Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 214 Awakening

The wildfire was extinguished.

The green spirit named Doru also died.

Standing on a mountain peak in the distance, looking down at the earth that has been scorched by flames.

There, green elves stood in the ruins dragging their tired bodies.

Or sad, or desperate, or happy.

Homes were destroyed overnight, family members, friends and neighbors were engulfed in flames.

Nevertheless, the future must always be faced, and the home must always be rebuilt.

Looking at the busy green spirit, Will had neither joy nor sadness in his eyes.

Although it was for fighting the fire, he did save a lot of green spirits.

Just to put out the fire?

For the sake of human beings, isn't it better for green spirits to die as much as possible?

Green spirits are, after all, the enemy of mankind.

On the road of human rise, the green spirit is an unavoidable obstacle.

Then why, Will still save them?

Is it because of guilt?

or mercy?

Or have you changed your mind?


No matter how sad, no matter how painful his heart is, no matter how many people blame him, his will will never change.

He had already made a decision - all crimes belong to me.

The reason why he did that was just to re-recognize himself, re-recognize justice and human beings.

People are always improving.

The ideal in my heart is also constantly improving.

In the past, he wanted to kill all the alien races, thinking that as long as he did so, human beings would be able to stand on top of the world and gain happiness.

Is it really like this?

Can killing and defeating alien races prove that human beings have become stronger?


It just means that Will is too strong.

Strong enough to fight against all races with one person.

However, this was not the result he wanted.

"Perhaps, in the distant future, I can possess great power, call the Buddha the ancestor, become a fairy with one thought, become a demon with one thought, turn my hand into clouds and cover my hands with rain, and become an almighty god."

"But if this power can't bring happiness to mankind, lead mankind to glory, and create an equal and harmonious society, what's the point?"

"If that omnipotent power can't help all human beings become omnipotent gods, what's the use of it?"

What Will wants, isn't power.

It is not to rely on one's own strength to fight against all races, nor to become the god of human beings, the absolute powerhouse of human beings.

All he wanted to do was to be a mentor, a pioneer.

"Today, I became stronger, so humans are the strongest race. Tomorrow, which race will appear the strongest, is that race the strongest race again?"

"What I want is for human beings to rely on their own strength to defeat all races and stand on top of the world."

Therefore, what Will has to do is never to kill.

It's about finding ways to make humans stronger.

Create a world where everyone is like a dragon.

"One day, I want everyone to have great power and become an official wizard through hard work."

He finally woke up.

"How stupid I was before!"

Whether it's green spirits or orcs, what's the point of killing them?


"As long as they don't hinder me and the rise of human beings, so what if they live in this world?"

After thinking about it, Will's heart suddenly relaxed a lot.

The goal is set.

The way forward has become clearer.

He knew that his choice was difficult.

It is very likely that it will not be realized in a lifetime, but how do you know if you don’t try it?

Even if he fails, as long as he can get closer to the goal, he can leave something useful for future generations, so that more talented people can stand on his shoulders and see higher.

That's enough.

Carrying the package on his back, he picked up the core of the giant tree and walked towards Kava City.

The three-month trip to the Land of Green Essence has come to a perfect end.


Looking at Kawa City, which has been away for three months, Will felt a lot of emotion in his heart.

"It's great to be back in the human world again."

Quietly return to Kawa City.

In Kawa City, very few people knew that he had left.

Because he was originally withdrawn, he spent most of his time in the house tinkering with things, and it was normal for him not to see anyone for ten days and a half months.

"Master Will, these are the documents you have accumulated to deal with during the three months you have been away." Kailin smashed the document, which was half a person's height, on the table.

Karin was the first to rush to him since his return.

After asking warm questions, Kailin's attitude changed drastically.

After all, it was originally planned to come back in a month, but there was no news for three months.

It is natural to be worried.

Although Kailin's attitude made him very uncomfortable, but seeing the mist in his eyes when Kailin rushed to see him anxiously, he didn't care about Kailin.

"It's really accumulated a lot!" Looking at the hill-like documents in front of him, Will felt a headache.

Simplify the progress of life potions, problems encountered, solutions, experimental procedures and results.

The tasks he promulgated, the rewards, rewards, and meetings he completed.

About the difficulties encountered in the popularization of breathing exercise gymnastics.

The medicinal materials collected in the army, the refining of potions, the missing potions, and the progress of other new potions under research.

I asked Kailin to find an assistant who knows pharmacy.


There are too many things.

It's all waiting for him to deal with.

Unknowingly, Will has become a pivotal figure in Kava City.

Every word and deed affects the fate of countless people.

"Since it's related to me, I will naturally handle it properly." Will is not someone who likes to shirk responsibility.

Moreover, what he did in Kava City was a very important link in order to realize the ideal in his heart.

"We have to eat food one bite at a time, and we have to walk step by step on the road."

Will's ambitions are great.

But just because the ideal is too lofty, you can't stop taking action and wait for the opportunity to come, right?

Tomorrow after tomorrow, how many tomorrows.

He wanted to create a world where everyone could be an official wizard.

This idea is so far away and difficult that it is almost impossible to realize.

After all, he is only a second-class apprentice now, and he is still worrying about becoming a third-class apprentice.

It's hard to say whether he can become an official in this life.

Because it is difficult, because you are not sure, you don’t act?

Thinking - "After I become an official wizard".

It's not okay to have that kind of thinking.

"Increase the number of knights on the human side first, and when the number of great knights increases significantly, it will not be too late to consider wizards."

Taking the knight system is the best method he can think of so far.

It's also the best way to get started.

"If you want to become a wizard, the blood is okay, because you can pass the transplant, the biggest problem is the mental power!"

Even in bloodline families, there are many people who have awakened bloodlines but lack mental power.

What about ordinary people?

There is only one in a million ordinary people whose mental strength has reached the entry level of a wizard's apprentice.

"Becoming a great knight can significantly enhance your mental strength."

This path is the path Will took.

Of course, there are many problems.

for example--

It is too difficult to become a great knight, which great knight is not thirty or forty years old?

The wizard apprentice who transplanted the magic seed has a limited life span and limited time. He needs to learn meditation and physical exercise. How can he still have time to practice breathing? Have you reached the level of a great knight?

Finally, do you need talent to practice breathing?

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