The weeds are equipped with a small carriage, and all the staff around are very heavy looking at the weeds. This is not a weed. It is thousands of gold coins. It is not a small number on any one person.

   The military department and the police department did a bit too much this time. No, what will this trusted palace master do?

   Aiding and Oss stood at the door, looking at Dolay’s pensive back, stepped forward and said, "My lord, it's ready."

Dole looked back and glanced at the carriage on the side, then nodded and said, "Let people be pulled to the door of the military department. I'll go to Fein for tea first." As he said, his mental energy moved, and his whole body rose up. The wind flow, and then this wind flow slowly increased, supporting his body slowly floating up into the sky.

   Seeing this, everyone was stunned.

   Three-level witchcraft, flying skills.

   How long has it been since he has already figured out a third-level witchcraft, how is this possible? Everyone has an incredible look.

   Duolai was also flying for the first time. After flying into the sky, he controlled the nodes of the spell model, sprayed the airflow to the side and back, and slowly flew forward.

   At the same time, he felt all kinds of gazes from below the academy. He ignored it and flew directly in the direction of the city of Words.

The speed of    flying technique is controllable. This is the slowest speed. Flying slowly, the fastest speed is even faster than that of a bow and arrow. In front of others, he is not arrogant.

   Soon, after he flew out of the atmosphere of the academy, he began to increase the output of the wind, and the speed increased.

The operation of flying skills also requires proficiency. He does not have the magic of wind elements, and can only extract wind elements from the air. The efficiency is very low, but there is no obstacle to flying. He constantly lowers the height, raises the height, turns left, and right. Spinning, flying slowly, flying fast, flying freely in the sky, this feeling is quite good.

   deserves to be flying, just fun.

   After summing up this point, Duolai continued to float in the sky.

Another characteristic of the third-level witchcraft is that it is very mentally intensive. No matter how the spell model is changed, it requires extremely strong mental control. Otherwise, the spell model will collapse. When the magic fails, it will fall but you will die. of.

   In addition, the rate of mental power consumption is also extremely exaggerated. After playing for about an hour, his mental power consumed almost a quarter. If he were replaced by an ordinary wizard, his mental power would probably be gone.

   Soon, he was not far from the city of Words.

   At this time, the Wizard League waist card on his waist suddenly exudes a spirit wave.

   Duola was taken aback, then released this mental fluctuation and led it out.

   O’Neill’s voice came out from inside, "Dolly, have you completed the flying spell model?"

   So this token can communicate over long distances? Dolay raised his brows and lowered his height, answering O'Neill.

   "Yes, Lord O'Neill."

There was silence on the other side, and five seconds later, a sigh came from inside, "Your talent is a bit exaggerated. Flying is not allowed in Watts City. You can fly to the gate of the city. In addition, come to Honor the Wizarding Alliance. , Update your information, the youngest third-level wizard in Words City!"

   Dorian let out, and he heard the sigh in O'Neill's tone.

   Third-level wizards are indeed very difficult. Some people have spent their entire lives as second-level wizards, and they are already third-level wizards after only seventeen years old this year. Others must be envious.

   There are advantages and disadvantages to this. The advantage is that you will receive attention, and many people will not offend themselves in the future. The disadvantage is that they will be really targeted by many forces.

   There are so many second-level wizards like dogs, which is not worth mentioning. If a third-level wizard is invited to join his strength, it is definitely a suppressive level.

   Therefore, they will spare no effort to find themselves.

   Dolai doesn't care about this. He fell far away from the gate of the city, came to the official road from an unknown place, and then came to the gate of the city.

   He didn't enter the city, but walked straight to the gate guard.

   "Master Wizard, what do you want?" Seeing Duo Lai approaching, the city guard immediately greeted him, asking with some doubts.

   Duo Lai nodded, and said, "Thank you for letting me know and let Fein come to me. This is Duo Lai."

   Hearing the name Duolai, the surrounding city guards immediately awed in awe.

   The team leader said immediately, "Okay, Master Dolay Pharmacist."

   Duolai's name is not easy to use in other places, but it is definitely easy to use in military and police stations. He has made great contributions to the development of the entire new city.

   Dolai smiled, "Then trouble everyone."


   At this time, it is late autumn. The trees on both sides of the street have begun to turn yellow, and there are some fallen leaves on the street.

   There are many people on the street. The weather is just right and many people are walking around outside.

   Duo Lai walked into the city and saw the lively market at the door.

There was a caravan in the market. The caravan had more than a dozen carriages, which were shrouded in a layer of black cloth. On one of the carriages, a few arrogant mercenaries shook water-soaked cowhide whips and drove the contents inside. Come down.

   Soon, the two women lowered their heads and walked out tremblingly from the inside with trembling steps.

   Duola suddenly understood that this was a slave caravan.

   As he walked, he took a closer look at the two women.

   Although the two people did not see their faces, they looked very fair on the exposed legs and arms. Although there were some scars, they did not affect the essential skin color should not be locals.

  The Glory Empire is located in the middle temperate zone. People here have yellow skins, and only those farther north have white skins.

  The slaves from the north don’t know if they looted what village or were the citizens of the empire defeated in war?

   Dolay frowned. He hated slave traders very much. This kind of non-human behavior should be banned in his eyes.

   He frowned, and quickly left the bazaar and headed for the military headquarters.

   Not long after, he bumped into a carriage of the military department on the road. After getting into the carriage, he went to the military department.

   Not long after he came to the campus in the east of the city, Fein and several others were already waiting at the door.

   Duo Lai got out of the carriage, saw Fein, smiled slightly, "This time I want to verify one thing, maybe I will trouble you."

   Fein grinned, "Whether to say anything, we can trouble you." He pointed to the person next to him, and said, "These are my colleagues."

   He also knows about Duolai's promotion to level three, knowing that everyone will not be at the same level in the future, so just a brief introduction, and a familiar face.

   Duola nodded at them, and said with a slightly serious expression, "There will be a carriage from our academy in a while. You can help me see what's going on."

   Fein's expression suddenly changed.

   Duolai is now the lord of the Potions Palace. He has something to look for and brought something with him. The trouble is self-evident?

   He hasn't spoken yet, behind him, a person cautiously said, "Hall Master Duolai, is there something wrong with the medicinal materials?"

   The supply of pharmacy in Allenger College is more than doubled, and the price of the academy is relatively low. The Military Department is very satisfied with the relatively large quantity of medicinal materials provided. Could it be that the medicinal materials have a problem?


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