With the Famous Name of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 199: Population Ambitions

Of course, Qin Xiaobai sent troops to conquer the Yellow Turban Army, no matter what, he responded to the call of the Bingzhou Players Conference. As Chu Kuangge and Lin Nantian at the two poles of Bingzhou, let alone give him some benefits, at least settle the bills owed to him first Bar. Dagger·Q·Chinese·文·网·头·发

Arrears of wages to migrant workers is quite immoral.

Lin Nantian is suffering from the Yellow Turban right now, and he only hopes that Qin Xiaobai will immediately send troops to reinforce him, otherwise his properties in Taiyuan County and Shangdang County will be destroyed in one fell swoop.

Chu Kuangge didn't have this concern, and wanted to continue procrastinating.

Qin Xiaobai took care of and sacrificed Xu Meier's big killer, and Chu Kuangge had no choice but to pay the bill obediently in order to maintain his elder brother demeanor.

After Xu Meier helped Qin Xiaobai ask for the account from Chu Kuangge, she immediately called for help in all kinds of emergencies. The Yellow Turban Rebellion in Yanmen County intensified. If Yanmen County was completely occupied by the Yellow Turban Army, not only her Once her interests are destroyed, her right to speak among Bingzhou players will also be greatly weakened.

After all, she is not a fixed representative of the three major players in Bingzhou. The reason why she has one vote top ten votes is because of Yanmen County. Once she loses the only foundation of Yanmen County, her status among Bingzhou players It is bound to plummet.

Xu Meier's own strength is in Hexi County. Although it is a leading county with Yanmen County, it is actually separated by Fenshui. The army is here.

Besides, even if it passed, with Xu Meier's current strength, she might not be able to fight against the hundreds of thousands of Bandit Yellow Turbans.

The officers and soldiers are now the same as Ding Yuan, all of them are wretched in the system city, only players who can call for help, and there are only three players in Bingzhou who can have this ability, and that is the representative of the three major players in Bingzhou.

Like Xu Meier, Chu Kuangge's main strength is in Hexi County, and he couldn't send troops to rescue Yanmen County in time.

And now Lin Nantian is a mud bodhisattva who can't save himself when crossing the river, let alone rescue Yanmen County.

Therefore, we can only rely on Qin Xiaobai, and although Qin Xiaobai is much inferior to Bingzhou's two poles, he is still the representative of the three major players. Bingzhou iron ore energy tycoon, acting county magistrate of Guangwu County.

In short, although the outside world doesn't know what Qin Xiaobai's actual strength is, but this series of bluffing names makes players feel that Qin Xiaobai is very powerful. Even if it is not as good as the two poles of Bingzhou, it is definitely not weak.

And Qin Xiaobai is in Yanmen County,

There is zero distance from Yanmen County, as long as he sends troops, he will be able to keep Yanmen County to the greatest extent.

For Qin Xiaobai, Yanmen County is his gateway. He is now in Yanmen County, so there is absolutely no room for loss in Yanmen County, otherwise the trade routes in the entire pass will be completely blocked, and his safety in Guangwu County will be threatened. Yanmen County must rescue him. , so Qin Xiaobai immediately agreed to send troops.

Seeing this situation, Bingzhou and Zhou were dumbfounded. They thought that Qin Xiaobai was going to fight Zhang Liang with arrogance, but they didn't expect that after a long time, he just beat up the bandit Yellow Turban Army at his door...

Before Qin Xiaobai sent troops, he asked Xu Meier to help publish something like a call for thieves. Tell the players in the counties of Yanmen County that he, Qin Xiaobai, is going to send troops to rescue them.

In order to boost the morale of the players in the counties of Yanmen County, and by the way, to rectify Qin Xiaobai's name, after all, can a name be followed.

Although Qin Xiaobai is the acting county magistrate of Guangwu County and one of the representatives of the three major players in Bingzhou, his legal sphere of influence has always been in Guangwu County.

The players in the counties of Yanmen County were all happy to see this situation, but they were also a little worried, fearing that Qin Xiaobai would continue to bully the weak. Take advantage of the fire.

In order to ensure that the players in Yanmen County would not resist him, and could even cooperate with him, Qin Xiaobai immediately came out and patted his chest, saying to the players in the counties of Yanmen County. He will never take advantage of the fire to rob, and even shouted the slogan of not taking the masses' needles and threads.

Then Qin Xiaobai turned his head away, and added a sentence to the internal slogan, 'Don't take the masses, just abduct them directly. '...

Although Qin Xiaobai has always advertised that he is a three-good young man, but he will never play Lei Feng.

The so-called cannon fire is golden ten thousand taels. He spent tens of millions of dollars to send troops to help, so what if he didn't get some benefits.

Among all the benefits, the most valuable is strategic resources, and the most important of strategic resources is population.

In the farming period when the gap in science and technology in the world is not too big, the population is basically the size of the national power, and a population can have everything.

Compared to other players, especially large guilds like the top ten guilds, the population issue is not a very critical issue, because they have countless players as their backing.

But for Qin Xiaobai, who does not have much power in reality, and who hides the huge secret of the Heavenly Book and Human Scroll, which cannot be revealed, it is still what he really relies on, so the population is more important to him.

However, Guangwu County is a small frontier county, and the total population of the entire county does not exceed one million, so its potential is extremely limited.

If you want the development of Yandang Mountain not to be restricted by the population, it is necessary to migrate the population from other places.

That's why Qin Xiaobai yelled out the slogan, "Don't take needles from the masses, but abduct them"...

However, Qin Xiaobai couldn't just roll up his sleeves and do it directly, because officially Qin Xiaobai has the official status of acting county magistrate, and it would be very troublesome to be held accountable afterwards.

Among the players, Qin Xiaobai also needs to maintain his reputation. Doing this kind of thing that takes advantage of the fire will hurt his reputation.

Therefore, Qin Xiaobai will not do this kind of rough work that attracts hatred by himself, he needs to support a human shield.

It is difficult for Qin Xiaobai to accomplish such a major event as population migration, and the meat shield he found must have a certain strength.

However, the land in Yandang Mountain is barren, and enough people have really moved in. In fact, Yandang Mountain can no longer support such a large population, and it is useless to move fewer people.

Therefore, the population must be stored in a place that is large enough, safe enough, and sufficient to feed the population. Guangwu County, the back garden of Yandang Mountain, is undoubtedly the best ideal place.

Since the population was to be moved to Guangwu County, the meat shield agent was found from Guangwu County.

If you want to find someone from Guangwu County who is relatively easy to find and has certain influence...

Thinking of this, Qin Xiaobai couldn't help smiling, yes, he thought of that long-lost scammer again.

Sometimes Qin Xiaobai can't help sighing, this product is really a panacea, where there is no need to cheat... (To be continued.)xh118

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