With Love and Time

Chapter 709: People who knew it a long time ago were uncomfortable

The relationship between Lu Yao and Jian Beibei has never been better. For so many years, Lu Yao has been tolerant and tolerant to her. But for an occasion like today. Mai Jiahui's father is still lying in bed taking oxygen. Jian Beibei's appearance like a mad dog really annoys Lu Yao, so even if she doesn't want to make a noise. I still couldn’t help but go back and say: "I’ll be with whomever I am willing to be with. This is my freedom, and there is no need for you to tell me about it!"

Jane Beibei heard this. His eyes widened, he looked at Lu Yao fiercely and said, "Do you have a conscience?!"

How could Jian Chengli suddenly get into a car accident while driving under the influence? Eight out of ten things + nine are caused by Lu Yao and Ji Guanxin being together.

Jian Beibei looked at Lu Yao now. It's just like seeing a red apricot out of the wall, and this "red apricot" still blames the short wall of Jian's house.

Lu Yao is very upset. Standing here to quarrel with Jane Beibei in the public. She feels shameless.

No longer wanting to talk to Jian Beibei, Lu Yao turned to leave, and Jian Beibei subconsciously reached out and grabbed her arm. The two were about to pull. Only heard another male voice: "Yaoyao?"

Lu Yao looked up. The person who came out of the ward not far away was Qi Ji.

Qi Ji saw Jian Beibei with an angry face. Hastily walked over and pulled her away, then frowned. He lowered his voice and said, "What are you doing?"

"Family ugliness" can't be publicized. Can't Jane Beibei always say that she is cleaning up Jane Chengli's house, right? The mute eats coptis, she can only glared at Lu Yao, looking fiercely wishing to tear her apart.

Qi Ji was also partial to Lu Yao, his eyes were full of worry and distress when he looked at her, and asked aloud, "Is it okay?"

Lu Yao shook her head, blushing and didn't know how angry it was, how shame it was.

"Why didn't you come in to see Cheng Li? He happened to be awake and bored." Qi Ji thought Lu Yao was here to see Jian Cheng Li.

Jian Beibei laughed in anger, and said coldly: "People have big wrists now. They approached Ji Guanxin, but they didn't come to see my brother."

Hearing this, Qi Ji couldn't help being taken aback, his eyes were shocked, and there was also a flash of loneliness.

But soon, he said, "Babe, don't talk nonsense, last night your seventh brother watched the night, Yaoyao visited your brother."

Jane Beibei really didn't know about it, she glanced at Lu Yao. Although she was right in her heart, but she didn't forgive others: "Is it a routine business? Then I should watch it when my dad comes, otherwise no one will know her. This is a'heart'."

Qi Ji frowned and said, "Babe, can't you talk well? It's all a family..."

Jane Beibei sneered: "Come on, she treats herself as a person in our family. She knows best in her heart that my brother and my dad are also stupid, and all the blood is spilled on the dog..."

On the dog. These three characters, Jian Beibei, were already half bald, but suddenly seeing the man walking behind Lu Yao, a flash of fear flashed in her eyes, and she swallowed it alive.

Qi Ji also looked behind Lu Yao, Lu Yao turned around and saw that it was Ji Guanxin.

Ji Guanxin was wearing a coffee-colored shirt, with his chest pockets turned upside down, and his slacks on his lower body were also a complete set, a bit of a motorcycle style. Originally, he was in a good mood when he went out with Lu Yao today, but suddenly something like this happened. At this time, his eyes were red, and his face was a little pale. Although he didn't have any angry expressions, everyone was around. I can feel the pressure around him is very low.

Jian Beibei hadn't dealt with Ji Guanxin very much. The only time she was pointed at by his finger, telling her not to provoke Lu Yao in the future.

Before seeing so many people coming, Jane Beibei was never afraid, because she knew in her heart that those people would not do anything to her. But Ji Guanxin was different. She was just afraid of him. She always felt that such a person could do everything. Even if she was beaten in this hospital corridor, it was probably not impossible.

Ji Guanxin came to Lu Yao and looked at her slightly red eyes. He reached out and touched her head, then looked at Qi Ji and Jian Beibei who were on the opposite side, and said: "Which ward will Jian Cheng live in? "

Jane Beibei's heart hung up instantly, indescribably nervous and panic. Without her previous arrogance, she instinctively looked at Qi Ji beside her.

Qi Ji saw Lu Yao standing side by side with Ji Guanxin, and his self-evident petting behavior just now, and his heart was sad. There was no extra expression on his face, but he bluntly replied: "1303."

Ji Guanxin said: "I will go down with Yaoyao to buy something, and come to see him later."

After speaking, he took Lu Yao's hand, turned and walked to the other side.

On the way, Lu Yao turned her head and asked him: "Why did you come out?"

Ji Guanxin was obviously depressed, and even his voice lost the vitality of the past, but he whispered back: "The doctor said he wants to rest."

Lu Yao lowered her gaze when she heard the words. After a few seconds, she said, "Don't be too sad. After all, birth, old age, sickness and death, natural and man-made disasters, we cannot avoid."

"Yeah." Ji Guanxin replied, reached out and pressed the elevator button, then looked at her and said, "Why did you cry just now?"

