Wizard: I Can Extract Everything

Chapter 152: 149: God said

  Chapter 152 149: God said

  To be honest, seeing these girls scratching their heads and posing all their temptations, Heath was still quite tempted. Although he bought them mainly to help with housework, he does not deny that he did have nasty thoughts in this regard.

   But now is obviously not the time, right?

  Heath frowned, and said with a stern tone: "Get dressed, this is not a joke."

  The girls are a bit wronged.

   "Master. But. But we can't do this."

   "Yes, we haven't learned it"

  "We. We have only learned how to make men comfortable and how to make men like them, but now you ask us to be conservative and dignified. What is this?"

  "Try us, you have never used it, we are very good."

  A girl who compares herself to a man’s supplies and is proud of it. This has to be done with how sordid, slutty, and without self-esteem.

  This seems incredible, but the reality is like this.

  Slave traders will brainwash these girls by beating and torturing them. Through continuous brainwashing, they tell the girls that their meaning in life is to serve as a tool for venting their desires and to provide others with fun.

  Of course, there are people who try to resist brainwashing, but the survival of the fittest, these girls are killed, tortured, cooked, and eliminated in the process of screening.

  The rest are slaves who have accepted that they have become a ‘tool’ and are willing to let people live by stuffing them into a mess of things, in the true sense of loss of dignity and personality.

  Heath frowned.

  It’s definitely not enough for girls to be the goddess cultivator with such a posture, but what is difficult is that he really has no good way to change them for a while.

  The brainwashing encountered by these girls is carried out in accordance with the current environment, and has been deeply imprinted by the times. In their perception, they are slaves and they are tools.

  It is as if the common people recognize that they are always common people, and the nobles recognize that they are always nobles, just as the private property of rice is sacred and inviolable.

  This is a cognition that fits the background of the times. Unless the environment of the times changes, chaos ends, slaves are completely banned, slave owners are all cut off, and there is no need to worry about being beaten to death and boiled out of resistance.

  Otherwise the girls will not be able to make changes.

  To summarize it simply: Whoever wins, they help who, and who wins, they believe.

   "Forget it, wait until the end of the summer mass is over, let's talk about it, now let's hurry up and practice first, whether it is a disguise or a dead end, everything is easy to say after the end of summer mass"

  Strictly speaking, Heath’s Bright Holy See is still in the initial stage, and the store is still being renovated, including the core personnel of the Holy See and the organizational structure are not yet ready.

  He decided to hold a mass on the last day of this summer, which is also the traditional end of summer celebration day, as the official business ceremony of the Holy See.

  The church, nuns, and even others are prepared for this.

  Heath is also speechless, are these girls still saved? I am afraid that only gods can save them.

  Heath said: "In this way, I promise you that as long as you perform well, I will reward you after the end of the summer mass. But now, we need to keep our distance. This is also for your good."

  The elemental radiation during the period when wizards were just promoted is very large, and close contact with humans may have a great impact on them.

   "Huh? Really?"

  "Okay, as long as it is your request from the host, we will definitely do it."

   "Eileen will also come on."

  The girls are full of energy.


  I finally got it done.

  Heath was also relieved, otherwise it would not be easy to find a group of qualified nuns at this moment.

   "Staff is still too few"

  In fact, when he started to form a team, Heath realized how difficult it was. Nuns, missionaries, and priests were all vacant. There were not a few literate people, let alone those who could help him preach.

  Except for the basic staff, the senior staff is even more miserable. It can be said that it is a blank.

  "Boom boom boom!" At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside the room.

  The disheveled girls quickly picked up the clothes on the ground to cover their shame, not because of their shame, but because of their cognition, they are the owner’s personal items and cannot be given to other men for fun without the owner’s permission.

   "Master, let's go to the room inside to change."

"go Go."

  The girls went to the room inside, while Heath went over and opened the door.

  Outside the door, stood an old man wearing a brown robe. This is Merius, the former royal bachelor of the court, and the more educated one in the Heath team.

Most of the nobles in the city ran away, and there was too much shortage of staff. After discussing with Tiffany, Heath asked her to go back and find someone. After Tiffany left, Merius stayed with him and took over the original Tiffany’s. Work to help complete the creation of the Holy See.

  Compared to Tiffany, Heath feels that this knowledgeable bachelor is more capable of working.

  Merius bowed, and then said: "I have done all the things you arranged for me, but I think we need to talk about many details, and it may take you a little time."

  Heath pointed to the chair next to him: "Sit down and talk."


  Merius was holding a few books in his hands. After he sat down, he handed the books one by one to Heath.

  "Look, this is the clothing of the priests. They are all designed according to your requirements. They are mainly white, gold, and red. The coat of arms uses the Holy Spirit flower."

  “In addition, this is the various etiquettes of the Holy See. This is selected by me based on the various etiquettes of various countries. Please see if the God of Light is satisfied."

