With Love and Time

Chapter 885: 'a family of three'

A group of more than 20 staff members, together with Ji Guanxin and Lu Yao, a total of two commercial vehicles and three private cars, drove in groups to the hotel.

The nearby hotels are not whole tall buildings. It is a small wooden house with local characteristics. Ji Guanxin packaged a small villa with two floors. Only he lived with Lu Yao, and the others lived in other houses nearby.

Because everyone tossed for a day, they were all tired. Therefore, work has not been started in the last 24 hours. All accompanying staff can move around freely, and all expenses are credited to Ji Guanxin.

Start working with such a boss. Everyone is naturally happy, even the beautiful words of blessing are a little more sincere.

Lu Yao followed Ji Guanxin back to the single-family villa. As soon as I opened the door, I saw the familiar plush figure at the door.

She suddenly glared beautifully. Surprisingly not. Hastily squatted down to hug Xiao Baiqian.

Now Xiao Bai Lian'er has been more than four months old. He has eaten and drank enough all day, and is a circle bigger than the puppy of the same age. The weight is even more than 40 catties. Lu Yao is struggling to hold it now. At least the moment when he straightened up. She has to say "Huh Yo".

"When did you pick it up?"

Lu Yao hugged the fluttering little white face in her arms, and asked Ji Guanxin to her side.

Ji Guanxin changed his slippers. He replied aloud: "Today is just about to come from the country, I will let them bring it along the way."

Lu Yao smiled and said, "It's snowing outside. It must be happy."

Ji Guanxin said: "I don't think it's a sleigh rider. It hasn't snowed a lot in Yecheng in recent years, and there is only one floor below. I can't bury its ability."

Lu Yao walked in with Xiao Bai's face. There was a big fireplace on the wall of the living room. Firewood was really burning inside, and the floor was carpeted. It was very warm. No wonder Xiao Bai's face was sobbing and her tongue stuck out.

The winter luggage of the two of them had long been left in the room upstairs. Ji Guanxin and Lu Yao went upstairs and changed into casual and warm clothes.

When he went downstairs, Xiao Bai Lian could not wait to stand at the door and waited. It looked like he let it out, and it was in a vigorous posture.

Lu Yao and Ji Guanxin wore the same deerskin short boots and tucked the trouser legs inside the boots. As soon as the door was pushed open, the temperature difference between the cold outside and the hot inside immediately caused a large group of white mist to wrap around.

Xiaobailian was shot by Sayazi, and Ji Guanxin and Lu Yao also went out afterwards.

Fairbanks has few adults, and the entire city has a population of less than 30,000. This is a specially developed resort area. Looking around, there is a simple and warm cabin every ten meters away. The light in the house is warm yellow, adding a few warm lights to the snowy world.

The two walked forward hand in hand. One hundred meters ahead is the entertainment and leisure area. One of the features is the single or double sled pulled by sled dogs.

Xiao Bai Lian'er probably saw a lot of companions, so he happily ran over. Standing two meters away from them, looking tentatively.

Ji Guanxin and Lu Yao came here later and stood in front of the person in charge of the sled. Ji Guanxin spoke to him in fluent English, "Can you give us a separate sled? We want to bring our own dog for fun."

The tall American man replied: "Is your dog professionally trained? A sled is not something a pet dog can pull."

Ji Guanxin said: "It's okay, let's try it ourselves, the money will still be paid to you at the original price."

He insists on this, and there is no reason not to do business. After receiving Ji Guanxin's money, he pulled a separate sled, and then he tied the little white face to the **** his head.

Xiao Bai Lian'er turned his head and glanced at the **** his body, his face was stunned, but it was too late to take it off now.

Ji Guanxin touched its head'lovingly', and said with a smile: "Keeping a dog for a thousand days, for a while, and seeing that your stomach is round when you eat it, should I put my effort now?"

After all, without waiting for Xiaobai's face to be happy, he first sat down on the sled.

Seeing Lu Yao standing aside and not moving, Ji Guanxin looked up at her and said, "Come on, come and sit."

Lu Yao suffocated her mouth and replied: "Forget it, how can Xiaobai face move the two of us?"

Ji Guanxin said: “It’s slippery on the snow. Besides, it’s already strong. The four-month-old is bigger than the five- or six-month-old. You can’t keep it in vain. This is its old line.”

Lu Yao still shook his head, and replied loudly, "I won't make it anymore. You walked two laps by yourself, I don't think it looks like you can pull a sled."

Lu Yao is telling the truth, what kind of dog is raised by what kind of person, Ji Guanxin's son, the dog raised is also a dog that can't be mentioned.

Seeing Xiao Bailian standing against the wind, the long hair on her body was turned in one direction by the whirring night wind. This was like a handsome ‘boy dog’. She really didn’t believe it could pull a sled.

Lu Yao insisted on not going, Ji Guanxin said: "That line, you are watching by the side, I will train it first."

auzw.com He sat in the car, pulled the rope controlling Xiao Bai's face, and shook, "Drive!"

