Witcher at Hogwarts

Chapter 162 Ethan’s Patronus

Other dementors floating around the train were attracted by the screams.

After a while, the carriage was surrounded by dementors.

The temperature in the carriage has dropped a lot, and the train's glass windows have been frozen with a thick layer of ice.

No one spoke in the entire train at this time, except for the soft cries of some frightened junior wizards.

Sirius Black's face was pale. He had the deepest understanding of Dementors. He felt that everyone present today was already in danger.

The only thing he could do was to block Harry behind him more tightly.

Hermione bit her lower lip tightly, and she also knew that the current situation was very critical.

She could tell at a glance that Professor Ethan had used the Seal of Arden, and she understood that this was why Professor Ethan could deal with the Dementors with his bare hands.

At first, Hermione was delighted that Professor Ethan could defeat the Dementors with his bare hands, but when she saw so many Dementors besieging the carriage, Hermione was also frightened.

Ron and Neville huddled together, shivering either from the cold or from fear.

Hermione tried hard to stand up. She knew how to sign Arden, and she wanted to help Professor Ethan.

But Hermione herself was actually very scared, and anyone who looked at the secret and numbing dementor theories out there would be timid.

Hermione kept cheering herself up in her heart. Finally, she gritted her teeth, stood up, opened the carriage door and walked out. She wanted to help Professor Ethan.

Professor Lupine tried to hold Hermione, but was a step too slow and failed to do so.

The moment she opened the carriage door, she saw Penello also standing in the corridor.

The two little witches looked at each other and nodded. They saw determination in each other's eyes.

"What are you two doing out here? Go back quickly!" The courage that had just been ignited in Hermione and Penello's hearts was immediately extinguished by Ethan.

Ethan forcibly pushed the two little witches with excess courage and enthusiasm back into the box, leaving him alone to deal with the hordes of dementors.

Ethan looked like a lone hero when he faced the hordes of dementors alone.

The little wizards hiding in the box looked at Ethan through the glass with stars in their eyes.

Little wizards of this age are most attracted to characters such as lonely heroes.

Taking advantage of Ethan's opportunity to push Hermione and Penello back into the carriage, the dementors seemed to have received some order and swarmed towards Ethan.

Ethan flicked his wrist, and the wand popped into his hand.

Seeing the wand in Ethan's hand, the dementors started making noise again.

The core of Ethan's wand is made from the spinal cord of dementors. The dementors must have sensed this in some way and suddenly became extremely angry.

Even the Dementor, whose neck was stepped on by Ethan and lying at his feet, howled angrily.

The group of dementors rushed towards Ethan aggressively, "Call the gods to protect you!" Ethan pulled out his wand and shouted loudly.

Ethan thought back to when he first joined the Witchers, when he was training in Kaer Morhen, and when he and Geralt sneaked into the Queen Toussaint vineyard to steal grapes.

At this time, a huge, bright silver creature jumped out from the tip of his staff. It had huge wings and a sharp mouth. Ethan recognized it as a griffon.

The gryphon rushed into the group of dementors arrogantly. The dementors met the gryphon patron saint like a hot knife meeting butter, and they quickly collapsed.

The griffins attacked the dementors fiercely, forcing the dementors to retreat, break up, and escape.

After a while, all the dementors were gone.

Only the Dementor, who was stepped on by Ethan's feet, was lying quietly on the ground trying to reduce his presence.

The griffin drove away the dementors and stopped tightly in the corridor, looking at Ethan with its big silver eyes.

Soon, the griffon discovered the dementor being stepped on by Ethan, and it took a few steps forward and walked in front of Ethan.

Then the griffin leaned down and pecked the dementor's head hard twice. The dementor screamed and dissipated into a pile of black mist.

Then the silver gryphon nodded lightly to Ethan and disappeared.

The suffocating cold air finally disappeared, and the warm feeling finally returned.

The train began to vibrate slightly, and the Hogwarts Express finally started moving again, and the lights inside the car turned on one by one.

The train became quiet for a moment, and then huge cheers filled the entire train.

The students at Hogwarts clapped vigorously and rushed towards Ethan with cheers.

Hermione's eyes flashed, and while Professor Ethan was closest to her, she jumped directly into Ethan's arms and gave Ethan a big hug.

Then the two of them were surrounded by the little wizards who came over.

At this time, everyone felt like they were surviving the disaster, and this feeling made everyone celebrate particularly crazily. Everyone is venting the fear they just had.

Everyone on the train was eager to express their respect to Professor Ethan.

The food cart on the train became the biggest beneficiary, and all the snacks were sold out by the little wizards in an instant.

After the recent crisis, everyone now needs to replenish themselves with sweet treats.

Harry felt a little calmer as he ate the chocolate Professor Lupin gave him.

He had already heard from others about the dementors guarding Azkaban who had just attacked the train.

But why the dementors directly attacked the train is unclear.

Professor Lupine gave everyone a piece of chocolate, and everyone ate it. Ron's face was still a little pale, and he had not yet recovered from the shadow just now.

Percy, Fred and George had just come to their carriage to see if their little sister and brother were injured.

Seeing that Ginny and Ron were fine and just frightened, he comforted them, left some candies for Ginny and Ron, and returned to his box.

Harry began to think of Mr. White who had just blocked him behind him. He could see that Mr. White was really trying his best to protect himself.

This made Harry a little confused as to why Mr. White was so kind to him.

Before he could think about it, there were two loud whistles from the train, which meant that the train had arrived at the station. Unknowingly, everyone had arrived at Hogwarts.

The surrounding area suddenly became noisy and busy, and the pets brought by the students were all barking loudly.

Professor Lupin left first, but Harry, Ron and Hermione didn't want to be too crowded, so they waited for other students to leave first.

Loud shouts for Hagrid's first-year wizards to gather could be heard outside the train.

After everyone else had almost left, Harry, Ron and Hermione got off the train.

At this time, Hagrid had already walked far away, but he still saw the three of them and waved to them from a distance as a greeting.

Hermione responded to Hagrid nonchalantly, and then worriedly reminded her two friends to look up to the sky.

Harry and Ron looked in the direction Hermione pointed, and their hearts sank. There were many dementors floating in the air, looking down, as if looking for something.

Harry could almost feel the dementors' cold gaze, which made Harry shudder and shrink his neck subconsciously.

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