With Love and Time

Chapter 624: She tells the truth, he doesn't believe it

Ji Guanxin went out of the private room with Lu Yao. He was about to scold her when she saw her waist bend. Immediately stretched out his hand to cover his mouth.

He held down the wall. She ran in the direction of the bathroom, and he followed her, watching her rush into the men's bathroom. It is too late to call her. I had to calm down and quickly follow.

There are other men in the bathroom. Lu Yao couldn't take care of so much, she couldn't see clearly without wearing glasses. Just randomly pushed a compartment open, bent down to search for vomiting.

When Ji Guanxin came in. Several men were staring at Lu Yao. He stepped forward with a dark face. I wanted to scold, but it was more disgusting, so I took two steps back.

Lu Yao can vomit for three minutes. Spit up to no acid water. This flushed the toilet. Lean on the wall and walk out. His head was dizzy, as if he had drunk too much. But she still knew clearly who the man was standing not far in front of her.

Ji Guanxin's anger has been mostly relieved at this moment, and he looked at Lu Yao coldly at the rash. He put his hands in his trouser pockets and did not speak, waiting for her to speak first.

Lu Yao clenched her fist, resisting the tingling all over her body, her lips opened and she said, "How can you let Jian Chengli go?"

Ji Guanxin's face was faint, and he replied aloud: "What do you mean by this? When did I catch Jian Cheng Li?"

Lu Yao knew that he asked knowingly, and pursed her lower lip, she spoke again, with a lot of helplessness and humbleness in her voice: "I'm sorry, I apologize to you for Jian Chengli, please forgive him."

Ji Guanxin looked at Lu Yao without blinking and said, "What did he do wrong?"

Lu Yao said very hard: "I shouldn't be against you."

Ji Guanxin curled his lips and smiled faintly: "Everyone is in this industry. If I let me explode his information, I will allow him to report my information. How can I tell the truth."

These words were Lu Yao's original words, but now Ji Guanxin returns them to her.

Lu Yao had to endure the itch of ants all over her heart, while she had to panic and dizzy. Face to face with Ji Guanxin, she almost couldn't see clearly the expression on his face.

After finally opening his mouth, Lu Yao said, "Ji Guanxin, I am here to apologize to you sincerely, and hope you forgive Jian Chengli."

When Ji Guanxin saw her talking, she was panting, and her fair skin was covered with a red rash, which made him upset. But he still said calmly: "Jian Chengli did something wrong, let him apologize to me, do you need to say sorry to me for him?"

Lu Yao said: "Jian Chengli can't take drugs..."

Ji Guanxin picked up her beautiful eyes and sneered: "Then what do you mean? The police caught the wrong person? Tell the police about this. What's the use of telling me, I don't count it."

Lu Yao frowned lightly and tried her best to endure it. Every word she said is very laborious, and her breathing is a little short. She whispered: "Ji Guanxin, how can you release Jian Chengli?"

There was no one else in the bathroom. Ji Guanxin put his hands in his trouser pockets and looked at Lu Yao who was'tragically' in front of him. He suddenly lost his interest in playing with her, so he told her directly: "Lu Yao, I have reminded you a long time ago. You are not obedient. Haven't you ever heard of "I would rather tear down ten temples than ruin a marriage"? Zhou Mengyi originally wanted to reconcile with Chen Youlun, but because of the news about your brother's company, they are now becoming pornographic. Since your brother wants fire so much, then I will help him and let him fire to the end."

Ji Guanxin's remarks have already admitted that this matter has something to do with him. Lu Yao frowned and said in a low voice, "Ji Guanxin, I beg you, can you not treat the two companies as a personal grievance?"

According to Ji Guan's news, he sneered directly, and then said: "It seems that you really don't understand me. I am a person who is always public and private. Who offends me or provokes people around me, I will do whatever it takes to make the other party pay. "

Lu Yao wanted to talk, but there was a sudden rumbling in her ears, and then her shortness of breath, and her eyes were lost.

Ji Guanxin watched Lu Yao slowly squatted down while clutching her chest. He was taken aback, and he couldn't tell whether she was allergic to seafood or something.

Two steps forward, he patted her on the back, frowning and said: "Hey, Lu Yao... don't pretend to me, get up quickly..."

Before the word came out, Lu Yao had fallen.

At this moment, Ji Guanxin finally knew that she was not pretending, and he bent down, hugged her horizontally, and he turned and walked outside the bathroom.

The waiter in the corridor was shocked when he saw the guest.

Ji Guanxin hugged Lu Yao all the way out of the hotel. On the way to drive her to the hospital, he turned his head to look at her. She was soft on the co-pilot, as if there were no bones, her eyes were closed, if not seeing With her slightly rising and falling chest, he almost thought she was dead.

Unknowingly, Ji Guanxin's throttle was a bit deeper. Driving to the nearest hospital, he picked her up and carried her in. The nurse in the hospital pushed the bed cart over to pick her up, and waited until Lu Yao was pushed into the emergency room, and Ji Guanxin stood outside and breathed a sigh of relief.

