Chapter 107: Lü Bu leads Xuzhou.

Zhang Fei’s hand was trembling slightly, he didn’t expect Lü Bu’s strength to be so great, Fang Tian’s painting was like a god, he only had a part to block, and the number of attacks was pitifully small.

Lü Bu was more and more comfortable with the fight, and suppressed Zhang Fei fiercely, so that Zhang Fei would be defeated.

Suddenly, a horse carrying a man rushed towards Lü Bu again, and Zhang Liaogao saw this and was about to rush out.

Lü Bu seemed to know what they were thinking in general, roaring

“No one is allowed to interfere, even if there is another person?” I have no fear. ”

Zhang Liaogaoshun knew Lü Bu’s temper and had to suppress the urge to go forward.

A terrifying blue sword light slashed down at Lü Bu, and Lü Bu swung open the snake spear, and Fang Tian’s sword bounced back, just in time to meet this sword light.

“When” a loud noise sounded in the battlefield, the red rabbit horse involuntarily took a step back, while Guan Yu’s horse retreated five or six steps. Guan Yu narrowed his eyes, feeling the pain of the tiger’s mouth, and his heart was also surprised.

Lü Bu felt his slightly tingling hand and laughed

“Well, that’s interesting.”

A flash of madness flashed in his eyes as he attacked the two men.

Zhang Fei and Guan Yu immediately greeted them, “Ding-ding” Lü Bu did not fall behind at all with one enemy and two enemies, but could suppress the two of them slightly.

Liu Bei was very anxious to see on the city wall, although he couldn’t see Zhang Fei and Guan Yu like this, but he had been fighting for such a long time and had not yet divided the victory and defeat, that could explain Lü Bu’s terrifying strength.

In the end, Liu Bei still couldn’t bear it, and rushed out on his horse and joined the battle group, Zhang Liao and Gao Shun did not dare to take a shot easily without Lü Bu’s consent, and could only watch it like this.

The Three Ying Battle Lü Bu was still staged, but in a different place.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were surprised to see that Liu Bei had also come, and they could have cooperated with Zhang Fei, perhaps until Lü Bu’s physical strength was exhausted, but now to take into account Liu Bei’s safety, it broke this tacit understanding and it was even more difficult to resist Lü Bu.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei would look at each other, and the two of them would force Lü Bu to retreat together, whispering

“Big brother, let’s go.”

Liu Bei was stunned, and immediately reacted to turn the horse’s head and ran back, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei followed behind, escorting Liu Bei back to the city. Lü Bu just looked at them and did not chase, this battle he fought very well, too lazy to chase them again.

Lü Bu collected his troops and returned to the camp, at this time Chen Gong came here with 30,000 infantry, which were almost all of Lü Bu’s horses.

The next day, Lü Bu ordered a siege of the city, and in just one morning, the soldiers suffered a thousand casualties, and Xia Pi suffered almost no damage, at most hundreds of soldiers were killed or wounded.

Chen Gong saw that Xia Pi was so strong, and immediately let Lü Bu Mingjin collect his troops. Lü Bu asked when he returned to the camp

“Gongtai, why do you want to collect troops?”

Chen Gong explained

“Lord, you see that Pi is so strong, there is no shortage of food and grass for the soldiers in the city, if we attack hard, we may not be able to fight down, and even if we fight down, we will suffer heavy losses.”

Lü Bu nodded, his face ugly

“So what to do?”

Chen Gong frowned

“There’s nothing I can do right now, let me think about it again, let’s just wrap it around like this.”

Lü Bu nodded helplessly, even Chen Gong couldn’t do anything, let alone him.

So Lü Bu no longer attacked the city, so he surrounded Xia Pi, making Liu Bei confused.

Lower Picheng, Chen Mansion, Chen Jue looked at his son and said solemnly

“Yuanlong, have you really decided?” This is no joke. ”

Chen Deng nodded

“Father, I have decided that I was going to defect to Cao Cheng last time, but unfortunately he actually wanted to slaughter the city, so I had no choice but to take no action.” This time Lü Bu came to siege the city, and I was ready to try. ”

Chen Jue looked at his son and nodded

“Okay, then you go, I support you.”

Chen Deng arched his hand

“Thank you Father for being perfect.”

Chen Jue smiled and waved his hand,

“As long as you don’t regret it.”

Chen Deng said firmly

“I will never regret it.”

Lü Bu’s camp, Chen Gong was frowning at the map near Xia Pi, thinking about how to break the city. Suddenly, a soldier walked in

“Commander, someone outside wants to see you.”

Chen Gong was stunned, curious in his heart, who wants to see himself so late?

“Bring people in.”

A young man at the door walked in, and seeing that his demeanor was not an ordinary person, he came to Chen Gong and bowed his hand

“Lower Pi Chen Deng Chen Yuanlong has seen Chen Junshi.”

