With the Famous Name of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 329: Treating the Emperor, Flipping the Sign

Qin Xiaobai built the headquarters of Jinyiwei, and smashed 220,000 taels of gold. In an instant, 10,000 Jinyiwei were created, and he also fully filled up the two skills of Xiuchun knife and Feiyupao. ://xin/

Qin Xiaobai did this not only to add strength to the upcoming copy of the empress, but also to let Jin Yiwei exercise his authority and clean up the territory.

Originally, Qin Xiaobai was worried that Jin Yiwei would gradually become corrupt and lawless because of his excessive power, repeating the tragedy of the Ming Dynasty.

Now with Bai Jie and Bai Yuanfang, two brothers and sisters who have a strong sense of justice and are loyal to him in command of Jin Yiwei, there is no need to worry about these situations happening.

Therefore, Qin Xiaobai should let Bai Jie and Bai Yuanfang's brothers and sisters exercise all the powers of Jinyiwei in the territory, investigate corrupt officials and investigate unjust, false and wrong cases. Jinyiwei has the right to intervene in anything and everything.

As the deputy city lord, Princess Taiping has been in charge of the territory affairs on Qin Xiaobai's behalf. Seeing that Qin Xiaobai gave Jin Yiwei such great power all of a sudden, she couldn't help but worry that doing so would affect the stability of the territory.

Qin Xiaobai reassured Princess Taiping and said: "Jin Yiwei is the number one spy in the world, as long as he is appointed properly, he can completely wipe out the territory."

Sure enough, Jin Yiwei soon showed its power. Under the vigorous investigation led by Bai Yuanfang and his sister, 10,000 Jin Yiwei, several officials who were corrupt and abused their power were quickly found out in the golden territory.

Since these officials were all first-time offenders, but none of them were in key departments, and none of them caused major disasters, Qin Xiaobai only made them public and fined each of them with three months' salary as a small punishment. Great Commandment.

Those little officials were in a state of fear and fear, and didn't know how Qin Xiaobai would deal with them. After all, they were the first batch of corrupt officials to be investigated and dealt with in the Golden Territory, and the lord would probably kill them with bloody means.

In the end, they saw that the lord was so kind and generous, so they were all grateful and said that they would never do it again, and their loyalty to Qin Xiaobai also increased several points.

See the desired effect. Qin Xiaobai was pleased in his heart, what he wanted was kindness and power, not pure intimidation, otherwise the situation of Lao Zhu killing more and more corrupt officials would be repeated.

Afterwards, Jin Yiwei was no longer in the golden territory. Detect any officials and officials who have committed any illegal corruption.

It can be seen that under the governance of Little Lolita Taiping, Yandang County is basically peaceful.

Therefore, Qin Xiaobai also admired Taiping Little Lolita: "The territory is under your governance,

Is it pretty good? "

Taiping's little lolita is very ungrateful, and there are a few corrupt officials, although they are only petty officials. But it still embarrasses little Lolita, there is no way to bicker with Qin Xiaobai in this place.

So he pouted at Qin Xiaobai in other places and retorted: "What is the world's number one spy? We have a spy organization in Tang Dynasty, which is definitely comparable to this Jinyiwei."

"Oh? Are you talking about bad people?" Qin Xiaobai couldn't help asking Princess Taiping. He was deeply impressed by this organization and felt that this organization was also quite powerful. Otherwise, maybe this bad organization can be brought out.

Little Taiping Lolita shook her head and said, "No, it's the inner guard of Plum Blossom."

Then Qin Xiaobai learned from Little Lolita Taiping that the Meihua Neiwei was an organization. While protecting the safety of the palace, it is pervasive in the court and the public, and belongs to the strongest hidden force in Wu Zetian's hands.

Qin Xiaobai's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he asked Little Lolita Taiping, "Then can you train this plum blossom internal guard?"

Qin Xiaobai, who has tasted the goodness of Jinyiwei, naturally does not want to let this similar spy organization go.

Although Jinyiwei is strong, its personnel are extremely limited. Jinyiwei headquarters has 10,000 people, ten thousands of households add up to 10,000 people, and one hundred hundred households add up to 10,000 people. In this way, it can only reach 30,000 at most. people.

Thirty thousand people are not even a drop in the ocean to the billions of people in the vast China. If it comes to the time of the national war, it will not be enough.

If a spy organization comparable to Jinyiwei can be obtained, it will naturally be able to make up for the lack of this aspect, and it will also be able to supervise each other with Jinyiwei.

Although Bai Yuanfang and his sister are very loyal to him. Jinyiwei is correct in the general direction, but the individual Jinyiwei below is not necessarily so. If they can supervise each other, their power will definitely be able to achieve checks and balances.

However, Little Lolita's answer disappoints Qin Xiaobai. This Plum Blossom inner guard is directly under Wu Zetian, and Taiping Little Lolita can't control it, let alone train. This made Qin Xiaobai feel very regretful.

Then lightly gave this little loli a brain breakdown, and asked her to use the plum blossom inner guard to seduce him...

Now that Qin Xiaobai has pulled out these little filthy officials, and punished them both kindly and powerfully, not only did the officials feel that they had met a benevolent king, but the people in the territory believed that Qin Xiaobai was a people's heart. The hearts of the people in the middle and upper levels have once again risen sharply.

And after Qin Xiaobai finished handling the affairs in the territory, it was already time and it was the seventh day of July, so the lucky draw for the Qixi Festival could begin.

Qin Xiaobai can be said to be an S-control through and through, and every time he scores, he must reach the S-level before giving up.

But this time, he didn't spend money to upgrade the territory to get a score, because because it is the Qixi Festival, this lottery will be a free random lottery.

So after Qin Xiaobai arrived at the Qixi Festival, he opened the book of heaven and summoned the lucky wheel to start the lucky draw.

But I don’t know if it’s because the heavenly book, the ground scroll, and the human scroll are combined into one. This festival’s lottery draw is slightly different. There are still two light spots, but before the ground scroll is drawn, the grids on the human scroll are all gray. of.

Qin Xiaobai doesn't care about it, it doesn't matter whether the person or the ground is drawn first, it's all free and random anyway.

After a system prompt, the free random lottery draw for the land scroll was completed, and the prize for the drawn land scroll was "10,000 mu of fertile land"

Seeing this, Qin Xiaobai nodded in satisfaction. Although he didn't get the special building, this one is pretty good.

Because of his attack target, the four counties outside the Great Wall are more barren and barren than the frontier Yanmen County.

If the territory wants to develop in this chaotic world, besides the population, the most important thing is food. If the territory itself has to rely on imports for its own food, it will be largely controlled by others.

Although the 10,000 mu of fertile land is not enough to supply, it can greatly alleviate the food shortage, and it can help Qin Xiaobai solve a lot of troubles.

But now he has not obtained the four counties outside the Great Wall, so Qin Xiaobai wants to store this reward in the heavenly book and get it later.

After drawing the land lottery, Qin Xiaobai immediately started to draw the person lottery, and at this moment he found that this lottery draw has changed from one star to the next, and even the entire lottery draw mode has been changed.

From the original rotating light spot, it became a flop. Turn over the brand of that famous concubine, and you can summon that famous concubine.

Qin Xiaobai was overjoyed immediately, this... is simply the emperor's treatment. (To be continued.)

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