With Love and Time

Chapter 800: Half a year long distance relationship

How could Ji Guanxin not remember what he said, and that was his true heart. Seeing Lu Yao's appearance. He was distressed and dying. Don't say it was just to give her a sense of security, even if he took out his own heart, he was willing.

Looking at Lu Yao. Ji Guanxin had already guessed what she wanted to say next. He wanted to block her back, but he couldn't refute his own words. So I had to answer without blinking, "Forget it."

really. Lu Yao's words were in his expectation.

She said: "If the two of us can really go to the end, it doesn't matter whether I am in Night City or Winter City. I want to stay in Winter City and spend more time with my dad and my brother. We have been separated for ten years. I miss them very much. Besides, I also have my own selfishness. There are many people in the night city. If I go back with you, the relationship between our two must be after dinner and everyone’s talk. I don’t want to live the way others say .and also……"

Lu Yao paused, then said softly: "I want to see. If we weren't tired of being together every day, what would our love be like."

to be honest. This is a love test. The two of them didn't have any emotional foundation, and the relationship developed too fast, so many contradictions would appear later. Now she wants to slow down and see if she and Ji Guanxin can really break in, can really accept each other, and tolerate each other.

It's easy to fall in love. It only takes one action to hold hands, but going down is time and company.

Lu Yao made this decision because she loves Ji Guanxin very much and she wants to be with him; and Ji Guanxin understands this because he has experienced it.

It's really not difficult to love someone, but whether two people can hold hands and how long they can walk after holding hands is the most important thing.

He is reluctant to have Lu Yao not by his side, and he also knows that he cannot stay with her in Winter City for a long time, so as long as he nods now, he and Lu Yao will be in a long-distance relationship in the future, and this state is still unknown. How long will it last?

But he didn't dare to hesitate for too long, because Lu Yao was a sensitive person, he was afraid that she would feel unwilling, so he could only say out loud: "I agree. If you have already decided, I respect your choice."

Just as Lu Yao spoke to Ji Guanxin in a negotiating tone for the first time, it was also the first time that Ji Guanxin was so serious, even giving a slightly written answer.

Because this is about their love, they are very cautious.

Ji Guanxin responded. Lu Yao couldn't tell whether she was happy or unhappy. She just looked at Ji Guanxin and asked, "Are you upset?"

Ji Guanxin held her hand tightly and replied with a faint smile: "Do you know? Every time you ask me this, I feel happy because you care about me. But I also feel more uncomfortable because I love you. "

Careful, sensitive and fragile, this is what Ji Guanxin can think of, suitable for Lu Yao.

She is like a small deer with the purest and clearest eyes in the world. She has a smart appearance and a gentle and sensitive heart. She is very uneasy in the unexpected world. A little bit of wind and grass will make her feel uneasy.

Ji Guanxin didn't know how to make her let her guard down completely, he could only respond to her with gentleness and sincerity as much as possible.

Lu Yao saw the tenderness and distress in Ji Guanxin's eyes, he was smiling, but there was helplessness in his smile that could not be concealed.

She also tightened her fingers, shook Ji Guanxin back, and looked at him and said, "We are all working hard to go in a good direction, just like this time, if the misunderstanding is gone, we will know more about each other."

Ji Guanxin said, "I won't make the same mistake again. No matter what happens in the future, I will ask you personally."

Lu Yao said: "I won't hide anything from you anymore. I will tell you face to face about something."

In the past, the two people lacked face-to-face communication like this. Now they are walking on the streets of Winter City in a casual state. They have already expressed their opinions with each other.

Lu Yao clutched the traction rope with his left hand and interlocked his right hand with Ji Guanxin's ten fingers. As he walked, he had new questions.

"Then how long do you plan to stay in Winter City?" In other words, when will this test be the head?

Lu Yao thought to herself, isn't he quite good at talking at ordinary times, so he will ask her what she is doing now.

The pink lips opened, and she faintly replied: "I don't know yet, let's talk about it."

Seeing her like this, Ji Guanxin suddenly regretted it and promised to let her stay in Winter City. If he went back to Night City if something happened, wouldn't he not see her? And I don’t know when it is a head.

Lu Yao is also thinking, long-distance love, it is said that long-distance love is the most risky of all kinds of love. She uses this method to test their love. Isn't this just a trick?

The two walked along the road, with different thoughts.

In the end, Ji Guanxin took her hand and suddenly said: "Okay, isn't it a different place? The big deal is that I will return to Night City today and fly back tomorrow. How troublesome can it be for two hours?"

Lu Yao glanced sideways at him, but saw Ji Guanxin's expression on his face full of important decisions.

After a few seconds, she said aloud: "You are running around, will you get bored soon?"

Ji Guanxin replied frankly: "Don't you just want to know if I will be annoying, in fact, I'm quite wondering if it will be annoying at all."

