Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

Both aunts are a little bitter. "Slaves should not fall asleep while waiting for Miss Watch ..."

"No, why did the two sisters fall asleep? You just brought me tea and snacks." Jiang Yingxue said with a smile and raised his tea cup.

The two girls looked at the cakes and tea on the stone table and sipped them. Did they really not fall asleep just now?

Jiang Yingxue put down the tea cup in her hand and stood up. She was sweating and the clothes on the inside were wet. It was really cold when sitting in the gazebo when the cold wind blows. "Two sisters, it's getting late, let's go back."

"Yes, watch Miss."

Although the two maids couldn't figure out, they could only get up and step forward to Fujiang Yingxue to return to the spring court that the old lady had prepared for her.

After returning, Jiang Yingxue had people prepare water and took a good bath.

At dinner, the girls walked in with delicate meals. Even though Jiang Yingxue ate alone, this dish was full of tables.

Jiang Yingxue politely swept nearly half of the food into his stomach.

After eating, the girls took out all the food and brought up the tea.

Jiang Yingxue took the tea cup and drank two.

"Sister Lvyou, how many lords do we have in Daxia?" Jiang Yingxue fiddled with the tea cup in his hand and asked casually.

"How many princes? Miss Biao asked the prince or another surname?" Lu Ye doubted him.

"I'll just ask casually, and let me talk to me."

"Miss Table, slaves don't know much. If the surname of the king is different, there is only one King of Zhan in Daxia Kingdom. There are better princes, but slaves only know that they are the youngest son, Kao, and other slaves don't know much.

"Kao?" The title was ... quite chic ...

"Well, some of the old ladies in the slavery heard that the day when Yu Guifei gave birth to the King of Flowers, the palace was full of flowers, and it was the fairy of the hundred flowers, but she was born a prince, and the emperor immediately gave the title of Kao."

Jiang Yingxue turned the tea cup in his hands at will. Su Muge's man would not be this Kao, but how could she approach Kao to figure out this?

Thinking of this, Jiang Yingxue felt a bit big.

Forget it, let's exercise and talk about it.

After Jiang Yingxue fell asleep, the other girl-in-law Hongcui sent by the green lady and the old lady retreated.

"Sister is guarding here, I'll go back as soon as I go." Hong Cui said to Lu Yi, then went out of the yard.

Hong Cui walked all the way outside Fushou Tang. The girl who was standing outside looked at Hong Cui and led her to the old lady's door.

"Sister Hongcui, wait, I'll go and talk to the old lady."

"Sister Lau."

It didn't take long for the little girl to go out and lead Hongcui in.

"Old lady, Hongcui is here."

The white smoke spit out from the erect crane's beak, and the room was surrounded by a faint scent.

The old lady of Zhen Guogong leaned her head on one hand and leaned on the soft pillow. Her kneeling maid was at her feet and she was pinching her feet.

"Hung Tsui, please greet the old lady."

The half-squinted old lady lifted her eyes and glanced at her.

"What happened to Miss Table?"

"Back to old lady, Miss Table has fallen asleep."

"Well, you're waiting for Miss Piao, you can't let her make any mistakes in the government office, you know?"

"Yes, slaves must do their best to serve Miss Good Watch."

"Stay back."

"Yes, the slaves retire."

Hung Tsui stood up and exited the room.

Gui Yan, who was standing behind the old lady, stepped forward and helped the old lady up from the collapse. "Old lady, rest assured, who dares to bully Miss Ms. with you?"

Upon hearing that, the old lady shook her head. "You don't have to coax me, I am old, how many years can I live, this family is not my head now, I am now regretful, I should have said nothing to promise Yin Yin marry Jiang Yuncheng Yes, otherwise I would n’t just go like this ... ”said the old lady, her voice gradually choked.

At that time, as the most favored young lady in the town government, it was reasonable to say that she was married to the prince to be the princess. However, at the Lantern Festival that year, Hu Yinyin was enchanted by Jiang Yuncheng. Sifan doesn't want to marry him.

Because of being favored from an early age, Hu Yinyin's temperament was unbearable. The old lady and Zhen Guogong refused, and she went on a hunger strike, leaving them to compromise.

Even after so many years, Gui Yan can't help feeling the scene of Hu Yinyin's marriage when she marries again.

However, Hu Yinyin died because of dystocia within two years of this marriage.

"Don't think that I don't know. When Yin Yin was pregnant, he talked to that Zhou's dark tune, and was later discovered by Yin Yin ..." The old lady said it was choked, but her eyes hurt as much. Daughter, that ’s all. She once wondered if Jiang Yuncheng had done anything. After Hu Yinyin ’s death, she arrested people who waited for Hu Yinyin overnight and interrogated, but those people all agreed that Hu Yinyin ’s death was no one. Harm.

Although the old lady didn't believe it, she couldn't find anything, and she died.