Xiao Bai Lian'er just glanced back at him, and the innocent Bai Lian's face still had a daunting expression on it, with an expression of "what are you doing?"

Ji Guanxin shook the rope several times, shouting, driving, walking, running, and throwing out!

Lu Yao stood aside, laughing so hard that she couldn't help herself.

Seeing her squatting down, Xiao Bai's face instinctively ran towards her. The sled dogs are born with great strength, regardless of whether the little white face is still a minor, but it is really effortless to pull Ji Guanxin to walk on the snow.

It struggling to ran to Lu Yao, and threw its paw on her leg.

Ji Guanxin looked at him, good fellow, his eyes lit up, and he said hurriedly: "Yaoyao, you run forward and let it chase you."

Lu Yao also listened to Ji Guanxin, and he let her run. As a result, in the snow, I saw a slender woman wearing a thin white down jacket running quickly, followed by an underage dog, pulling a sled frantically, and sitting on the sled was a big smiling child-like man.

It stands to reason that Lu Yao could not run with Xiao Bai Lian'er with two legs, but Xiao Bai Lian's still pulled a big baggage after all, so he followed her **** but never caught up.

Lu Yao ran forward for a hundred meters in one breath, and stopped slowly when he couldn't run. On the way, Ji Guanxin's all kinds of excited shouts were heard behind him, like calling a sleigh for the first time.

She stood on the spot, her waist stuck in her waist, panting with exhaustion.

Xiao Bai Lian's tongue was also sticking out, and her belly was shaking badly.

Ji Guanxin was very happy. He stepped out of the car and pushed Lu Yao into the car, "You rest for a while, I will run with it."

Lu Yao just wanted to say, let Xiao Bailian rest for a while, otherwise, if Luo Xiangdong knew that he was doing hard work here, he wouldn't be heartbroken?

It's just that she hasn't caught her breath, Ji Guanxin has already ran forward with long legs.

Xiao Bai's face is also stupid, just like her, before she breathes well, she spreads her hoof and ran forward. How fast Ji Guanxin ran, Lu Yao looked faster than the sled pulled by a group of dogs next to him. Xiao Bai was chasing him desperately behind him. He was childish, and running straight was not enough. He had to run round and round.

Xiao Bailian swayed right and left with him, the sled was about to fly, scared Lu Yao tightly clasped the handlebars of the car, and wanted to jump off the car several times.

She screamed: "Guanxin, Ji Guanxin!"

Ji Guanxin laughed, the more she called him, the more energetic she ran to a place with slightly more people. He forgot that Xiao Bailian was not a professionally trained sled dog, and thought that as long as he ran in the front, he would chase after him. But when there were too many people, Xiao Bailian began to get crazy, catching anyone and running away.

Lu Yao looked up again with his dazzling skill, and Ji Guanxin was no longer in front of him, and Xiao Bai's face was pulling her crazy toward another sled.

It was anxious to find his little friend to play, and seemed to forget that there was a person behind him. Lu Yao watched that he was about to hit another sled car. In a hurry, she was of course from the car. Turn it down to protect yourself.

The speed of the sled was quite fast, and Lu Yao jumped from the car and grunted in the snowdrift for several laps before stopping.

Not far from the opposite side, Xiao Bai Lian'er was also stopped by a professional dog trainer, and poor Lu Yao was full of snow.

Ji Guanxin watched Lu Yao jump off the sled, but he was far away. When she rushed over, she was sitting on the snowdrift with a husky face.

"Yaoyao, are you okay?"

He ran over in a panic, worried.

Lu Yao suffocated her mouth, and immediately squeezed Xue Yang in his face with anger, then rushed to hit him. Ji Guanxin took a step back instinctively. Lu Yao didn't expect that her legs were frightened, so she didn't stand up and fell directly into the snowdrift.

There was a man's presumptuous laughter in front of him, and Lu Yao knew who it was without looking up. She stood up with her arms, regardless of the snow on her face, glaring at Ji Guanxin. Ji Guanxin couldn't laugh enough, and stretched out her hand to wipe tears.

While kneeling on the snow, she grabbed a snowball to play Ji Guanxin. Ji Guanxin hid two, but did not avoid the third one. Lu Yao finally stood up. She shouted threateningly: "Ji Guanxin, stand there for me!"

Ji Guanxin was so stupid that he would stand still. Seeing that she was about to catch himself, he spanned his legs and was two meters away from her immediately.

Lu Yao also took a sigh of relief and was about to catch Ji Guanxin, so he followed behind him and shouted as he ran: "There is a kind of don't let me catch you!"

Ji Guanxin turned his head back and smiled, "Come on, little short legs, come and catch me."

Lu Yao said: "Don't run if you have the ability!"

Ji Guanxin said: "You have the ability to hold me."

Not far away, the dog trainer removed the sled from the'Young Master Dog', and Xiao Bai Lian'er Saya Zi ran towards Ji Guanxin and Lu Yao. In the polar night time closest to the Arctic Circle, the sky above is exuding magnificent blue-green colors, and the endless white snow is below. In the snow, a couple of men and women and a chaotic underage sled dog are crazy with each other. chase.

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