If it is really annoying, it can only mean that he does not love her enough, or that she is not as attractive as he imagined. This is also the reason why many long-distance relationships finally break up. The distance makes them less enthusiastic, and only exhaustion is left on the road.

But what if it’s not annoying?

auzw.com Ji Guanxin looked at Lu Yao and said, "You can fix a time. You can't stay in Winter City all the time. Even if it's a test, there must be a deadline."

Lu Yao also felt it was, so after thinking for a while, she tentatively softly, "Half a year?"

Unexpectedly, Ji Guanxin didn't blink his eyes, and quickly replied: "Well, if we are still as good as we are now, or better than now, in half a year, you and I will return to the night city...we get married.

Lu Yao was still able to accept the first half sentence, but the last four words made her stunned as if she was stunned.

She subconsciously took a breath, she looked at a loss, and after a while she whispered: "I haven't thought about getting married yet."

Just follow and want to run before she learns. Lu Yao is now worried about whether her relationship with Ji Guanxin will last long and whether she can withstand the test. As a result, he just said a word and went straight to get married.

Ji Guanxin looked calmly and said, "I haven't thought about it now, but I will think about it then. Will you not agree if I propose to you?"

He is really confident, Lu Yao's heart is as happy as a flower, and the smile on his face almost overflows.

With her eyes down, she whispered: "I haven't thought about it now, and I may not think about it then.

Ji Guanxin looked at her sideways, raised his brows, looked at three points and seven points threateningly: "Who won't you marry me?"

Before she could answer, he added: "If I want to marry you, don't worry about other people's dreams, or I will discount his legs."

Lu Yao looked up and stared at him, "Where do you have such a bad temper?"

Ji Guanxin said: "The greater the ability, the greater the temper. Have you never heard this?"

Lu Yao turned to look away with a contemptuous look.

Ji Guanxin looked at the front and said as he walked: "You can find a good man like me. You really have to smile in a dream. You said that I am good looking, good in figure, and I can handle it out of home, bed and bed, you... …"

Ji Guanxin was ready to pay it back and continued. Suddenly, Lu Yao's finger was pinched severely. He was caught off guard, and he immediately let out a'hey', and habitually lowered his left shoulder, with the word'counseling' all over his face. .

Lu Yao stared at Ji Guanxin fiercely. If the expression in his eyes could kill someone, he would have killed him now.

To punish him for talking nonsense in the street, Lu Yao stopped holding hands with him, and walked forward alone with Xiao Bailian. Ji Guanxin followed her, shook his hand a few times, frowned and said, "Why are you so good at pinching people?"

It may be because of her thin fingers. Every time Ji Guanxin was pinched by her fingers, she felt like she was pinched by chopsticks and couldn't bear the pain.

Lu Yao snorted him and didn't talk to him.

Ji Guanxin walked up to her and stretched out his hand to wrap her shoulders, Lu Yao immediately took a step and avoided him. He approached cheeky again, and she avoided again.

When the two were walking on the street, people who passed by would always notice them. Lu Yao was afraid that others would recognize Ji Guanxin, so she lowered her voice and said, "Can you keep a low profile?"

Ji Guanxin said: "If you let me hold hands, I won't bother you."

Lu Yao said, "Has anyone ever said that you are annoying?"

Ji Guanxin's face remained unchanged: "People around me say I'm annoying."

Lu Yao: "...what do you think?"

Ji Guanxin said with a hippie smile: "I think it's okay, it's pretty cute."

Lu Yao couldn't laugh or cry, "Hey, uncle, you are thirty-three, can you not use words like cute to describe yourself?"

Ji Guanxin frowned, pretending to be dissatisfied, said: "Who is it called uncle? Who is it called uncle? You can call me brother, but you can't call me uncle."

Lu Yao couldn't help laughing out loud, she replied aloud: "You should be thankful that I didn't call you uncle."

Thinking about Ji Guanxin being called uncle, Lu Yao almost couldn't straighten up his waist with laughter.

Ji Guanxin was angry when he saw her small appearance, and he was so angry that he could not wait to hug her in the street.

In fact, he couldn't hold back. Taking Lu Yao's shoulders, Ji Guanxin lowered his head and said in a threatening tone: "Who is the uncle? Say it again."

Lu Yao slumped in Ji Guanxin's arms and said with a smile: "We call the uncle the uncle here. If you want to be an uncle, you have to go to Korea."

Ji Guanxin said: "Little girl film, do you want me to clean up you?"

Lu Yaoguang couldn't laugh, and Ji Guanxin suddenly picked her up, not in a horizontal hug, but straight up and down. He held it very low, so Lu Yao's body instinctively bent down.

He carried her on his shoulders, and what Lu Yao saw was his back.

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