Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

At dawn, the women dragged out were brought back and thrown into the house like ragdolls.

Jiang Yingxue looked at the despairing empty eyes on their faces, and closed his eyes slowly.

For three days in a row, Jiang Yingxue was staying in this broken house, because the rash on his face was too scary, and the ringing horses did not move her.

"Your buns and jerky are done."

"Yeah, so it's almost time to run."

Jiang Yingxue spent three days observing the sound of these ringing horses.

She didn't know outside, but for the women in the broken house, they did not send someone to guard it, as the spirit said, if they want to get out of the cottage from this house, they must pass through the wine cellar and the patio full of loud horses The wine cellar is nothing more. It is impossible for a woman with no chicken power to break through the patio, and the hard break will only be torn to pieces by them!

So she has to wait for the timing. These ringing horses will rob the mountain once in three days. Today is exactly the third day.

After noon, Jiang Yingxue clearly heard the noise from outside. This kind of turmoil should be those people preparing to go down the mountain.

"A few of you are watching in the walled village. If those stinky girls are running away, they will die."

"Last night they couldn't stand, can they still run?"

"Hahahahaha ..."

The laughter of lewd waves was accompanied by footsteps, and two ringing horses walked outside the house where they were standing.

It is not difficult to get two guards.

Soon, most of the ringing horses in the cottage went down the mountain and prepared to rob.

"Xiao Mo, there will be a period later."

Jiang Yingxue stood up, patted the dust on her body, picked up the straw rope she braided, and stood up.

He sneered. "A woman is really ruthless."

Jiang Yingxue raised an eyebrow. "Why, can't bear me, will you follow me?"

Mo stood up and looked at her.

"That's all right, one for each, you're left and right."

Po looked at the tall man on the right, and gave Jiang Yingxue a scornful glance.

Jiang Yingxue and Pou stood behind the wooden door. The wooden door was not locked. The two exchanged a look and opened the wooden door at the same time.

The two big men guarding the door were shocked and turned around, but Jiang Yingxue was punched in the face before he could speak.


Jiang Yingxue quickly walked behind the big man, and wrapped the straw rope in his hands around his neck, leaning against his back, making milky pulls!


Because the ringing horse was short, the whole body was pulled up by Jiang Yingxue.

Jiang Yingxue felt that the people behind her were getting smaller and smaller, and finally stopped, and she threw a perfect over the shoulder and threw the person to the ground.

By the time she solved the problem, Moi had stood with her hands on her hips and looked at her impatiently.


Jiang Yingxue raised an eyebrow. She was suspected of being abandoned.

"The uncles who are not afraid of death, rush away!"

The fat lady in charge of the wine cellar did not know when she stood by the door, and her two dazzling knives glowed golden light in the sun.

"Don't underestimate this fat woman, she has two points of ability." After leaving the words coldly, Jiang Yingxue only felt that his body flickered, and in a blink of an eye, he reached the fat woman, and he got fat with a kick. Mother-in-law's belly.


The fat lady shook her body a little instably, and soon stood still.

"Tumbler." Jiang Yingxue picked up a stone and smashed it at the fat woman. The fat woman waved the big knife on her hand and "snapped" it, and she was photographed in half!

"It's a bit of a skill! Distract her by herself!"

Jiang Yingxue said, pulled out his dagger and rushed forward with the two, and opened the bow left and right to fight the fat woman.

The fat woman has great strength, and every move is menacing, but she has a big flaw, that is too fat!

No matter how flexible a fat person is, she is also a fat person, in some respects, she is not as good as a smart thin person!

Jiang Yingxue jumped behind the fat woman, and clasped her neck tightly with her hands. When she wanted to shake Jiang Yingxue off, Jiang Yingxue suddenly raised her dagger and pointed at her. Tian Ling Gai stabbed!


Waiting for the fat woman to make a noise, Poo has stuffed a stone into her mouth!

Cooperate, perfect!

Jiang Yingxue pulled out his dagger and looked at the fat woman who was lying in a pool of blood, and she took a sigh of relief. She killed two people today, and how many more after that ...

"Look, don't leave now."

Jiang Yingxue turned back and followed the footsteps of the soul.

There are still six or seven ringing horses in the patio. If they all come over, it will be a bit difficult to cope and it will alarm the people outside the patio.

Jiang Yingxue glanced at the wine behind him, took out a can and threw it to the ground.

"What's the matter? Wine lady, why did you break the wine jar?"

Hearing the sound in the cellar, Xiangma asked curiously.

After a while, without hearing the reply inside, Xiangma felt something was wrong.

"You two go in and see if the wine lady has drunk too much."


