Xuan Yi can be said to be the most murderous among the people Qin Chuan knows.

He killed one hundred and thirty-six for revenge and one hundred and fifty-four in retribution.

And in order to cultivate the strongest kendo, there are countless disabled people under the black and white double swords.

However, this number is only a fraction of the person Qin Chuan killed yesterday.

Now, Qin Chuan’s murderous weight made Xuan Yi also look at it.

This morning, Qin Chuan just stepped into the tea plantation.

With a murderous aura, it made Xuan Xuan cold all over.

“Owner, you killed someone last night?”

Although Qin Chuan temporarily suppressed the murderous aura with the help of the vitality of the tea tree in the morning, just the leaked part was amazing enough.

Qin Chuan said patiently:

“That’s right, there were some unsighted ones last night who wanted to take me down.”

Speaking of this, Qin Chuan couldn’t help but show a tyrannical look.

Xuan Yi next to him suddenly felt a strong killing intent.

“Owner, your current situation is very wrong.”

Xuan Chui’s research on murderous qi can be regarded as an expert.

After all, his trick ‘Soul Calming Demand’ is to increase the power of sword qi by relying on killing intent.

Sometimes, Xuan Yi was really curious about where Qin Chuan’s strength came from.

It is obviously outrageous, but he is ignorant of the common sense of warriors.

For those who practice martial arts, bumps and bumps are common.

Murderous is definitely a must.

Ordinary martial artists cannot use murderous qi, and can only channel and not let murderous qi affect their minds.

Powerful warriors have all grown up in the fight, their will is extremely firm, and they will not be affected by murderous qi.

And a martial artist like Xuan Xuan, who can control and use murderous qi, will tame the murderous qi, let alone affect himself.

Qin Chuan was not a person who had practiced martial arts at all, and he did not know anything about these basic common senses.

I haven’t experienced much ordeal myself.

For a time, there were so many people with blades, and the accumulated murderous aura had already begun to affect Qin Chuan’s consciousness.

Therefore, Xuan Yi told Qin Chuan the method of channeling murderous qi.

In fact, it is similar to what is said in the Taoist Buddhist scriptures, that is, to do more things to purify the mind.

For example, touch the fish.

Isn’t this a daily life for Qin Chuan.

Unfortunately, Xuan Yi didn’t know that the murderous aura he perceived was only a small part of what Qin Chuan leaked.

Otherwise, he would not have taken things so lightly and perfunctory.

Follow Xuanxuan’s advice for the rest of the day.

In addition to walking in the tea garden every morning, Qin Chuan tried his best to salted fish at other times.

Northern Song Dynasty, coastline.

The broken army waited by the sea for two months, but did not receive any news of absolute godlessness.

I had the intention to go to Dali to check, but I was afraid that there would be an accident on the sea ship and cut off the way back.

In desperation, he could only send two ghost forks to find the absolute godless.

Originally, the broken army had no hope for this.

Unexpectedly, a month later, he received a report that shocked him.

It is said that the two ghost forks found the code left by the vanguard in the mountains and forests.

Searching all the way, I found a small valley outside the town of Infinity.

Although more than two months have passed, the small valley has long been covered with a layer of grass and trees, but the bones in one place will not disappear.

The two Ghost Forks roughly counted the number of bones and found that they were about the same as the vanguard.

The two hurriedly brought the news back to the broken army, so that the broken army could take the idea.

After all, Absolute Godless and Ten Atmospheric Patience are obviously cold, and the leader is left with a broken army.

There was absolutely no news that the entire army of God had been destroyed, so that the broken army could not help but be stunned.

He obviously came to hug his thighs, how did he become a talker.

However, the encounter between absolutely no god and ten atmospheric forbearances woke up the broken army.

Today’s Central Plains martial arts are too strange and dangerous for him.

Even the absolute godless and the ten atmospheric patience are not in vain, where do he dare to linger with his small arms and legs.

On the same day, he prepared his supplies and went to sea overnight to return to Dongying.

When they reached the sea, the broken army breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, he also thought of the absolute godless and ten atmospheres to die in the Central Plains, the highest martial arts in the godless palace, isn’t it his turn?

Three times five divided by two, doesn’t mean that the godless palace is also his.

Thinking of this, the broken army couldn’t help but laugh up to the sky.

Immediately, he returned to his heart like an arrow and commanded the crew to accelerate back to Dongying.

Datang, Zhonghua Pavilion.

Since learning that no god brought people to Dali, Jian Chen has been waiting for the news from Dali all the time.

After that time, Nameless pulled the erhu gracefully every day.

There is no interest in the traces of Godless.

After waiting for more than two months, there was still no news from Dali.

Looking at the indifferent Nameless, Jian Chen couldn’t help it.

Jian Chen had been abandoned at the unknown gate since he was a baby.

Nameless adopted him and named him Jian Chen.

It is to hope that his kendo cultivation will be like the morning sun, light but not strong, soft but not weak.

And the morning character is also taken to commemorate the nameless senior brother Chenfeng, who has been full of hearts and chivalrous in his life.

Under the teaching of Nameless, Jian Chen also adhered to the heart of chivalry.

Always learn the nameless righteousness and the chivalrous way of the world.

But Nameless’s behavior during this period of time really disappointed Jian Chen.

Jian Chen walked to Nameless with a look of displeasure and said with his hands:

“Master, is it against chivalry to watch like this that no god is acting nonsense in Dali, and ignoring it.”

A smile appeared on Wuming’s face, but he took Erhu’s hand but did not stop.

“Jian Chen, what do you think of the martial arts of the master?”

Jian Chen didn’t understand why Nameless suddenly asked this question, but still replied:

“Master’s martial arts are strong, in the world, except for the sword saint, no one should be your opponent.”

Although Jian Chen had confidence in Nameless’s strength, he was not so arrogant that he felt that Nameless could win the Sword Saint of the Heavenly Human Realm.

“Jian Chen, you are wrong.”

“In the world, in addition to the Sword Saint, there are several people who can defeat me.”

“It just so happens that one of them is in Dali.”

Nameless thought of the dragon-shaped sword qi that had ruined himself, and said playfully:

“He’s not as nice a talker as I am, and you’ll never be able to wait for Godless news.”

Jian Chen’s eyes widened, feeling unbelievable, when did such a great god appear in Dali.

How there is no news at all on the rivers and lakes.

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