Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

At first, the fire was raised. Jiang Yingxue marinated the chicken, duck and fish with various ingredients. After the marinating was almost done, she made a wooden shelf and roasted the meat on the fire.

After a while, the scent of the roasted meat came out.

"Instructor, this meat smells so good."

"Yeah, I'm almost hungry."

At noon, the team stopped for only a quarter of an hour on the road. Everyone just rushed to eat some dry food and continued to hurry. They were hungry and hungry. Now they can't eat it when they smell the meat Two.

"Don't worry, we have collected so much today, and promise to let you all eat your belly round."

Jiang Yingxue was also hungry. She swallowed the barbecue and swallowed. She had roasted meat for a long time.

"That fish has already been grilled. You should share it first." Jiang Yingxue passed the grilled fish to them.

Take the fish on the fresh leaves on the first day. "If you want to eat, the instructor eats first." She took the fish down and handed it back to Jiang Yingxue.

Jiang Yingxue smiled. "Success, then let me **** craft first."

As Jiang Yingxue was preparing to eat, a tall, slender figure stood behind her. "Jiang Yingxue, how did you serve the king?"

Jiang Yingxue's chopsticks didn't fall, and he caught a piece of fish directly into his mouth. "If you want to eat a piece of food, all you have to do is to say, what you want to do is so good. On the first day, find a stone for him to sit on."


"No." Su Yuzhang robes and sat down beside Jiang Yingxue.

Su Yuzhang glanced at the fish on the leaf, without speaking, picked up Jiang Yingxue's chopsticks and took a bite to eat.

Jiang Yingxue was turning the roast duck and saw him eating her fish suddenly, she almost rolled her eyes with anger!

"Master, can't you eat fish?"

Su Yu chopsticks a meal. "How do you know that King can't eat fish?"

"Inadvertently listened to someone while in the palace." She said she snatched the chopsticks on his hand and poked at the duck. "Since eating a wound will hurt, do n’t eat it. It ’s not Wang Ye himself who hurts. Hey, this duck is baked."

She reached down and pulled off her two legs on the duck.

"Well, it's hot ... Woohoo ..." She put her duck legs on the leaves. "Well, let's eat duck meat." Then, she passed the remaining duck meat to the first one. "You are all hungry, just take it with you and eat it."

"Thank you instructor."

Su Yuzhang picked up a duck leg and ate it slowly. "Why do you want to return to Jingjing?"

"Of course I'm looking for ..." Jiang Yingxue swallowed the words back to his mouth, and damned, almost told the truth!

"I haven't told my grandfather before. My life is short, so I want to go back and give my mother a pillar of incense." She picked up the duck leg and took a bite. It was so fragrant. The duck was really good.

"Mr. Han said that you are not poisonous. You are lying to the king." Su Yuzheng's voice was very muted, making people unable to hear the mood.

Jiang Yingxue should not bite a duck leg. "Master Wang, Mr. Han is also not a fairy. It is not surprising that he has poison that he cannot detect."

Su Yuxi sneered. "Deliver all the roasted meat to the king's account." After speaking, he got up and left.


Jiang Yingxue puts the grilled chicken on the leaves. "I'll send you a bunch of bones!"

After eating and drinking, I found a stream on the third day. After several people took a simple scrub in turn, they found a place to sleep.

The road back to Beijing was very safe and I don't know if Su Yuzhen's team was too scary.

They rode all the way, and within ten days, they finally saw the towering, towering gate of the city of Jingjing.

Jiang Yingxue stretched his head out of the carriage and looked at it, but he came back!

Emperor Shang Zong learned that Su Yuzheng arrived in Jingjing today and greeted himself outside the city gate.

Su Yuzhang walked at the front of the team. When they saw Emperor Shang Zong standing outside the city gate, everyone turned and dismounted.

"See the emperor, long live my live long live."

A bright red dragon robe, Emperor Shangzong stepped forward cheerfully and helped Su Yuzhang up.

"Get up quickly, Yu Suona, you are really our big hero."

"It is fortunate that we can serve the emperor."

"The emperor is the true dragon of Daxia, and Daxia's state-owned true dragon protects him. How can King Zhan not win every battle?" Wen Dahai took the opportunity to shoot Emperor Shang Zong's horse.

"Ha ha ha ha, Wen Haihai, your mouth is getting more and more sharp." Emperor Shang Zong laughed out loud.

"Yu Xun, I prepared a celebratory banquet for you, we must reward you, go, and return to the city."

"Xie Xie."

Emperor Shang Zong was in a carriage when he came, but watching Su Yuzheng sitting on that black black BMW that was full of body was very imposing, and it led people to bring a horse over to ride in front of the team.

Following the crowd kneeling at the end, Jiang Yingxue looked at the back of Emperor Shang Zongba, and really wanted to rush up and cut him now!

"Instructor, the person in front is gone."

Jiang Yingxue looked back and could only get back into the carriage.