Tossing along the way, a thin layer of sweat appeared on his forehead, not to mention, his heart was also scratching his heart, making him restless.

auzw.com The phone rang, and when I took it out, Zhang Danqing was calling.

"Hello." Ji Guanxin connected, still looking at the direction of the emergency room.

Zhang Danqing said: "What's the matter? Someone said that she saw you go out holding Lu Yao, what happened to her?"

Ji Guanxin was irritable, and even his tone was full of impatience: "I'm dizzy, I just sent her to the hospital."

"Ah? Really dizzy or fake? Nothing will happen. Look at her red rash. Cheng Lin said it might be a seafood allergy. I have a relative who died suddenly from a seafood allergy."

Zhang Danqing really didn't see how stinky Ji Guanxin's face was at this moment. His voice fell, and Ji Guanxin immediately said, "Can you expect her to be better?"

Zhang Danqing said, "Why don't I expect her to be better? So many people saw her coming in, and seeing you holding her out. If she has a long and two shortcomings, tut, you really can't tell."

Ji Guanxin frowned and said, "Okay, I'm hanging up."

After hanging up the phone, Ji Guanxin stared at the direction of the emergency room, this dead girl, he said she came to touch porcelain, she really didn't disappoint him.

Standing at the door for ten or twenty minutes, the door opened, and a little nurse came out from inside. Ji Guanxin stepped forward and asked aloud: "How is it?"

The little nurse looked up at Ji Guanxin, her eyes widened, and she raised her eyebrows and said, "Are you Ji Guanxin?"

Ji Guanxin resisted the urge to go wild, nodded casually, and continued: "How about the person who just pushed forward?"

The little nurse also suppressed the excitement and replied aloud: "She has a food allergy, which is very serious. She was in shock just now. We lavage her stomach and apply medicine again. We will wait for the doctor to come out. You can go in and see her."

Ji Guanxin knows that gastric lavage suffers a lot, and the shock...is it too serious?

There was a trace of guilt in his heart, although it was only a flash.

When the little nurse left, she turned her head three times, for fear that Ji Guanxin would disappear in a blink of an eye.

Ji Guanxin stood at the door and waited for a while. After a while, the doctor came out from inside. Ji Guanxin stepped forward and said, "Doctor, is she all right?"

The doctor took off the mask and replied: "While hanging water, the patient's family had better accompany her. She will still be itchy when she wakes up later. Don't let her scratch, because it will leave scars if you scratch it."

After the doctor left, Ji Guanxin opened the door of the emergency room and walked in.

Lu Yao was lying on the hospital bed with a thin white sheet covering her body. One arm was exposed for dripping. The whole arm, including her neck and face, were all flushed, although it was better than when she was in a restaurant. Still scary.

Ji Guanxin stood at the end of the bed with his brows raised and looked at her. This was the first time he saw her with her eyes closed, without the guard and estrangement of the past, just sleeping quietly. I don't know why, she is so good, but Ji Guanxin still doesn't think she is ugly. Maybe he has seen her look good and knows that she is like this only for a while.

They all say that they are obsessed with sex. When he was young, Ji Guanxinxin, but in the past three years he has been very pure-hearted, and there is no girlfriend around him. Zhang Danqing and Mai Jiahui both said that he can go if he abstains from meat. Became a monk.

I am old, have played, and my heart is quiet, and I will not be fooled by beauty. But Lu Yao’s face, coupled with her figure which is concave and convex under the sheets...

Ji Guanxin's gaze slid all the way from Lu Yao's neck. He was in a daze. He woke up in an instant. What is he doing? This is the hospital, and Lu Yao is fortunately lying on the hospital bed.

Forcibly shaking away the unhealthy things in his mind, Ji Guanxin came from the end of the bed to the head of the bed, staring down at Lu Yao's flushed face, he lifted the back of his hand and pasted it.

It's hot. Like old iron.

With furrowed brows, Ji Guanxin turned around and walked out of the ward. He casually drew the little nurse who was passing by in the corridor. He asked aloud, "Nurse, do you have a fever if you are allergic to seafood?"

The little nurse was surprised when she saw Ji Guanxin. She stared at her eyes and just about to speak. Ji Guanxin said before her: "I am Ji Guanxin. My friend is in the emergency room now. His face is hot and burning badly."

When the little nurse reached her lips, she was stunned and swallowed. She said, "I'll take a look."

Returning to the emergency room, the young nurse looked at Lu Yao's condition, then turned to Ji Guanxin and said, "She is considered to be a more serious type of allergies. If she is delivered late or eats more, she may be life-threatening. I'll get you an ice bag, and you can help her apply ice here."

After that, the little nurse stepped out. Ji Guanxin wanted to say, ‘Do you think I’m like a okay person?’ But looking at Lu Yao on the bed, he didn’t say anything.

Forget it, when he was unlucky, she said that she was allergic to seafood, but he didn't believe it. Now it's a real newspaper. She sits on the bed at night to serve her.

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