Xuan Wang Above, Di Daughter Runs Away

122 one thing? Something to do with soup?

Hongxiu was already weeping with joy, and in her mind, she even imagined how happy she would be when she was pregnant.

"You don't have to think about anything. You just need to cooperate with me and take good care of your body during this time. First of all, you must not light any more incense in the study."

"Yes, the servants threw away all the incense when they returned."

In fact, the incense in the study was given to her by Aunt Qin, so Hongxiu naturally knew that it contained musk.

But in order to deceive others and prevent others from being suspicious, she knew that she was a weirdo and could not conceive, so she deliberately lit those incense every day to find an excuse for her infertility.

"That's good!" Lin Yixue said, lowering her head and brushing out a few prescriptions.

"You first grab a few medicines according to this prescription, and then, according to this dietary prescription, eat more nourishing foods such as black-bone chicken soup and deer fetal paste during this period.

Finally, you remember to come here at midnight every afternoon, and I will help you use moxa sticks for warm moxibustion for half an hour. I think your body will return to normal in a short time. "

Hongxiu held a few prescriptions, and after hearing Lin Yixue finish talking about the treatment method, she knelt down in front of Lin Yixue with an excited plop, and said gratefully:

"Miss, from today onwards, you are my Hongxiu's reborn parents, Hongxiu will definitely repay you like a cow and a horse in this life."

"You're welcome, Miss Hongxiu. In fact, I've always hoped that Miss Hongxiu can add a young master to the Lu family, so that our Lu family will have successors."

In the end, Lin Yixue still expressed the hope in her heart. I hope Hongxiu can add a young master to the Lu family.

Because in ancient times, incense was still very important.

Lin Yixue didn't want that just after Aunt Qin had been dismissed here, after a year or so, Lu Yuan would bring another unwary woman into the mansion to make trouble.

The easiest way is that Hongxiu can outshine others and win over his father's heart. By the way, he can add a little son to the Lu family, so that's the best of both worlds.

One month later, Piaoxue Pavilion

"Well, yes, the effect has been very good during this time, I'll give you another prescription, you take it for another half a month, I believe that your body will recover by then." Lin Yixue said with satisfaction after checking Hongxiu's pulse .

"Really? Thank you so much, miss. This time, I also feel that my complexion has improved, and my body is much looser than before, and I am not so afraid of the cold." After hearing that everything was almost fine, Hongxiu I am very grateful.

Lin Yixue lowered her head and brushed the prescriptions, and said, "Well, as the saying goes: sickness comes like a mountain, and goes away like a thread, so during this period of time, you still have to pay attention to your diet and eat more warm tonics. s things."

"Yes, the servant will listen to the young lady in everything, so I will go get the medicine myself."

Hong Xiu took Fang Zi, folded it carefully, and put it next to her body. However, people did not rush to leave as usual.

"What else is there for Miss Hongxiu?" Lin Yixue casually flipped through the books that Hongxiuxin brought, and asked absent-mindedly.

"Miss, in fact, I have been hiding something in my heart, I don't know if I should say it or not?" Hongxiu said with some hesitation.

"Oh, what's so mysterious, but it's okay to say." Lin Yixue asked a little strangely seeing Hongxiu's hesitation and difficulty in making a decision.

"I don't know, miss, do you still remember that on the first day you returned home, the servants once sent a bowl of soup."

Soup? Could it be that on the day when he first entered the mansion, Hongxiu and Aunt Qin brought a bowl of soup at the same time? Could it be that Hongxiu is expected to be exposed?

"Is it me and my father who just returned to Shengjing? Of course I remember, what's wrong? But what's the secret in the soup?"

Lin Yixue was full of thoughts in her heart, but she remained calm on the surface, wanting to see what valuable clues Hongxiu would provide next.

"How should I put it? The servant girl can't really say what secrets are in the soup. However, the servant girl has experienced another thing, which seems to have something to do with the soup." Hongxiu said with a look of embarrassment.

one thing? Something to do with soup?

Lin Yixue immediately regained her spirits when she heard it, and it seemed that, as she expected, Hongxiu really had a reliable clue.

"Oh, what has something to do with Tang, Hongxiu girl hurry up and talk about it." Lin Yixue put down the book and said with great interest.

"Miss must have heard that the figure of this servant is somewhat similar to that of Madam. Of course, there is no other meaning to this, so please don't think too much about it?"

Let me go, it seems that Hongxiu also understands the role of his double! Of course, this time is not the time to worry about these things.

"This is an objective fact, so I naturally don't mind, Hongxiu girl just tells the truth." Lin Yixue continued to ask calmly.

"Speaking of which, it was ten years ago. At that time, the maidservant had just entered the mansion, and had been staying in Zimoxuan to serve the master, and she was not very familiar with the people in the mansion.

One night when it was almost midnight, the master just came back from outside drunk.

The servant girl saw that the master drank a lot of wine, so she thought of going to the storeroom to get something and make a bowl of hangover soup for the master, so as not to feel uncomfortable after waking up the next day.

The servant girl came out of Zimoxuan, probably because it was getting late and she was not very familiar with the roads in the mansion, so the servant girl lost her way.

Later, the servant girl wandered around the mansion for a long time, and probably came to a remote place.

The servants from far away saw a woman standing there, seeming to be muttering something, praying to the air for something?

Seeing that she finally met someone, the slave girl was overjoyed, and didn't think much about it, when she was hesitating to go forward to ask the mother-in-law for directions.

Unexpectedly, the woman turned pale with shock when she saw the servant girl, knelt down there with a plop, and kowtowed to the servant girl so hard that her head was bleeding.

The servant girl was also frightened, so she froze there with the lantern in her hand, forgot to speak and did not leave.

The woman became even more frightened when she saw it, and not only kowtowed her head even more fiercely, she kept muttering:

"Ma'am, you really showed up. Please, my lord, have a lot of people, and spare your life! I really can't blame you for the soup, and you have something to hide. Someone forced you to do this.

Ma'am, if you feel wronged in your heart, if you want to take revenge, you should find those who harmed you. I really can't blame the slaves for this matter. "

At that time, the servant girl was young after all, and the wife had not been away for a long time, so the servant girl was so frightened that she didn't dare to say anything and ran away. "

After hearing what Hongxiu said, Hongxiu and Pearl looked at each other. In this way, isn't there something wrong with those soups?

But what's the problem? Now it's easy, as long as the woman is found and tortured to extract a confession, won't the truth be revealed to the world?

"Oh, there is such a thing? That red-sleeved girl, do you still remember the characteristics of that woman?"

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