Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 698 Humans defeated the trolls

The long night is finally over, and the dawn is coming.

Among the mountains, the sun full of vitality is rising slowly.

Will was suspended in mid-air, holding a translucent sphere condensed with magic power in his hand.

In the sphere, there are egg-sized, ghost-like things rushing here and there, but they are all blocked by the magic wall and cannot escape.

After a day and night of fierce fighting, Will finally exhausted the magic power of the Troll King and successfully captured the Troll King.

"So what if you have lived for ten thousand years, a rat who is just trying to survive?" Will said, looking at the troll king.


The troll king kept roaring at Will.

"It seems that you still don't understand." Will sighed, "Do you know why you lost?"

"Do you still want to humiliate me?" The troll king glared at Will.

"You didn't lose to me, but to human beings, yourself, and selfishness."


"Thinking of your life in vain, what have you done for the trolls?" Will shook his head, "Have you ever run a territory? Have you ever taught them exercises? Have you ever told them to become a first-level powerhouse?" the way?"


"You have nothing."

"You are high above, you are alone and independent, you accept the worship of your people, you let them worship you, and you wantonly demand from them."

"And everything is just to satisfy my vanity."

"Because the trolls don't have geniuses?"

"Then have you tried it?"

"You don't dare to try because you're afraid of trolls who will outshine you and stop honoring you."

"Why do you let the trolls stay in the Parazu province?"

"Shamelessly occupying our human territory?"

"Don't want to work hard to build the site?"

"The reason is very simple, because your spirit is placed in the leylines, and you can't leave here at all."

"So, you can only drag your comrades into the water, never thinking that this is leading them on a path with no future."

"No wonder your troll clan failed back then."

"Even green elves, dryads, and dwarves can occupy a place in this world, and they are intelligent races recognized by the world."

"As for your troll clan?"

"To join forces with monsters, and to be reduced to the same level with monsters, in the eyes of most people, is a beast without wisdom, not much different from a troll."

"With a guy like you as their leader, it's no wonder that's the case."...

Regarding Will's declaration of victory, the troll king blushed, looking like he wanted to refute but didn't know where to start.

After a while, Will stopped and asked, "Are you ashamed of what you did? It's not too late to repent before you die."

"Palasu Province has been the territory of our trolls since ancient times!" the troll king roared.

"Hmph, dogs can't change eating shit."

Knowing that the troll king was hopeless, Will didn't plan to continue talking.

As soon as he held his hand, the transparent magic ball that trapped the troll king began to shrink.

The troll king kept rushing, roaring, and struggling inside, but it was all to no avail.

The magic ball changed from the size of a watermelon to a coconut, to an apple, to a walnut, to a soybean, to a sesame... It shrank little by little, and in an instant, it became the size of a gravel.

Hide the grit that holds the Troll King under his fingernails.


He said to the person who arranged the earth veins to seal the enchantment: "The king of the trolls has been defeated, and the enchantment can be revoked."

With the removal of the barrier, the veins of the earth flowed again. The power of the earth veins that was originally occupied by the king of trolls had been exhausted after the battle just now, and now it was slowly recovering.

In less than ten seconds, the power of the earth's veins had returned to its original state.

Seeing this, Will sighed and said, "Fortunately, we didn't start a war with it rashly at the beginning. Without the ley line blockade, it would be almost impossible to exhaust its magic power."

If it really starts to fight, it is estimated that it will take thousands of years to fight without an end in sight.

After the barrier was lifted, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Even Furgao and Luna, who didn't care much about the outcome of the battle, couldn't help being slightly happy.

The Troll King is dead, and the entire province of Palasu is now under the control of the Cairo Empire.

For ordinary people, it does not bring much benefit temporarily, and it will take tens or hundreds of years of development to bear fruit.

But wizards are different. Many precious materials in the wizarding world are produced in Parasu Province.

Now that the three first-level powerhouses in Parasu Province are all dead, aren't the things here allowed to be exploited by them?

"It's not time to relax yet," Will said.

Everyone's hearts were raised again, could there be new enemies?

Will didn't have much joy on his face, "Look around."

Everyone heard the words and looked around.

Because they put all their thoughts on maintaining the barrier just now, and cared about Will's battle with the Troll King, they didn't pay that much attention to the changes around them.

Looking at it now, many people were shocked.

With a radius of hundreds of kilometers, the ground is covered with cracks like spider silk. The small ones are a few meters wide, and the large ones are tens of meters wide.

Mountains collapsed, rivers diverted, mudslides rolled, wildfires broke out, and natural disasters were everywhere.

The frightened monsters fled in all directions, and many of them rushed into the densely populated area.

Under such a natural disaster, the people living in Parasu Province are naturally not much better.

In the eyes, it is full of people's misery.