Now seeing Jiang Yingxue like this, the old lady remembered things from that year, and her mood was complicated and difficult, so she wanted to do something from Jiang Yingxue to make up her love for her daughter.

"If Yingxue can accompany me and watch her live well, I can stare at death."

Gui Yan heard it and looked up at the two girls standing in the house. What this said was not sure if the old lady was intentional or unconscious ...


Zhan Wangfu.

The night enveloped the entire Zhan King's Mansion. When it was too late, the study of the Zhan King Mansion was still brightly lit.

Ding Xiang walked into the study and said, "Master, the identity of the assassin has been found."

Su Yuzhen, wearing a white robe sitting in front of the case, did not lift his eyelids. "Say."

Ding Xiang glanced at Su Yuzheng. "It is Kao. The assassin bears the mark of Kao Mansion."

The wolf in Su Yuzheng's hand was a meal, his long eyes narrowed slightly. "My king knows."

"The man who the king asked his subordinates to check ... is Jiang Yingxue, the young lady of Shang Shufu, the fiancee before the king."

This made Su Yuzheng look up at Dingxiang. "You said she was Jiang Yingxue?"

"Yes, indeed Miss Jiang is right."

Su Yuzhang put down her pen and stood upright.

Jiang Yingxue had a marriage contract with him since he was a child, saying that it was impossible for the two to have never met.


Su Yuzhang searched in his mind what Jiang Yingxue looked like in the past, and felt that he couldn't overlap with the people of that day.

The old lady of Zhen Guogong's birthday was gone. At that time, because she did not like the noise of the banquet, she came out alone. When the girl was approaching, he knew, but he did not move.

But did not want Jiang Yingxue to rush out of it and push him into the water.

He knows water, but just wants to know what Jiang Yingxue wants to do. What he didn't expect is that she can martial arts, and the technique of holding his tiger's mouth is very skillful and sophisticated.

"Tell me about Jiang Yingxue."

Ding Xiang stunned and said about Jiang Yingxue, what ... thing ...

Lord Wang, you will retire from your marriage as soon as you come back. Who in the palace will pay attention to someone who has never been alive ... It is no longer possible to become Princess Zhan?

"After Miss Jiang was retired by the Lord, the day ... jumped to the lake and committed suicide ..." The story spread throughout Jingjing, and everyone knew it.

There was no emotional change on Su Yu's face, as if Jiang Yingxue committed suicide, he had no relationship with him.


"People were rescued afterwards, and now live temporarily in the town government." Dingxiang knew so much.

"Send someone to look up ... No, let's step back."

Ding Xiang was a little puzzled, but he bowed out of the study, and he didn't know why Wang asked about Miss Jiang.


"Ouch, my arm ..."

Jiang Yingxue felt like he felt sore from being hit by a taxi.

"This is the hardship of not exercising for a long time."

"Miss Table is awake." They heard the movement in the room, and came in with hot water and toiletries.

Jiang Yingxue sat up from the bed with a frown. Yesterday it was supposed to let the green pheasants let her relax and relax her muscles. Now her body hurts so much that she can't kill her to practice today.

"Miss Table, what's the matter with you? Isn't it uncomfortable?" Lu Ye was attentive. Now, looking at Jiang Yingxue's expression, she became nervous immediately.

"I'm okay, just a little more yesterday, my legs hurt a bit."

"Miss Table has a sore leg, and slave-in-law called Ms. Table for a soft car."

"No, you knead it for a while."

In the morning, I'm going to greet the old lady. Jiang Yingxue simply ate a bowl of bird's nest porridge and left the yard.

This leg really hurts without taking a step!

"Sister Yingxue."

When Jiang Yingxue walked through a moon arch, a touch of emerald green came.

From far and near, Jiang Yingxue saw her look clearly.

"It's Yiqin's cousin." Hu Yiqin, the second daughter-in-law of Hu Mingao.

Hu Yiqin's looks followed her father, and she carried a scroll of breath around her, and she looked like a gentle woman with a sense of knowledge.

Hu Yiqin pulled Jiang Yingxue's hand and smiled softly: "Cousin Yingxue is going to grandmother, we just go together."

"it is good."

Jiang Yingxue walked side by side with Hu Yiqin on the cobbled path. "Cousin Yingxue is used to living here these two days?"

"With such a gentle cousin of Yiqin, why not get used to it?" Jiang Yingxue took Hu Yiqin's hand and scratched in her palm.

Hu Yiqin was stunned by her actions and immediately laughed. "You girl say that you are not brave and you don't like to talk. Now it seems that this" heard "thing can't be taken seriously. When Qiuju is in the right place recently, it ’s two days at home. Brothers and sisters will go to the countryside to admire chrysanthemums, and then my cousins ​​will go with us. "

Jiang Yingxue's footsteps paused, in the suburbs, admiring chrysanthemums?

This is the meaning of going out of the house!

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