Witcher at Hogwarts

Chapter 281 Battle with Death Eaters

Ethan clearly heard the sound of the boy's bones breaking, and he understood that at such a high distance, such a small child must be in danger.

The group of Death Eaters were shocked at first when faced with this sudden situation.

Then the group of Death Eaters burst into laughter, and many Death Eaters even loudly boasted about the good work of the dark wizard who just threw the little boy to death.

The Aurors present all gritted their teeth in hatred.

Penello's eyes turned red when he looked at the little body lying on the ground.

Mr. Roberts' family floating above let out desperate and sad cries.

They really don't understand why they suddenly fell into this miserable situation.

"Why are you crying! It's your turn soon!" A Death Eater shouted impatiently upwards.

"Now!" Ethan shouted.

"Shattered to pieces!" Ethan pointed his wand at the wizard who just killed the little boy and shouted.

A particularly thick and violent curse roared towards the wizard. The crushing curse could only break bones at most.

At this time, it showed terrible effects.

The wizard was shattered into pieces by the crushing spell, and plasma and minced flesh exploded among the Death Eaters.

It instantly caused quite a bit of chaos among the Death Eaters.

Mr. Roberts and his family suddenly lost control and fell down.

Fortunately, due to Ethan's instructions just now, they were all caught by the other Aurors using levitation spells.

Next, the group of Death Eaters will be the unlucky ones.

The ones who reacted fastest were actually the student team trained by Ethan.

Several powerful spells rushed towards the rebellious Death Eaters with roaring sounds.

In the chaos, several Death Eaters were unable to defend themselves and were hit by the curse.

Along with the crisp sound of bones breaking, several Death Eaters were directly hit by the curse and flew up.

Then he fell heavily to the ground, motionless and his life and death unknown.

The remaining Death Eaters reacted quickly, took out their wands, cast an Iron Armor Curse on themselves, and then started fighting with the students present.

The Aurors soon joined the battle. With the combined efforts of the Aurors and the Magical Crisis Response Team, the balance of victory gradually tilted towards the Ministry of Magic.

The Death Eaters at this time were in a state of misery, and many of the people making trouble were not even official Death Eaters.

Some of them had brought many Gallons from pure-blood families to deliberately create chaos, and more were just rogues who took advantage of the chaos to cause trouble.

Originally, they expected that the Ministry of Magic would ignore the law and would not deal with them. At most, they would be detained in Azkaban for a few days.

Since there are no Dementors in Azkaban, Azkaban has no deterrent effect at this time.

At this time, the development of things had seriously exceeded their expectations, and many Death Eaters had begun to be afraid when Ethan appeared.

Ethan's cruel treatment of Barty Crouch Jr. and Peter Pettigrew scared many Death Eaters.

Now, they have suffered heavy casualties. Compared with the non-lethal magic of the Aurors, the attack of the Magical Crisis Response Team is more cruel.

The arrows fired by the crossbow ruthlessly broke through the defense of the iron armor spell and penetrated deeply into their bodies.

After a while, the Death Eater team experienced serious attrition.

The Magical Crisis Response Team's first operation was so good that it even exceeded Ethan's expectations.

They did not have the panic caused by the battle as expected, but instead carried out the attack calmly and in an orderly manner.

Due to the brutal persecution of Muggles by this group of Death Eaters, the students of the Magical Crisis Response Team showed no mercy to them.

With wands in their right hands and crossbows in their left hands, they calmly attacked the Death Eaters.

They didn't hold anything back. Many Death Eaters were directly pierced through the neck by sharp crossbow arrows, and even shot into the heart, and died immediately.

Finally, the fighting will of this ragtag group of Death Eaters finally collapsed.

They cast an iron armor spell on themselves and fled backwards in panic.

But their path was soon blocked.

Moody led several Aurors to cut off their retreat, and Alastor Moody completely subdued the fleeing Death Eaters in a few strokes.

Alastor Moody saw Ethan and hurried towards Ethan with long strides.

"Ethan, what's going on? Who are these madmen one by one?" Alastor Moody's magic eyes quickly locked on the dead bodies lying on the ground.

"Oh my god! Ethan! You killed them all? This is against the rules!" Alastor Moody shouted at Ethan in shock.

At this time, Ethan could still hear crying, howling, explosions and wild laughter coming from the camp in the distance.

This means that there are more than just the wave of Death Eaters causing trouble.

"They are killing Muggles! Mr. Moody!" Ethan frowned and said to Alastor Moody.

Alastor Moody is an old-school tough guy who is also very old-fashioned.

He was very famous in the 1970s. He used physical methods to convert many Death Eaters into evil ways without violating the Ministry of Magic's use of the Unforgivable Curse.

Although these Death Eaters often broke their noses and shattered their knees, they all solemnly announced in the end that they had completely left the Death Eater ranks.

Alastor Moody is an old-fashioned man who always upholds justice in the way he thinks is right.

But now, Ethan's behavior far exceeded his expectations.

"Ethan, you have seriously violated the laws of the Ministry of Magic! You can't just kill them! You are a law enforcement officer! Not an executioner!" Moody shouted to Ethan.

The last massacre Ethan carried out in Knockturn Alley had already made Alastor Moody very dissatisfied.

However, Dumbledore and Fudge, the two wizarding bosses, asked Moody not to worry about it.

Moody finally reluctantly gave up on the matter.

But now, Ethan is recklessly killing people again in front of him, and Moody can't just sit idly by.

"Moody, look!" Ethan pointed with his finger at the little boy's cold body lying on the ground.

And Mr. Roberts and his family, who were silent in pain and being comforted by Aurors, said to Moody.

Moody's normal eye flashed for a brief moment of struggle and hesitation.

But in the end he became determined.

"They should be tried by the Ministry of Magic if they have committed a crime! Instead of being executed here by you without any legal trial! Ethan! You can easily use magic to make them incapacitated, or even stun or beat them Damn it! But you still killed them! How are you different from them!" Moody said again.

But his voice had become weaker at this time, no longer as tough as before.

"Probably - I'm protecting good people and fighting criminals?" Ethan stared at Moody closely and said, "Now, do you want to arrest me? Moody?"

Ethan locked his amber cat eyes tightly on Moody's face and spoke word by word.

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