Su Yuzheng is definitely going to the palace, then where is she going to wait for the King of Zhan?

Jiang Yingxue didn't know that someone had already made a decision for her before she could make up her mind.

I do n’t know when Hu Ruixuan came to Jiang Yingxue ’s carriage and let them go to Jiangfu.

Jiang Yingxue, who was sitting on the carriage, didn't realize the problem. When she found something wrong, the carriage had stopped outside the gate of Jiangfu.

"Cousin, I'll take you home."

When Jiang Yingxue heard Hu Ruixuan's voice, he immediately opened the car curtain and looked at him. "Cousin, why are you here?"

"Cousin, don't worry, I will explain to your father."

Jiang Yingxue froze. "Explain the situation, what is the situation?"

"Cousin, don't worry, I'll do this for you."

Jiang Yingxue never thought of returning to Jiangfu. She quickly got out of the car and held Hu Ruixuan. "Cousin, you don't have to say anything. You're going home right now. Please tell me how to deal with my own business."

"But cousin ..."

"Okay cousin, obedient, go back." Jiang Yingxue pushed Hu Ruixuan out of the door.

"What are you still thinking about, and you are not going to take your young master back?"

Hu Ruixuan knows Jiang Yingxue's temperament and knows that she doesn't like to interfere in these things by herself. If she came, she would be unhappy.

"The cousin, I'll go back first, you, if you need any help from me, you must come to me."

"Don't worry, I will never be polite when you are needed."

After removing Hu Ruixuan, Jiang Yingxue suddenly thought that she was the niece of Jiang Yuncheng. As a member of the court, Jiang Yuncheng was qualified to participate in various palace banquets. If she stayed in Jiangfu, she would still have the opportunity to enter the palace. !!

It just said that tied Su Yu's thigh, if something goes wrong, maybe he can lean on him.

"Jiang Yingxue? Why are you here !?"

As soon as Hu Ruixuan left, a sharp roar rang behind him.

Jiang Yingxue didn't need to look back to know who it was, she slowly turned around and stared at her with a slightly raised lips.

"This is my house, why can't I be here?"

"You, you are not ... you are not ..."

King Zhan returned to Beijing, and even the emperor greeted him outside the city gate. How could the people in Jingjing miss this lively scene, even though King Zhan did not leave for a long time this time, he was directly driven away by the Rong tribe. Now, this is a great event in the Great Xia Kingdom. Although the occurrence of this event has no direct impact on the ladies in the boudoir, it does not prevent them from watching.

Jiang Yuchun dressed up today, wearing the most popular peach-pink corset long skirt, a jacket as thin as a smoked gauze, a skirt skirt in the walking room, a light outer shirt, good A slim flower girl.

Zhou and Jiang Yuncheng heard Jiang Yuchun's shout and got out of the carriage. When they saw Jiang Yingxue standing outside Jiangfu, they were all stunned.

"You, you ..." Jiang Yuncheng left you for a long time, and the words behind him couldn't speak in the throat, and those words couldn't be said outside the gate.

"Dad, older sister she ..."

"Go back to your home first!" Jiang Yuncheng glanced at Jiang Yingxue.

"Master Jiang is still smart. Those who can't see anyone will naturally go back and close the door and say." Jiang Yingxue laughed, and took them into Jiangfu on the first day.

Jiang Yingxue wanted to return to his yard, but was stopped by Jiang Yuncheng. "You follow the father."

Jiang Yingxue raised an eyebrow, followed Jiang Yuncheng to the hall of the backyard, and Zhou also followed.

"You kneel girl, kneel down to me!" Jiang Yuncheng screamed angrily as soon as he reached the chair and sat down.

Jiang Yingxue, who was about to walk down to his chair, paused, standing in the hall and looking at the Jiangyun City with a look of anger.

"Yingxue, why are you back?" Zhou Mei sat lightly next to Jiang Yuncheng.

"King Zhan had sent the abducted ladies back long ago. It was strange that Mrs. Jiang asked this question, didn't I always stay in the house?

"This ..." Zhou's brow frowned even deeper, indeed on the bright side!

"How did you talk to your mother!" Jiang Yuncheng slammed angrily on the coffee table.

"My mother, I haven't talked to my mother since I was born."

"You, you wicked girl! It is for your father's sake to marry you to Huizhou City for your father. You are so ignorant that you ran back by yourself. You let our Jiangfu face, let the father's face go!

Jiang Yingxue went to the chair and sat down. "You mean let me marry a widower with a few children. Is a man like you for my sake?"

"Although he has become a close friend, he is honest and loyal. If you marry him, he will not dare to embarrass you in the future ..."

"Such a good person, why not let the second sister get married?"

"You, you!" Jiang Yuncheng was so angry that Hu Yinyin died early. He married Zhou not long after she died. The niece of the deceased mother-in-law was given full authority to Zhou's discipline. When I saw her in the past, she was just a promise. When did it happen? ?

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