Rosa and Bennard are different. Bennard has long been accustomed to the sophistication of humanity. Even if he helps him too much, the exchange of interests between the two is at best, but Rosa is different. She is still young, and her humanity and morality are still not the same. Not fully mature, as long as you treat her better, you will definitely gain in the future.

   Thinking of this, Dolay touched his chin, his expression slightly smirk.

   Just then, there was a knock on the door outside. Duolai wasted his mental energy, and directly manipulated the magic circle to open the pharmacist's magic.

   There was a middle-aged woman standing at the door, her body was very strong, but where she stood, Duola felt a strong pressure.

   She is wearing the iconic Glory Wizard League magic robe, large and powerful, on her chest, the painter is decorated with four small white dragons.

   A fourth-level water wizard.

  Who is this?

At this moment, another person came from the side. It was Wordsworth, the deputy dean of the college. After he came to the door, he saluted the middle-aged woman and said, "My lord is coming, why don't you say something in advance, we Good to welcome you!"

   The middle-aged woman glanced at Dolly in the room, moved her gaze away, and placed her on Wordsworth, with a professional smile, "Don't bother you, I'm here this time, just looking for Dolly's pharmacist."

   Wordsworth's heart sank. He glanced at Dolay, stepped into the room, and said as he walked, "Dolay, this is the inspector of the Glory Wizard League in the Northwest Province, Lord Xilan."

   Duolai was slightly surprised.

   Ombudsman? This was sent by the Northwest Glory Wizards Alliance to monitor the various regions. It has the power to monitor the Glory Wizards Alliance in each region, and it has great power. Why did he come to himself?

   The Glory Wizard Alliance did persecute him, but he also quickly counterattacked, kicking all the pharmacists related to the Glory Wizard Alliance out of his class of pharmacists. Is it because of this?

   This thought turned around in his mind, and Duo Lai stepped forward, bowed slightly, and said, "Master Xilan!"

   Xi Lan looked at Dolay, her professional smile turned into a scrutinizing smile, following Wordsworth, she stepped in and looked around the laboratory.

   Duolai followed her gaze at this time, and her heart sank. In her own laboratory, there were many things that were beginning to be shameful.

Xi Lan glanced at him without paying too much attention. He looked at Duo Lai and said, "Yes Duo Lai, not bad, not bad, at a young age, he is a third-level wizard, and the future is boundless. I am looking for you today to confirm one thing."

   Duola's heart sank and came.

   He nodded and said, "My lord, please ask!"

   Xi Lan looked around, then set his eyes on one of the rooms, "Is Rosa in your place?"

   Duola was taken aback for a moment. It was not her responsibility, but Rosa. She actually knew Bennard and Rosa?

   Xilan smiled suddenly and said, "Didn't Bennard tell you? His mother is in my family."

   Duola felt a little surprised?

   This Master Xilan knew that she was a nobleman at a glance. She had a noble temperament on her body. Her eyes were high above him. Although she looked straight at him, she was full of pride and disdain. This was a characteristic of nobles.

  Just, what did she come to do with Rosa?

   At this time, Rosa heard the movement and walked out of the next room. He saw Xi Lan at a glance, and suddenly became frightened.

   She ran over quickly and was about to kneel down in front of Xi Lan.

   Duo Lai quickly stepped forward, grabbed her by the collar, and pulled her back, looking a little calm.

   Rosa struggled hard, but she couldn't help Dolay.

  Worth was a little surprised when he saw this.

   Xilan frowned slightly when seeing Duolai's movements, but did not speak.

   After restraining Rosa, Duo Lai shook his head. This child didn't know what he had experienced when he was a child. Now this performance is really unsatisfactory.

   "You let me go!" Rosa whispered, as if she was afraid to startle someone.

   Duola said blankly, "If you stand up straight, I will let you go."

   Rosa struggled, didn't struggle to move away, she could only stand upright, and Duola let him go.

   Seeing this, Xilan probably understands what Dolai is going to do. This kid is interesting, but he just wants to change a person fundamentally. Is it easy?

She smiled and reprimanded in a cold voice, "Rosa, you are also a wizard now. You don't need to kneel down to others at every turn. Except for those who are stronger than you, who need to practice magic etiquette, you don't need anyone else. Kneel down and remember, this is the dignity of a wizard, look at yourself, where is the dignity of a wizard."

   Rosa lowered her head, not daring to raise her head.

   Duolai was a little surprised, he thought Xilan would be angry.

  He said, "Rosa is out, what can you ask?"

   Rosa was indeed terrified in her heart. You know, this Master Xilan, even many years ago, was an extremely powerful character in the family. She has seen it many times, so offending her is really dying.

   But Luolai grabbed her by the collar, she couldn't do anything at all.

   The nobleman is moody. Although she talks like this, Rosa is not happy at all.

   Xi Lan nodded, he looked at Rosa, and said, "Rosa, I want to ask you, would you like to follow me and be my disciple?"

  As soon as this word came out, the room became unusually quiet. Not only was Dolly surprised, even Worth who was behind her was also surprised. Good fellow, it turns out that this old lady came here because of this?

  If Rosa became Xilan's disciple, wouldn't these two brothers and sisters soar to the sky?

  Worth is also a Level 4 wizard himself, and naturally understands that there is a gap between Level 4 Lan, as an inspector, has a complete magic tower.

  He stayed silent and watched the development of the situation quietly. As long as it was not related to Dolay, then there was nothing to do with him. Rosa was not even a member of the academy.

   Rosa also raised her head at this time, a little surprised, she wants to accept herself as a disciple? how can that be?

   This is a fourth-level wizard!

   Yes, or not, what if she wants to pursue her and her brother's sins if she doesn't agree?

   For a while, she struggled.

   The room was quiet for some reason.

   Everyone is waiting for Rosa's attention.

   After waiting for about five minutes, Rosa raised her head and plucked up the courage to say, "I want to wait for my brother to come back. I will go wherever he goes."

   Xilan frowned, slightly unhappy.

   Rosa has an excellent talent, and Bennard is actually good, but Bennard is too old and no longer has the value of development. If you have to bring a Bennard, it will not be worth the loss.

   She thought carefully about the pros and cons.

   It is not so easy to train a disciple. The matter of resources is not a very simple matter. If a wizard does not have resources, his achievements are very limited. Bennard is an example.

   She glanced at Duola at this time, her mouth twitched slightly.

   Although resources are the first element, the little boy in front of him is indeed an exception. He himself is his own resource.

She thought for a while and said, "Well, I respect your decision and wait for your brother to come back." She glanced around and disliked the surrounding laboratories. There are too many dangerous things here, this Dorai, I am afraid it is not as gentle and simple as it seems.


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