shouts of King Bruce kept coming.

Rogers wanted to make himself as calm as possible, and he took the initiative to shake hands with Enrique, but his trembling hands betrayed his mood.

In short, at this moment, everyone in Liverpool is very excited, very excited.

Soon after hugging and greeting the Barcelona players,

Frustrated by the loss, they went back to the locker room first.

The whole Liverpool team stayed on the field, singing the team song for a while along with the Liverpool fans in the stands.

"When you're walking through a storm."

"Look up, don't be afraid of the dark."

"At the end of the storm, there will be a golden sky."

"you'll never Walk Alone."


When singing, Gerald's eye sockets were a little red.

This is his last game at Liverpool, and he is very happy and excited to end with a Champions League title.

Such emotions are no worse than when the Istanbul Miracle was completed ten years ago.

"Stephen is leaving, but he should have no regrets to end his Liverpool career with a big ear cup."

"Ten years ago, he led Liverpool to perform miracles in Istanbul."

"Today, ten years later, he is quite old, and he was reluctant to participate in the Champions League final, but Bruce led him all the way, and won the Champions League championship all the way, this charming big ear cup."


Soon, the podium at the scene was ready.

The Barcelona team went up to collect the silver medal first, and then Liverpool came on stage.


Amidst the cheers, Gerrard led the whole team to the stage and received his own championship gold medal.

Li Chenglong received it once last year, and he is quite familiar with it.

Platini, who is still the president of UEFA this year, presented awards to everyone, but now Platini's life is not easy.

During the recent period, including Platini, Blatter and other football bigwigs have been investigated very fiercely. Although the two of them have not really stepped down, they are not far away from being dragged into the water.

In fact, none of those football bigwigs is clean, as long as they are willing to investigate, and some people support the investigation, one of them will have to step down.

It's also their fault that they provoked the wrong person and offended the Yankees.

Before the United States and Qatar competed for the right to host the 2022 World Cup, the gang of bigwigs gave Qatar the right to host the World Cup "fairly and openly" for the sake of money.

This annoyed the Americans, so the Americans exerted their strength, first tore down the Qatari Haman, the chairman of the AFC, and then followed the vines, chasing Platini and Blatter all the way.

Both Blatter and Platini have been covered in bags recently, and it seems that they are not far from stepping down.

So when Platini participated in the Champions League final awards, his smile seemed very stiff.

After accepting the championship gold medal, Lee Chenglong went to receive his best player medal in the final.

When he got back to the pitch, Gerrard was already calling him.

"Bruce, come here, it's time for you to raise your glass."

So Li Chenglong went over to take the trophy and prepared to toast to celebrate.

At this time, Gerrard took off the captain's armband on his arm and put it on for Li Chenglong.

After the end of this season, Gerrard will leave, which can be regarded as an early transfer of the captain's armband.

This action also caught the attention of the narrators.

"Gerrard also gave Bruce his captain's armband and asked him to toast with the captain's armband."

"Gerrard took the captain's armband and won two big ear cups for Liverpool. The only pity is that he failed to lift the Premier League championship trophy."

"Now that Gerrard handed over the armband to Bruce, he must hope that he can help Liverpool win the championship again. At the same time, he also hopes that he can lead the team to win a Premier League championship. That is what Liverpool fans most desire."

"This is probably a kind of inheritance. Gerrard is passing on the spirit of Liverpool to Lee."

After entering the Premier League era, Liverpool has been missing the league championship. This is indeed what Liverpool fans care about.

Perhaps for many Liverpool fans, if they are asked to choose between the Premier League champion and the Champions League champion, they would prefer the Premier League champion.

This has probably become an obsession.

Li Chenglong puts on the armband, that is to take over the heavy responsibility and help the fans complete this obsession for many years.

The moment Li Chenglong held the trophy high, the cheers on the scene reached a climax again.

Last year's Champions League final, Lee Jackie defeated Real Madrid led by Ronaldo.

In this year's Champions League final, he defeated Barcelona led by Messi.

He defeated the football doubles for two consecutive years and led the team to win the Champions League.

At this moment, Li Chenglong's reputation almost surpassed that of Melo.

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