World-shaking First Daughter: Powerful Medical Princess

Chapter 327: Good people can't do it

Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

"What's your name, how old is it this year, where did you live, and when was it caught?" Jiang Yingxue asked a series of questions in one breath.

The woman opened her mouth, and as she was about to answer, her eyes suddenly glared at her pupils and instantly magnified the blue tendons on her neck and slammed into the ground.

"Yeah!" Jiang Yingxue froze, reached out and explored the woman's veins, and looked up to the soul, stupidly, this man had no voice.

"She is dead."

"Miss is in there, go in and search!"

Just when Jiang Yingxue reacted from his consternation, a team of people broke in.

"Miss, miss!"

"It was these people who took the lady away and arrested them all!"

The person who rushed in glanced and fell to the ground. The woman who was dead or alive screamed.

Those people held the knife in their hands and surrounded Jiang Yingxue and Mo.

"Catch them!"

Jiang Yingxue frowned. At this time, she said that it wasn't the people who seized the woman that they would not believe. She really didn't have a good physique. As soon as she did good things, she was unlucky!

Jiang Yingxue was so angry that Shen Dantian was preparing to make a teleportation escape. Who knew that those people had cast a net directly and entangled her and her soul.

"You **** woman, see what troubles you are causing!" Poo took out a dagger and wanted to cut the net. Who knows, this net was actually made of black iron. No way to damage it for half a minute!

"No move! Bring them back!"

Jiang Yingxue and Po, who were caught in the net, were tied together by a thick and long rope and carried directly out of the broken temple.

The people threw them on a carriage and left the ruined temple.

"Where do you say they'll take us?" Jiang Yingxue touched her closely.

Mou tightened her face and didn't care about her.

Before they sounded louder, they came to a house, and those people locked them in a place similar to a firewood house.

"Why did they separate us from those two people?"

Jiang Yingxue they were put into the chaifang, and the two men didn't know where they were taken.

Quiet now, she began to organize her thoughts.

It is too coincidental to say that she found the woman was taken away on the street, then followed up to check the situation, but after the rescue of the person, the person who sought the woman appeared. It's really a blood mold.

There was a sound of footsteps outside the door, and the door of the chalet was pushed open.

"The two of you are vicious things that have killed my Chi. I want you to die." A woman rushed in and pulled them through the iron net.

"Bring them out!" After an angry male voice sounded, the two came forward and stood Jiang Yingxue out of the firewood room.

On the road, Jiang Yingxue noticed the structure of this place, and when they were taken to a lobby, they found that it was actually inside the palace.


The man with the black beard sat before the case and patted the gavel on the table.

"Say, who the **** are you and why did you take my daughter away?"

"What about the other two men in the ruined temple?" Jiang Yingxue asked back.

"They have recruited them all, saying that you have instructed them to do so, and they are not quick to recruit them!

He was bitten!

"What is the cause of your daughter's death?"

"You killed my daughter, and you are still asking why my daughter died !?" The blackbeard man shivered. "Hit, hit me until they get it!"


Those people stepped forward and didn't understand the ropes on Jiang Yingxue and Mo, and lifted the stick to greet them.

"You are tortured! We are not killed, we are going to save your daughter!"

"I still believe in it now, and beat me hard!"

Seeing that those sticks that were thicker than human arms were about to fall, a thin man suddenly ran to the black-bearded man and whispered something in front of him, and the black-bearded man stood slightly for a moment and stood up.

"Hurry, go."

The man with a black beard walked away and the rest stopped.

"Girl, what's the matter with you, Lord?"

Mingzhen glanced at the black-bearded man, his expression still rigid and stiff. "Master Fang, Lord Wang said that these people are related to an important case, and let me take them back immediately."

Master Fang hesitated for a moment and understood that Ming Zhen was talking about Jiang Yingxue.

"This ... I don't know what the case is ..." Master Fang hadn't finished speaking yet, raised his eyes and saw Ming Zhen's look left in his throat.

"Bring people here."

"Girl, those people killed my daughter, it's ..."

Ming Zhen nodded. "Then bring your daughter, too."

Lord Fang "..."

"Girl, my daughter is out of breath, and I ask the girl to let her go to earth earlier."

"This is Wang's order. Don't you want to know who killed your daughter?"

Ming Zhen's words made it impossible for adults to refute, but only to have Jiang Yingxue bring them up.

There are many counties in the city of Huizhou. These counties are managed by the county officials, but these county officials are ultimately subject to Su Yuzheng. After all, the land is his.

