Immortal strain, that is, Tai Sui possesses super biological activity. It is a must-have among super vitality potions. Without it, it is impossible to refine vitality potions, so he must find it.

In this world, Tai Sui is also known as the messenger of the Pluto. It is regarded as an ominous thing. It will be unlucky and bring disaster to touch. Therefore, ordinary people will not easily move this kind of thing, which brings a trace of mystery to it. Therefore, few people preach it everywhere.

   Leaping over the Ellengar Mountains, Dolay quickly came to the other side of the mountain and flew in the direction of the Eternal Forest. Flying in the sky, in addition to controlling the airflow, you also need to converge your mental power, manipulate the light, and hide yourself. Otherwise, the various Warcraft Overlords who can fly in the air will annoy him, especially the Sky Overlord, various eagles, and falcons. Large creatures such as eagles will definitely chase him.

   While flying, generally observe the surrounding environment.

   I have to say that it is really good to be able to fly. If you could fly back then, you wouldn't have followed the flame caravan so far.

   While flying, he observed the surrounding scenery, and soon he flew to another mountain range further north.

   Passing through this mountain range, and further north, is the scope of the Eternal Forest, which exceeds the boundaries of the Glory Empire.

   Seeing this mountain range, Dolai floated in mid-air, took a closer look, compared the characteristics, and then flew towards a certain valley.

This mountain is called the Evil Spirit Mountain. It is not as huge as the famous mountain, but it is many times larger than Allengar. It is also very long. The peaks are very high. In the distance, you can see some of the peaks of the peaks. There is still a snow-capped mountain above. It is the natural boundary separating the Glory Empire and the Eternal Forest. It is very large in scale.

   This mountain range is also a forbidden area for humans. In the Glory Empire, there are three neighbors similar to the city of Words.

   Duolai had a detailed map, so naturally he didn't need to go to the city to find someone to guide him. He flew directly to the mountain.

   As a third-level wizard, Duo Lai now has enough confidence.

"From County xx, there is a wide path that can see a prosperous town. Go in from behind the town and head to the third mountain on the left. On the top of the mountain, there is a huge block of stone, which can be seen at a glance. Arrived.” Dole flew, observing the terrain, and soon found what they said was the prosperous town.

   looked to the left along the town, and soon he saw the mountain with rocks.

   Here, he is basically there.

At the same time, he also saw a lot of adventure groups and mercenary groups on the mountain. It’s summer. Schools are over. It’s the day when the adventure groups and mercenary groups recruit troops and come out for adventure. It is more prosperous than other ordinary towns, and people, all kinds of professionals, wizards can be seen everywhere!

   Duola glanced at the town, then flew towards the mountain peak, and soon fell on the rock on the top of the mountain lightly.

   He took the note in his hand and glanced at it.

   "Fifteen miles into the valley, you can see a small black water pool. Above the water pool is a place that looks moist and humid, where the immortal bacteria are."

   Duola just took a look, then put the note down and started to change clothes.

   He dressed himself as a second-level fighter, which looked unremarkable. Of course, he was indeed a second-level fighter himself.

Although the mind of    had been washed away, and the dragon flame attached to the children of the elements was gone, the dragon power in the bloodline still existed, and it was appropriate to pretend to be a second-level warrior.

   Originally wanted to fly over directly, but Boss Barr noticed that there were level four and five big monsters in the distant mountains. Forget it, safety first.

   At this time, Boss Barr has run away, and he doesn't know where to go for snacks.

   Packed up everything, Duola looked around, there was no one, so he threw the changed coat on the ground, with a slight hint of contempt at the corner of his mouth, jumped down from the stone and into the bottomless valley.


   Behind Duo Lai, following two groups of people in batches.

   A group of people is a fragment of wizards holding a compass. There are several wizards flying close to the ground, for fear of being discovered by Dolly in front.

   There are four people in the other group, all of them are wizards. They are flying high in the sky, looking at the direction Dole is going, full of surprise and uncertainty.

   Of these four wizards, all are level three, and there is even one level four. It was the polite young man in class that took the lead.

He looked at the direction Dole was going, at the people following him, a small mirror in his hand gave out a faint gentle light, shrouded them in it, seen from the outside, here is a mass of air, no matter from the breath. , Or from the light, there is no one here at all.

   "Good guy, if this guy doesn't come out, it's just a matter of coming out. Who is the person in front? It seems that the person in front is not kind!"

   The elegant youth frowned.

Beside him, the reckless young man snorted and said, "Andrew, whoever he is, just wait for a good show. Dolai is a Level 5 pharmacist, maybe he has already dealt with all kinds of poisons at Level 6, plus After Xilan suffered a big loss last time, the information provided by the Honor Wizards Alliance stated that this guy is obviously not easy to deal with. These people don't have specific equipment. It's really a death to find the **** Dolai troublesome."

  Although he is very upset with Dolai, he still knows himself. When a powerful pharmacist also studies poison, there is no way to kill him without special tools.

   Andrew smiled faintly, "Andre, you still know yourself well."

   Andre hummed disdainfully, "Aren't you the same? I also found the two adults."

Old God Andrew said, "I’m for After this guy was promoted to Level 5 Pharmacist, I don’t know how many people are staring at him. If he is promoted to Level 6 in a short time, it will cause The attention of many big powers, we should also make arrangements in advance. Besides, the Rose Chamber of Commerce Words Branch can have the current development, he has more than half of the credit."

  Andre nodded, "Waltz City's pharmacy industry has risen, and our Rose Chamber of Commerce took advantage of this. Thank you very much to this guy. Unfortunately, he ran too fast, otherwise we can sit down and discuss one or two."

   Andrew nodded, "Don't worry, anyway, there is time. I suspect that Dolai already knows the next thing. We are not in a hurry, let's hang from a distance."

   Andre nodded, he knew the danger of Duolai deeply.

   Moreover, it is said that he is also related to another sixth level and got the mysterious corpse insect. If it is true, I am afraid that as long as it is not the fifth and sixth level, his own risk factor is still quite large.


   Ai Nico, Fini, and ten other people together, at this time the compass-like thing has been handed over to Ai Nico.

   Through the contact with Dolai, they secretly put something that could track his movements on every piece of his clothes.

   As soon as Dolai walked out of the academy, they found traces of each other.

   The tracking authority is placed in Inico's hands. After receiving the news from Dolay, after a hurried report, he directly brought people to follow.

   As long as they can get Duo Lai in the bag, it will not be full of money from now on, which will be of great benefit to them.

   The rose caravan in the city is a living example. It was originally just a staging point for a large caravan and had no reputation. Now relying on the relationship with Duolai, it has transformed into a caravan of high-level medicine output, and its value has greatly increased.


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