Lu Yao's tears wanted to flow up again, she whispered back: "I think of my grandfather. He was also suffering from this disease at the time and went away very quickly."

Ji Guanxin felt sorry for her, and he reached out and rubbed the top of her head, and in turn coaxed her: "Okay, don't cry, we will do everything we can to our destiny."

The elevator door opened and the two walked in. Ji Guanxin didn't want her to think of bad memories, so he took the initiative to change the subject: "I'll see Jian Chengli later. Is there anything that needs attention and can't be said?"

In fact, what Lu Yao wanted the most was to let Ji Guanxin meet Jian Chengli, but sooner or later, she had to have this day, since she caught up, she had nothing to say.


"There is nothing to say, just don't fight."

Lu Yao's voice fell, Ji Guanxin couldn't help but smiled: "What is the quarrel between me and him?"

Lu Yao said: "It's not that you two have met before."

Ji Guanxin smiled and replied: "How can he be regarded as my half-brother-in-law now? Even if I don't look at the monk's face, I have to look at your Buddha face. Besides, he is like this. Why am I arguing with him?"

Lu Yao kept her eyes down, Ji Guanxin took her hand, went downstairs with her, and bought flowers, fruit baskets and some nutrients in the store in front of the hospital.

During this period, Lu Yao has been secretly doing psychological defense. It's okay, it's okay, after passing this test, from now on, she and Jian Chengli are really upright.

In eight years, Lu Yao never thought that one day, she would take her boyfriend to see Jian Chengli. Now that this day really came, she found it was not as difficult as she had expected. At least when she knocked on the door with Ji Guanxin and stepped into Jian Chengli’s ward, she didn’t feel much sadness in her heart, at most. A trace of awkwardness.

Perhaps this is the benefit of secret love, no matter when it starts or ends, it is always only one person in charge.

In the ward, Jian Chengli was still lying on the hospital bed unchanged, his right leg was half-hanged in the air in a cast.

Qi Ji didn't know where he went, only Jane Beibei was sitting on the sofa and flipping through the magazine.

Jian Chengli had already heard that Ji Guanxin was coming with Lu Yao, but when the two of them walked in with their things, his heart still stabbed uncontrollably.

Ji Guanxin looked at Jian Chengli who was wearing a hospital gown, took the initiative to curl his lips, and said with a faint smile, "How is your body?"

Jian Chengli also curled up his lips and replied with a faint smile: "It's okay, I'm dead, not dead."

Ji Guanxin put things on the side table. Hearing this, he turned his head and glanced at Jian Chengli, then smiled: "I think people are very accurate. People who can do things generally have a lot of life."

Jian Cheng did not change his face, and replied aloud: "Is that right? I didn't expect you to see your face."

Ji Guanxin sat on the sofa and followed his words and said: "When I first saw you, I knew that we would definitely get in touch with each other in the future. No, it's fulfilled."

With that said, Ji Guanxin glanced at Lu Yao beside him, and he couldn't stop the petting look in his eyes.

Jian Chengli also looked at Lu Yao. Lu Yao lowered her head and pretended to organize things, her face flushed, embarrassed and nervous.

With a smile on his face, Jian Chengli's eyes are deep and dark, but there is a deep and dark ocean. At first glance, it looks calm, but under this calm, it is likely that the storm is about to be hidden.

"How are you and Yaoyao?" Jian Chengli asked.

Ji Guanxin held up Lu Yao's hand beside him, smiled and replied, "Which way do you ask?"

Jian Cheng Li was stunned, but was silent.

Lu Yao was sitting on pins and needles, and couldn't even say a word after entering the door for a long time.

She couldn't sit still anymore, she got up from the sofa, Ji Guanxin asked softly, "What are you doing?"

Lu Yao picked up the lily on the table and replied aloud: "Change the flower."

The vase was next to Jian Chengli's bed, with a bunch of champagne roses that Jane Beibei had bought. Lu Yao walked over without squinting, she could feel Jian Chengli watching her, but she really couldn't think of anything to say to him, so she could just bite the bullet and stop talking.

This is the closest time Lu Yao has been to Jian Chengli in the past two days. She stood next to Jian Chengli, picked up the vase on the bedside table, and Jian Chengli glanced at her. With this look, she just saw a red mark hidden behind her collar.


Knowing that she is with Ji Guanxin, Jian Chengli has been deceiving herself in her heart, but just fell in love together.

Suddenly seeing the marks on her body, he almost subconsciously clenched into a fist.

Lu Yao quickly walked away after taking the vase, and found nothing unusual about Jian Chengli.

Jane Beibei had planned to help if Jian Chengli quarreled with them, she was there. But looking at the atmosphere, Jian Chengli didn't say anything.

She also found an excuse and went out with Lu Yao.

In a blink of an eye, only Ji Guanxin and Jian Chengli were left in the ward.

After Lu Yao left, Ji Guanxin looked at Jian Chengli. He smiled and said: "The police station should have sent someone to contact you. It is not convenient for you to leave the hospital. You can ask someone from the company to make news for you. "

Jian Chengli turned his head to look at Ji Guanxin on the sofa, his lips opened, and he said, "Yaoyao asked you to help me?"

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