Chen Gong was stunned, and then his face changed drastically, and he was surprised

“You… Are you a member of the Xia Pi Chen family? ”

Chen Deng smiled and nodded

“Good value for money”

Chen Gong looked at Chen Deng in shock and asked

“What’s the matter with you looking for me?” You must know that we are attacking the city of Xiapi. Could it be that Liu Xuande sent you? ”

Chen Deng shook his head

“No, I’m here to help you open the gates…”

Chen Gong was even more surprised to hear this, looked at Chen Deng carefully, saw that he did not look like a liar, and opened his mouth

“Why? I remember you however. ”

Xuzhou Mu’s right-hand man, your family… Chen Deng smiled slightly

“Tao Gong is no longer here.”

Chen Gong instantly understood this, it seemed that the Chen family was very dissatisfied with Liu Bei, which was a good thing.

Chen Gong was overjoyed and immediately took Chen Deng to see Lü Bu, and Lü Bu was naturally very excited, and he sent a pillow when he came. The three of them deliberated and made a plan that Chen Deng would open the city gate tomorrow night.

Sending Chen Deng away, Lü Bu asked Chen Gong uncertainly

“Gongtai, do you think this man is credible?”

Chen Gong touched his beard, and a bright light flashed in his eyes.

“Lord, this man should be trusted, but we can take precautions, and then we will first bring a thousand cavalry into the city, and then we will enter all of them after we are sure.”

Lü Bu nodded,

“Well, I’ll listen to you.”

The next night, as the night grew darker, Lü Bu waited outside with his cavalry, and when he saw that the city gate had not been opened, he could not help but feel impatient. Just when Lü Bu was waiting impatiently, suddenly the city gate opened silently, and a torch drew a circle at the city gate.

Lü Bu’s face was happy,

“Everybody follow me.”

With a thousand cavalry he rushed over.

Behind him were all the cavalry that Zhang Liao was carrying, and after Lü Bu rushed out for some distance, Zhang Liao followed with his cavalry. Lü Bu directly killed into the city, found that there was really no trap, and was overjoyed, and immediately asked the messenger soldiers to go back to tell Zhang Liao and enter the city immediately.

“Liu Fu, Liu Bei was asleep, when suddenly the door was pushed open, and Guan Yu strode in, anxiously.”

Big brother, hurry up

“Come, Lü Bu has come into the city.”

Liu Bei’s head, which was still confused, instantly woke up and was horrified

“What? How he got in. ”

Guan Yu said anxiously

“Big brother, now is not the time to say this, Lü Bu’s cavalry is too much, and our soldiers can’t resist at all.”

Liu Bei got dressed in panic and followed Guan Yu outside, only to find that the street was full of shouts of killing, and the sound of horses’ hooves of “Da Da” was coming towards his side.

In this way, Liu Bei was driven out of Xuzhou by Lü Bu after not being Xuzhou Mu for two days, and Liu Bei and Guan Zhang could only escape, still only with five hundred cavalry, and ran towards Jingzhou.

Lü Bu occupied all of Xuzhou and took Xuzhou Mu himself.

Cao Cao was also shocked to hear this news, and did not expect that Liu Bei was so useless, and he still could not hold on to Xuzhou Mu’s seat when he sent it to him.

Cao Cao moved the seat of government to Xuchang, mainly frightened by the giant, and Cao Cao instantly felt that Chen Liu was not very safe.

Cao Cao naturally did not want Xuzhou to be occupied by Lü Bu like this, and his heart began to think of sending troops to Xuzhou, but fortunately he was persuaded by Xun Yu, but there was not much grain and grass in Qingzhou, Yanzhou.

Cao Cao saw that the attack on Xuzhou was not successful, and instead destroyed Liu Pei of Yuzhou and occupied Yuzhou.

Yuan Shao of Youzhou was very red in the eyes when he watched Cao Cao expand his territory in a big way, and he called all the advisers to come

“Tell me where we can go now.”

Everyone looked at each other, the current position in Youzhou is quite awkward, the north is Gongsun Du can not fight, it is useless to fight, the south is Jiangchuan, do not dare to fight, but also have to be careful to guard. To the east is the sea, and Youzhou is completely trapped here.

The atmosphere in the hall was very dull, and Yuan Shao’s face became more and more gloomy, and at this moment, the judge suddenly opened his mouth

“Lord, you can attack the North Sea of Qingzhou.”

The people in the hall were all frightened, and they all looked at the trial with curiosity, Qingzhou is across the Jizhou, how to fight? Yuan Shao was also curious

“Zhengnan, tell me how to fight the North Sea.”

The judge said with a smile

“Lord, don’t go by land, but by sea.”

Everyone was shocked, and instantly understood the meaning of the trial, and could not help but secretly admire that the appraisal could think of such a method.

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