Year of Herbs

Chapter 480: beauty

Fujiang and the others not only got the map from the beggar gang, but also connected with the people from Six Doors.

Originally, Hua Rongyue felt that this matter had nothing to do with her. After all, when she was on a mission in the past, no leader had ever dragged her over to lecture her alone, but this time it was completely different.

Hua Rongyue was sleeping in the house that day. Several other people went out. She fell asleep when she suddenly heard the sound of her door being pushed.

She stood still, quietly listening to the man walking to her bed.

Then the man said in a faint voice with a smokey voice: "Don't sleep... I know you are awake."

Hua Rongyue opened her eyes and saw a woman with a faint expression.

She slowly sat down beside Hua Rongyue's bed.

Hua Rongyue was still a little alert when she suddenly found such a person beside her bed.

She was about to say something, but the woman's next move made her freeze for a second. I saw that the woman suddenly raised Hua Rongyue's chin with her hand, and then said with a vague smile on her face, "So you are that little catcher who has a problem with his brain."

"The one who told the enemy in front of the six-door man that he died and you died with him."

Hua Rongyue stretched out her hand and slowly pushed her hand down, but the woman was not angry.

She slowly straightened her waist, looked at Hua Rongyue with interest, and said, "To be thrown here, it's almost like a distribution."

"But it's good for you to stay alive. I heard that you became less talkative after you got out of prison? That's just calm down and listen to me. "

The woman stood up slowly and walked to the window. After the woman stood up, Hua Rongyue realized that she was taller than herself, maybe even more than the average man.

"But I have to say in advance that I hate people who don't follow orders, and I hate people who are self-righteous and self-righteous."

Hua Rongyue got up from the bed and touched her nose.

"Doesn't obey orders" - refers to going to find flowers alone, and also told him to die together.

"self-righteousness, self-righteousness" - it is estimated that Hua Rongyue is secretly scolding Hua Rongyue for her brain, which is why she did this kind of thing that shocked the whole six doors.

Looks like this lady hates her.

Hua Rongyue thought about her heart to heart later, her estimation is thorn in the eyes of others, and thorn is really not very popular, because it will cause a lot of trouble.

"For the first time, my name is Guo Xiu." The woman said, "The six-door leader of the Huashan faction is also a member of the purpose."

Understood, this is the head of the six gates on the Huashan side, and it is estimated that he is also the person in charge of the "head" here, which is really annoying.

Hua Rongyue slowly got up from the bed, stood on the ground honestly, and said to Guo Xiu, "My name is Hua Rongyue."

She still won't be too pretentious for this kind of person who "knows the bottom line" of her, after all, this person is also a member of the purpose, maybe she has heard of her "honest person" reputation before , but she will no longer show the attitude of a good person.

Let's talk less, not salty or bland.

Guo Xiu looked Hua Rongyue up and down, and it seemed that he looked at Hua Rongyue for a long time, but Hua Rongyue's expression had not changed.

Finally, she said lightly, "Follow them tomorrow, and I will follow you too."

"When you get there, you have to cooperate with me, and you are not allowed to make your own decisions."


Hua Rongyue watched Guo Xiu turn around and wanted to leave, and couldn't help but ask, "Wait, is there anything special about that place in Yuzhuang Village?"

Guo Xiu glanced at her lightly and said, "I don't like talking nonsense."

"Okay, I know, I won't ask." Hua Rongyue immediately shut up.

Guo Xiu looked at Hua Rongyue coldly for a long time this time before turning around and leaving.

Hua Rongyue has news about Yuzhuang Village at hand, and knows that it is an abandoned village, so she prepared some wild survival tools before going.


"Will those villagers dare not accept our money?" Fujiang asked as he packed up, "After all, we guys are very strange at first sight."

"We're here to inquire about things, not to do bad things." Ai Yan said, "Don't worry, as long as you look patiently, you will definitely find an answer on Yinzi's face. people."

“…as well.”

Fujiang didn't say anything, but looked back at Hua Rongyue casually, and saw Hua Rongyue who came without any luggage on her body, but this time, she brought a lot of things on her body.

He didn't tie things into small packages like them and carried things on his back, but carried a strange black cloth pocket with diagonal straps. Know what to pack.

Didn't this person look like he didn't need anything when he came? Why did he bring so many things this time? Is it cowardly?