"Please also ask Grandpa Wang to find out the truth at an early date so that my daughter can get into the ground for peace."

Jiang Yingxue and Po were detained, and the other two men were brought over.

Seeing Ming Zhen, Jiang Yingxue extruded an awkward but not polite smile.

Mingzhen glanced at her lightly. "take away."

Before getting on the carriage, Ming Zhen ordered Jiang Yingxue and Pou's acupoints, let people untie the ropes and nets on them, and took them back to the palace.

"I just ca n’t get a trip to Huizhou, so I went out and breathed. The girl Mingzhen also knows that I ’m a kind-hearted person. Cheng, when she was wronged, the girl Mingzhen had to tell the king well that we were not the one who killed the woman, and the two men were killed. "

Ming Zhen closed her eyes and seemed to automatically block Jiang Yingxue's voice.

Before dawn, they finally arrived at Zhan Wangfu.

"Put people in jail first."


After walking around for a night, Jiang Yingxue finally settled in the cell of the king's palace.

Ming Zhen clicked on her acupoint, making her whole body soft and weak, and she couldn't make it out, and the situation was no better than her.

The jail of the Zhan Wangfu was built underground. It was dark and gloomy, with a damp musty smell.

She was locked in a cell with her soul.

As soon as Mo entered the cell, he found a place to sit.

Jiang Yingxue glanced at him and moved to sit next to him. "I'll give you teleportation Dafa now?"

He hummed and turned his head to the other side.

"If you don't listen to me, you will forget."

"you dare!"

Jiang Yingxue smiled. "Don't be angry, you are rare to be a good person, it's as if you have accumulated your own virtues."

"I'd rather die and go to the prefecture, I don't want to be a good person!" If I could, Mo really wanted to scratch her!

Jiang Yingxue rubbed his nose and began to teleport his mind.

Although Mo was angry, he listened carefully.

When Ming Zhen returned to the palace, he went back to Su Yuzheng.

"After the corpse was brought back, it was already delivered to Mr. Han."

Su Yuzheng was lying on the bamboo couch in a loose ink robe, and opened his eyes when he heard it. "What was going on in the ruined temple?"

"At that time, the incident was sudden. After they entered, our people went into the incident and there was an accident. The specific circumstances are unknown."

In other words, the person sent to stare at Jiang Yingxue did not know what Jiang Yingxue said and did.

"What did those two people say?"

"They said that everything was directed by Miss Jiang. They were only responsible for doing things and knew nothing."

"The two men are watching."


"Well, how did you say that girl died?" Jiang Yingxue came up with two pages of mind, and then opened his mouth again.

He closed his eyes and slowly digested his mind, keeping them in his heart, and opened his eyes after a while.

After so long, I finally got part of my mind, and I felt that my mood was not so bad. Sure enough, the woman just wanted to stay away, and now he has become so easy to be satisfied!

"Poisoned dead."


"Well, but what is the poison, I don't know."

Jiang Yingxue put his hands behind his head, watching the cold light shining through the skylight. "I always find it strange for those Rong people I meet today."

Po looked at her. "I have no taste."

Jiang Yingxue sat up suddenly when he heard it. "Yes, it's just tasteless!"

A nomadic people who live on sheep and cattle, and do not have a fixed residence, they are naturally not as convenient as water. In addition, they eat mutton and drink goat milk all year round. Generally, these people will have a different body from them Taste, but those Rong people they met did not have a clean taste.

Jiang Yingxue feels that there are so many things in this area, and now she has been regarded as a scapegoat, and she really has no influence background.

Jiang Yingxue, who was about to sleep, was awakened by footsteps. Officers and soldiers opened the cell door and watched Jiang Yingxue. "I want to see you."


She stood up and followed the officers and men and went out.

Along the way, she thought of hundreds of ways to deal with Su Yuzhen, but how could she never think that this person would treat her as air after she came!

Jiang Yingxue had been kneeling in the room after being brought into the study by officers and men, and Su Yuzheng sat at the desk and looked at the document in a very relaxed attitude.

Jiang Yingxue sat on the ground with a buttock, and got to consume her, right? She wanted to break through her inner defenses, when she really was vegetarian!

The time passed by minute by minute, Jiang Yingxue yawned one after another, Su Yuxi just didn't speak!

She has always been an acute person, and feels that her patience is almost exhausted.

Just when Jiang Yingxue couldn't help it, Su Yuzhang finally put down her official document and looked up at her.

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