Ashe nodded, she breathed a sigh of relief and looked a little happy.

   "There are still some things that have not been done on my side. When you are done with this matter, we are discussing a time. I know that you are very busy here. Don't worry."

   Duola nodded.

   As they walked and chatted, they soon came to Tallinn, and then separated.

After    left, Ash's heart jumped suddenly and her face was slightly red. This was the first time she invited others, and she was still traveling together. She blushed no matter how she thought about it.

Among the many outstanding talents of the younger generation in Wassenberg, Dole is not the best candidate, but he is indeed the most suitable candidate to go to the Far North together. He is not a member of the family, nor is it a nobleman of tarsus maggots. , The talent is excellent, and you can also chat. The most important thing is that the other party has a wide range of knowledge and can give yourself a lot of reference in certain directions. The most important thing is that the meditation idea is similar in some aspects. He went where he went. The same effect.

   At this point, Eugene and Gretel are inferior, and the other geniuses in the city are even worse.

  While walking and thinking about some questions, Ashe quickly disappeared on the edge of Tallinn.

   When Dolay returned to Tallinn, he called Libesha, Kanchel and others, brought Dolay Wizard Tower's identity card, and went to help him buy some things.

   He wants to prepare. Just now I got almost two million gold coins from the military department and the imperial mage regiment, and now I have enough money to squander it.

  He is preparing to refine a wizard tower, which is not high, and only needs three floors. This matter needs to be settled before setting off. Without a wizard tower, he feels unsafe to go anywhere.

The role of the wizard tower is not trivial to the wizard. The most important thing is that when not in use, the wizard tower can be put away and used as a place for training, as a base for observation, for defense, detection, and very useful. It is so big, so according to this purpose, he has updated ideas for the new wizard tower, and he has thought about the wizard formation.

They are called Kanchel and Libesha. They have been here for a long time. They have greeted other adventurous groups and mercenary groups for a long time. They are familiar with them, and it is convenient to connect with them. It is also easier to collect various materials. Suitable.

   The three newcomers also started to get busy under the command of the three. They had the identity card of the wizard Dorai hung on their bodies, and they went in and out of various material places and purchased them on a large scale.

The main ingredients that make up the Wizard Tower are various precious woods and various metals. Each of the high-grade materials is of high value. It is relatively difficult to collect in Wassenberg, but fortunately, they have accumulated a lot of contacts in the Pharmacy Tower. Even if it was targeted by several big families, there were still many adventure groups and mercenary groups that took out the inventory. It only took three days before Duolai collected all the materials for the base and the wizard tower on the first floor.

   To build a new wizard tower, you need to apply for a place from the Glory Wizard Alliance, and ask an alchemist to build a shelf. It took another few days before Duolai really moved all the materials outside and was ready to start construction.

Alchemist, he was looking for an alchemist in the Glory Wizard Alliance. Many Level 4 wizards took the initiative to help out for a few bottles of potions. Duolai was also happy. The matter of exchanging objects for work is very popular in the wizarding world. common.

   Duolai sent only one person to supervise, and he didn't care how they did it.

   He is a half-hearted alchemist himself, and he is very clear about the doorways, so he doesn't need to stare at him.

   Just when he started to build the Wizard Tower, Allen spoke to him.

   "Come to me."

Allen has been relegated to the back for a long time. Although he is in the name of vice president, he is actually not very concerned and practiced with all his heart. After getting the important treasure on the black market last time, I haven’t seen anything for a few days. noodle.

   Duola just thought for a while, and soon came to Tower Three and saw Alan.

   When he saw the vice president, Duola saw that his spirit seemed to be on a higher level, his aura was completely restrained, and he could not see any signs of a wizard.

   He was shocked, this is a sign of Dzogchen, is this going to challenge the seventh level?

   Seeing Dolay’s expression, Alan laughed immediately, he beckoned and said, "Dolay, come and sit down."

   "I have seen the vice president." Duola put his posture very low, then walked over and sat opposite Allen.

   Alan nodded. He looked at Dolay. This little guy seemed to have reached a bottleneck. At this age, the speed of promotion is faster than he was in the past.

   This kid will be terrible in the future.

   Allen thought for a while, and asked directly, "Are you going out?"

   Duola didn't think much about it, and nodded, "I have reached a bottleneck in my cultivation, so I want to go out and look for opportunities to be promoted to level 5 by the way. I will stay with the Wizard Tower."

When Allen applied for a new wizard tower, Alan knew that Duola would not take away the current wizard tower. After all, there were dozens of students there, and their foundations are here. To be precise, the foundations of those students Among the surrounding wizards and warriors, no one came to consume, and the pharmacist was nothing.

He nodded, his expression was heavy, and he spoke slowly, "Level 5 is a very important level. The magic virtual image turns from virtual to real. Try to make the rules of the virtual image perfect. Only then can the power of meditation be used. Many people are promoted to the fifth level. At that time, I was too which led to flaws in meditation. After I was finally promoted to level 5, I found that I was not as strong as I imagined, and in turn made up for it. I spent a lot of time not talking, and missed the best. Opportunity, I hope you can be more cautious."

   Duola naturally knows this truth. He hasn't read much about books recently. He nodded, "As it is."

Alan saw that Dolay was assertive, and he understood that this child might have more thoughts than he thought, so he said, “I’m calling you over this time and ask you about this matter on the one hand, and on the other hand, The imperial mage regiment and the military department came to ask about your identity. I and Ellenger were at the sixth level as guarantors, and Toyotomi Fengto, who gave you testimony, so basically there is no problem. You offend With the Macia family and the Sikong family, they are playing hard in it, so this matter will not be done soon."

   Duolai was a little puzzled, the Sagong family are only two juniors, do they have that much energy? There is also the Macia family. It is only because of Jasmine that the whole family jumped out to fight against themselves. Is this a worthwhile thing?

   He does not understand the so-called face problem of the nobility. Why does the face come from? He earns it by himself. Only when people give you face is called face. If they don't give you face, there is no face.

   is really inexplicable.

   He is not a nobleman, and he doesn't understand the logic of the nobleman. Anyway, he thinks this thing is a bit inexplicable.

So helplessly said, "Now it’s just a tender. If it works, I will open my mouth and sell medicine outside. For these orders, some adventure groups and mercenary groups that I have good relations with have already had some If you’re dissatisfied, if it doesn’t work, I’ll open it up to the outside world.”

   When Alan heard this, his heart shook.


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