Jiang Yingxue grasped the dagger in his hand and hid with the spirit in the dark. After the two ringing horses approached, he suddenly jumped out of the dark, and the dagger accurately pierced one of the ringing horses.


Poo also quickly stepped forward and jumped behind the sound of another ringing horse, breaking his neck.

"What is it? Come on and see!"

The sound in the wine cellar alarmed the people in the patio, and the remaining sound horses ran inward.

Jiang Yingxue picked up a jar of wine and "banged" it, slamming it **** the head of the person running in front.

Mo also quickly resolved the two of them, that way, don't be too clean!

Now the people on the patio are resolved.

"Out of the patio is their training ground. You can see the gate of the cottage if you keep walking forward, but you should not be stupid enough to walk through the gate and see if there are other side doors next to it."

Yun Mu watched him stand still. "Why, you don't plan to leave."

Frowning frown. "I've helped you get here. What else do you want, woman, just insatiable!"

Jiang Yingxue heard that he walked over and grabbed his face. "I said that your younger person is not as tall as I am. It is a woman and a woman. Do you know what a woman is? The next time you are arrogant, be careful that your sister spanks you."

"You, you dare pinch my face!" Pou almost didn't jump up!

Jiang Yingxue let go of his hand before he was mad. "Cheng, let's meet again."

This boy has a certain understanding of this village, and he must have stayed for a while. Looking at his skills, it is not impossible to leave here, but this boy just doesn't leave, and it is no wonder that there is no purpose.

But it has nothing to do with her, she'd better leave quickly, or the ringing horses will return.

Jiang Yingxue stepped out of the patio and walked forward according to the spirit. After leaving a wooden house, he really saw a large training ground.

From this side, you can clearly see the gate of the cottage.

There were a dozen ringing horses outside the gate, she couldn't do it alone!

Jiang Yingxue looked around and found a small dog hole behind the training ground.

Drilling dog holes, a must-have package for professionals!

Jiang Yingxue turned his head and ran towards the dog hole.

As soon as she climbed into the dog hole, there was a noise from the gate of the cottage.

"The boss is back."

"Brothers, roast all lamb tonight and bring me all the women, ha ha ha ..."

Jiang Yingxue looked desperately at the wooden house in front of him.

Behind the good dog hole is another world!

Why is there another yard behind this!


汴 Beijing city, inside the town government.

Hu Yiqin has been robbed for nearly half a month, but he still has no audio at all.

The old lady of Zhen Guogong lost a lot of weight, and her spirit was very weak.

"There is no news from King Zhan?"

Ma gave a glance at the old lady. "Old lady ..."

"Grandmother, grandmother, please let me go to Yun Xiaoshan with Wang Zhan to find my sister."

Before the Ma's words were finished, Hu Ruixuan rushed into Fushoutang, and the girls couldn't stop it.

"Xuaner, what are you doing!" Zhang's tears have been crying these days, and her spirit looks worse than that of the old lady. In a short period of time, she seems to be a teenager.

"Mother, I overheard Dad's conversation with Uncle, and said that there was news from King Zhan saying that those who had hid her sister went to Yun Xiaoshan, mother, grandmother, please, let me talk to Zhan The king will rescue his sister! "

"You, what do you say, the people of King Zhan have found your sister's whereabouts?" Zhang thought he heard it wrong.

"Funny, if you follow a kid who doesn't understand anything, it will only add chaos to Zhan Wang!" The old lady Shen said, after Su Yuxi retired from Jiang Yingxue's marriage, she hated him, but now her granddaughter If you can come back, you have to count on others, and you can only suppress the hatred.

"Grandmother, grandson isn't really messing around, grandson is really worried about his sister ... think, want to save her sister!"

"Mother, since he wants to go, let him go."

Before the people in the room spoke again, Hu Minghui, the town's father, came in.

"Thank you Uncle, thank you very much." Hu Ruixuan gave Hu Minghui an excitement.

"Come up, I know you are worried about your sister." Hu Minghui helped him up.

"No, don't go to Xuan'er, your mother won't allow you to go!" Zhang has lost her daughter now, and she is really afraid of her son's failure.

"My brother and sister are not panic. Zhan's soldiers are not straw bags. It is good that Xuan Er can follow him to practice." Hu Minghui also has his own thinking. The generation of the town government is from the text, in terms of military There is no step involved, after all, after the military commander, he did not want to let the road be completely broken.

"I don't allow it. I definitely don't allow Xuaner to be involved in danger!" Zhang seized Hu Ruixuan and said nothing to let him go.

"Brother and sister, behind the Xiaoshan Mountain is the captivity of King Zhan in Huizhou City. King Zhan returned to his own place, and he can rest assured."

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