The ears are full of people's howls.

The entire Parasu Province is like hell.

"Is this the battle of a first-level wizard?"

Many people took a deep breath.

This is the result of Will trying his best to control the scope of the damage, otherwise it would be even more miserable.

"You should also participate in disaster relief."


With the participation of sixty-three third-class apprentices and three first-class powerhouses, the disaster relief work went much faster.

"Ender, why are you still here?" Will wondered.

For the love of Parasu Province, Ender might still be more than Will, shouldn't he participate in the disaster relief immediately?

After hesitating for a while, Ender looked straight at Will and said, "Grandpa, why don't you develop the Palasu Province after killing the troll king and clearing out the trolls, slime monsters, and two-headed poisonous dragons? There is no need to die so many people."

Ender asked what he had been wondering all along.

If it is said that the previous strength was not enough to defeat the king of trolls, then improve the strength first?

Is it okay to develop Parasu Province on a large scale in the next few decades?

"Ander, what is a human being to you?"


"Human beings are our compatriots, our people, and I have sworn to lead mankind to the top of the world."

"My dream is the same as yours."

"So, what I want is not my victory, not my strength, but the victory of mankind, and the strength of mankind." Will waved his hand, "When people talk about the war between trolls and humans, don't It's about Will who defeated the trolls, it's about humans who defeated the trolls!"


"Human beings are not our toys. We can point them in the right direction, provide resources, and help them overcome difficulties when necessary. But the road, ultimately, they have to walk step by step by themselves."

Will overlooked the province of Parazu, "We must not put our mentality on a high place. Our real purpose is to make everyone equal to us, understand?"

"If I had a choice, I wouldn't even take action against the King of Trolls myself, but I would let you, who I trained, handle it."

Watched by Will, Ender lowered his head in shame, "...I understand."

Although he didn't agree with some of Will's words, he fully agreed with Will's deeds and ideals.

"I went to participate in disaster relief."


After all, Ander turned into a yellow light and rushed to the place where the disaster was worst.

Will, who was left alone, sighed, "The war is finally over."

In this war, the Cairo Empire sacrificed a lot and gained a lot.

In the midst of the war, all departments of the entire country are run to the extreme.

Due to the reason that everything serves the war, almost all strong men and nobles were recruited forcibly.

Are you not coming to Parazu Province?


There are many more things you can do.

For example, building roads, digging mountains, teaching, digging canals... things that I didn't bother to do before, I have to do.

In ten years, the number of roads and canals in the Cairo Empire has increased several times, and every town in the country has at least one primary school.

Due to the special geography of Parasu Province, there are many miasma, moisture and parasites.

People living here have many diseases, how to treat them? How to treat it? The pharmacists of the Pharmacists' Union rack their brains every day, and hundreds of new drug developments are put on the agenda every year.

Due to the continuous fighting, various breathing methods, health preservation methods, body training methods, martial arts, potions... To put it bluntly, there are too many mice!

New grains, vegetable seedlings, seeds, pesticides, fertilizers, etc. have also been greatly developed, and the output has continued to increase.

This is completely absent in peacetime.

"In the ten years of war, hundreds of thousands of people died, millions of people were injured, and tens of millions of people were affected."

"The accumulation of decades has been squandered, the treasury has been depleted, and the entire country has been impoverished."

"But we have also gained a lot. These things may have taken tens, hundreds or even thousands of years to obtain."

"After decades of self-cultivation, the national power and population will naturally recover and become stronger than before."

"The troll is just a starting point. After that, there will be more powerful enemies and more difficult challenges waiting for us."

Will wants to lead mankind to the top of the world, but there are too many enemies to deal with.

In fact, in what he said to Ender just now, there was one of the most important reasons that he didn't say.

"It's better to abide by the wizard's covenant."

"At the very least, when we do things, we must have the honor of righteousness. It is the other party who violated the agreement first, and we have no choice but to fight back. It is a legitimate defense."

"The seemingly useless covenant may be a rein that tightens our necks."

"Our enemies are not just aliens."

He remembered the armor worn by the troll race.

"If, as Ander said, after I have accumulated a certain amount of strength, I can directly kill the king of trolls, and then take action to eliminate the trolls."

"Will the people in the dark come out?"

"Punish me in the name of righteousness?"


And the vanguard must be another strong man on the human side.

This is also because Will has always acted conservatively, and has never personally acted.

It was just ordinary knights and apprentices who forced the troll king and other first-level powerhouses to fight. He was just standing behind the scenes.

The superficial reason for the attack this time was that the troll king violated the covenant first, and he did too much. He refused to listen to dissuasion, so Will had to act as a last resort.

Even if he won, Will seemed to be sighing inwardly, regretting that the troll king had gone astray.

Therefore, those talents did not appear as if they were invisible.

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