—Fujiang, who had been observing Yi Yue, thought inexplicably.

At this moment, Yi Yue seemed to notice something, raised her eyes slightly, and Fu Jiang immediately turned her eyes away in fright.

However, after he looked away, he remembered it later - no! Why did he look away? He did nothing wrong!

Fujiang was inexplicably a little angry, although he didn't know what he was angry about, but when he wanted to vent this nameless fire in his heart, Yi Yue came over with a bag, When passing by, I said to him, "Let's go"

These two words forced Fujiang to swallow the words from his mouth.

He looked at the figure of Yi Yue leaving, and his heart was like a stone was blocked, and there was an indescribable feeling of suffocation.

Hua Rongyue walked past Fujiang with a modern and improved version of the shoulder bag made by the flower boat. She always felt that Fujiang wanted to say something to her just now, but she didn't say it.

She was a little strange. Yesterday, Guo Xiu told her that he would come with them tonight. The door of the inn.

"Yo~ I can't think of it." Fujiang walked out from behind Hua Rongyue, with an inexplicable smile on his face, said: "We contacted some local Jianghu people who took money to do things yesterday, they Will go there with us today."

The carriage stopped, and a slender woman walked down the front carriage. She stood in front of Hua Rongyue and Fujiang, showing her face to them A very warm and friendly smile.

"Good morning."

Fujiang's eyes straightened, Hua Rongyue's eyebrows raised slightly.

"You, you are..." He Jin asked hesitantly.

"I am the person you contacted. When we first met, my name is Guo Xiu." Guo Xiu's smile was very warm and contagious, and anyone saw her smile. I am afraid that she is a very gentle big sister in my heart.

Fujiang and the others were obviously a little fascinated by Guo Xiu's appearance. The big boys didn't do anything, not even take their luggage, so they all gathered around.

Only Hua Rongyue stood behind and watched from a distance.

"Hey, Yi Yue, come here too." Fu Jiang and Guo Xiutao had been together for almost a long time. Looking back, Yi Yue was still standing quietly in the dark shadow in the corner.

Not only that, he seems to have been looking at them with a cold look, not knowing what he is thinking.

Fujiang felt that Yi Yue pretending to be realistic at this time was unbearable, especially with such a cold attitude towards such a gentle and generous woman, he kept winking at Yi Yue , let him hurry up and have a chat.

"You don't need him to come, let me go." Guo Xiu said with a light smile.

She easily bypassed a few people, standing in front of Hua Rongyue before these people even returned, and said with a smile, "Hello, my name is Guo Xiu, are you their friend too? Next, I'm afraid we'll be together for a long time."

There were only three stunned boys left behind. Guo Xiu was standing in front of them just now. When he passed the gods, he had already appeared on Yi Yue's side.

Hua Rongyue looked at Guo Xiu's smiling face and felt her head hurt.

Ah, my chest hurts, my stomach, intestines, and **** hurts too…

What does this beauty mean? Hua Rongyue said in her heart that yesterday she seemed to have explained that Hua Rongyue would cooperate with her, but how should she cooperate in this situation?

Hua Rongyue thought it was enough to listen to Guo Xiu's words, but the appearance of Guo Xiu this morning made her suspect that she had seen a ghost last night.

One word, "Yi Yue."

Guo Xiu smiled sweetly in an instant, but when she saw this smile, Hua Rongyue didn't know why there was a chill on her back...

She suddenly remembered something. When she said her name, for convenience, she used a random surname and added a month to her name...

"Yi Yue..." Guo Xiu lowered his head, smiled and said softly:

"What a nice name."

Hua Rongyue suddenly wanted to find a place to lie down peacefully.

Fujiang trio behind them looked towards Hua Rongyue with inexplicable indignation.

"Hey, Fujiang." Ai Yan said quietly, "Are you sure this is the first time they meet?"

"I'm...very sure and sure." Fujiang said with difficulty.

"But after she came just now, she didn't say a word to you, just talking to Yi Yue." He Jin whispered beside her.

Fujiang didn't know why, but felt like he was hit by an arrow in the knee.

When he raised his head again, he looked at Yi Yue with a bit of resentment in his eyes.

"What's wrong with girls these days, why do they like this kind of people who usually don't say a word, their face is like a stroke and facial paralysis, and they are pretending to be forceful all the time Woolen cloth…"

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