  "The name and structure of the personnel organization are arranged in this way. The top level is the Pope, and the 24 departments of the Holy See are the court, the knights, the bishop, and the tax."

  From the dressing of the clergy, the various etiquette adopted by the Holy See, heraldry, etc., all have to be restarted, which shows how difficult it is to build this Holy See.

   "Holy spirit flowers can be used as the main pattern of the Holy See, but will the pattern be missing? Others."

  "If the etiquette is to be based on the cross ceremony"

  "The 24th Division of the Holy See? Too many, let’s see if we can streamline it. In terms of personnel, we will add two positions: Saint of Light and Archbishop of Red. What are the powers of the two."

  No way, these are the indispensable parts of creating an organization. The people below can help him design and create, but the real decision is up to him.

  About halfway through, Merius suddenly hesitated and said: "Also."

  Heath said: "Say."

  Merius said with a guilty conscience: "Besides, you said earlier that let us compile a content that enlightens the world, this"

  Heath said: "What? Is it organized? Then let me take a look."

  Merius said embarrassedly: "This"

  Heath raised his eyebrows: "What?"

  Merius boldly said: "What did the light **** say specifically. You haven't told us yet."

  Heath was taken aback.

  Never mind ordinary people under the flick of the God of Light. For a knowledgeable scholar like Merius, Heath didn't believe that he would believe his own bullshit.

He glanced at Merius and thought for a while and said: "Your Excellency Merius, since you did not leave like those nobles, then I think you should have approved what we are doing now. If so, then I think Let's just order it."

   "There are many things that I can't do by myself, otherwise I wouldn't ask you to help me, would I?"

  At present, the thing he asked Merius to draft is the doctrine of the Holy See. After this thing is sorted out, it will be used to enlighten the world. It is the core idea of ​​the Holy See and the soul of the Holy See.

   involves all aspects of food, clothing, housing, behavior, speech and behavior, and even sleeping and dreaming.

  Think one by one, thinking about what kind of clothes you want people to wear, how you want people to talk, and even whether people should sleep flat or sideways.

  If Heath can complete such a huge content independently, wouldn't it have to exhaust him? He is not interested in thinking so much, so let this be in the hands of scholars who really want to change the world.

  Merius was silent for a while.

  Of course, he who has been in contact with wizards does not believe in the God of Light. He is willing to go to Heath but he is tired of chaos. He sees Heath wants to restore order and has the ability.

   However, what he didn't expect was that Heath's ambition would be so great, not only wanted to restore order, but even created another set of order.

   And now, he has to put the framework of this order in his own hands and let himself complete it.

  Mélius wiped the sweat that oozes out of his forehead, his mood was unprecedented ups and downs, and indescribable excitement filled his whole body.

  He held a notebook in one hand and a quill pen in the other. After a moment of reflection, he asked Heath, "My lord, then look. Did God say that ‘people and animals need to live separately’."

  Heath said: "Well, there can be this one."

  Merius continued: "Did the **** also say, ‘people cannot be with goats.’"

   "Well, this one must be added, otherwise, who will have a baby if they are going to get a goat?"

   "Did God say that."

  One afternoon, the two sides exchanged opinions on what God said, how God wants people to live, and roughly finalized the basic framework, involving all aspects of people’s lives.

  After the basic framework was drawn up, Heath gave the rest to Merius to deal with.

  He encouraged: “What did God say? Did God say it? It’s not important. What’s important is that we need to tell those outside and tell them what to do and how to live. What do you think?”

  Merius wants to say: I think you are just a big fool.

  Things come to an end.

   On parting, Merius asked: "My lord, do you think this doctrine should have a name?"

  Heath thought for a moment: "Let’s call it "Speaking of God", it’s succinct and clear."

  God said: Let there be light!

  Look, how domineering.

  So, the first book in the wizarding world that teaches people how to live, tells people where they come from, and where they go is published in the Kaleru Temple and the St. Paul’s Cathedral in the future.

  To create the entire Holy See, this huge amount of work cannot be done by Heath alone. It is enough to check the key when it is critical, and leave the rest to his subordinates to handle.

  So, on the second day after docking with Merius, he returned to the realm of magic.

   And the project that he pushed onto the test bed for research this time is -

  Great knight!

    Thank you [Book Friends 160613193600550] and [Swarovski] several friends for their rewards.

     Also about paying off debts.

     was originally planned to start paying off the debt today, but isn’t this the college entrance examination? I will pay it back when the college entrance examination is over, guarantee it, pay it back immediately

     In short, today is the day of the annual college entrance examination.

    , I sincerely wish all the schoolmasters to be admitted to the ideal school. Stop reading novels today and focus on reviewing.

     Students should not be discouraged. This world is not the world of academic masters. Everyone has their own glorious side. If you find that side and develop with your heart, you will surely be able to create your own brilliance.

     Then, come on, everyone.

     Seeing that I have even suspended the planned increase for you. Is there any reason not to refuel?



  (End of this chapter)

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