Wizard: I Can Extract Everything

Chapter 72: Put on the shelf testimonials, put the bowl for subscription.

  Chapter 72 is on the shelves, put a bowl for subscription.

  Opening the book in one month and three days, it is really fast to fly, thanks to the appreciation of dear readers and friends, every vote and every collection makes this book come to the present, of course, the editor’s recommendation is also an important factor.

  I have to say that everyone is really insightful and possessed by Bo Le.

  Insert a digression, it’s a bit unexpected to be on the shelves so early, especially when the plot just happened to be at a stage where it’s not going up, there is no way, I will speed up the update, and strive to highlight the exciting parts as soon as possible.

  Let’s talk about the plot below.

I see that there are friends in the comment area who are concerned about the female protagonist. Here is a brief overview. The original plan of this book is not to describe the female protagonist. However, after combining the suggestions of the big guys in the group, let’s talk about it. The big guys said If you don't want to go to the street, you must have it even if you are a mascot.

  So I will still set up a heroine in a comprehensive consideration. Of course, considering the limited writing ability and the character of the protagonist, the heroine of this book is mostly a background board. I hope you don’t have any expectations for the emotional line.

  Ps: Actually, I only wanted to kill and kill, but I didn’t let the starting point. I deleted my chapters over and over again to close my little black room, and I was speechless.

  After finishing the plot, let’s talk about the update plan.

If it’s updated, we will still maintain the mode of daily two-time updates and irregular changes in the future. Xiaopujie also wants to make changes every day. However, it takes a long time for each chapter to be written. I really envy those days. Wan's boss.

  However, the update time should be changed to a unified broadcast at 6 pm, so that everyone can watch it all at once.

  Finally, it’s about the plan and the rules for adding changes to the shelves.

  To be honest, I didn’t have any preparations before this. The main reason was that the release was too sudden. When I received the notification of the release yesterday, I didn’t even have the manuscript in my hand.

   There was nothing wrong with it today, so I coded a few photos overnight. It’s really staying up late, staying up late at 4 o’clock in the morning, and I’ll go.

  So far, there are a total of six saved manuscripts. Later I will probably put out five chapters first, and the last chapter will be refined, and by the way, I will also use it for addition.

According to the speculation of the big guys in the group, my book can be ordered evenly, the first five chapters are considered as a guarantee. After the remaining more than 500 orders, I will add one more chapter for every additional order of 100, which means I can really reach the big book. If the guy said 800 orders, I will have to make up two chapters, and two chapters should still be able to code today.

  It’s okay if you don’t reach 500 orders. I will release Chapter 6. If you exceed Chapter 8, then save it and pay back the day after tomorrow.

  Finally, if you give a reward, this Xiaopujie is not worthy. The big guy said that the fan value of readers exceeds 10,000 and usually adds five chapters. I saw that the highest fan value now is more than 3,000, so let's count it for now.

last of the last--

   is also the most, most, most, most, most, most, most important point.

  Everyone, everybody must listen to me!

  Readers, dads, readers, please order the first order! Please subscribe, subscribe!

  Regardless of whether the rich dad or the poor dad subscribe, please give one for the first order anyway.

  As for the future.

  The starting point app can watch video ads for free prostitutes, and a lot of starting points can be prostituted with a poke every day, which is more than enough to support Xiapu Street.

   is now on shelves!

  Set the bowl, please subscribe!

  (End of this chapter)

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